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Catherine Grusovnik, CPT CHC


✨ Guiding Myself and Others To a Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit Through 💪Mentorship 💛Nutrition 🙏🏼Yoga with 💫The Energy of the Moon and Stars.
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Sunsets are beautiful but especially after a rain storm. This brought peace to my soul. ✨ May you sleep peacefully... ✨ May you dream sweetly... ✨ May you wake refreshed and renewed. It's time and you're worth it!
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1 gün önce
What a beautiful, bright, happy flower picture 🏵️ Just what's needed on a rainy day! Wishing you a happy Sunday ✨
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1 gün önce
Welp...I haven't felt so activated lately! June 20th was my first day off in a stretch of 10 days before the summer program starts on the 1st. I had a great week planned for prepping and engagement because there are so many wonderful things happening and I could use that time block to completely focus on my dream. And...I got sick. Was it the dreaded summer cold or was it my nervous system finally relaxing and all the stresses of life catching up with me. I'm thinking a combo of the two. What I learned... ✨ The "work" will still be there. ✨ Social media engagement will pick up again. ✨ If you don't make time to rest...your body will make the time! ✨ The announcements will happen in the perfect time. ✨ Be kind to myself. ✨ A week down and out and sick doesn't make me a failure...it makes me human. ✨ Of course I'm activated...my cells have my back! ✨ You can be disciplined as long as you're disciplined in rest too! So what does all that mean? ✨The space between discipline and rest is flow not force✨ Build your dream, your empire...but enjoy and find success in the flow! It's time and you're worth it! Like and follow for more ✨ Comment and let me know what you think!
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1 gün önce
This video was too beautiful to not share again... My message is simple... ✨ Some days are tough and you wonder what in the world is happening...and it's ok to wonder. ✨ But don't get stuck on the negative side of that wonder. ✨ Step outside, face the wind and let the wind carry it away. (Obviously not in a storm, stay safe 😉) You can have the life of your dreams...one step at a time! ✨ It's time and you're worth it! Hey, we all need reminders sometimes! ✨ Like and follow for more ✨
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7 gün önce
✨ Hello...it's me...Cat G ✨ I'm just over here walking the path of my journey, personally, professionally and spiritually. Some people said I would never do it but guess what... I'm doing it 💯 I'm building something I'm so proud of! ✨ Don't let the naysayers steer you away from your purpose! ✨ Like and follow for upcoming announcements this week
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8 gün önce
What does it mean for you to be activated? ✨ I am activated from a cellular level. ✨ I am flipping the switch on aging. ✨ I am stepping up my health! It doesn't have to be difficult! Small, consistent changes equals growth...mind body and soul. Are you ready? Are you curious? Do you want to be activated? Do you want to prove your health from a cellular level? Do you want to flip the switch on aging? Do you want to just feel better? ✨ It's time and your worth it! Drop "I'm Ready" for more information
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8 gün önce
Taking a moment to breathe intentionally, takes us out of the chaos, clears the mind and allows us to return to the chaos with the ability to make better decisions...know when to speak and not speak...and allows the heart to flow not pound...so we can breathe out natural pace again. ✨ You are worthy of that moment ✨ Your body is worthy of calm ✨ Your mind is worthy of peace It's your time and you're worth it! ✨ Like and follow for more ✨
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9 gün önce
🌡️It's that time of year again and it's been brutal the past couple days. 🔥 Please pay attention and keep yourself safe! 🌡️ Check on loved ones and neighbors... especially the elderly and sick! 💦 Stay hydrated! #americanheartassociation
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10 gün önce
Happy International Yoga Day 🧘🏼‍♀️ ✨ Yoga isn't about putting yourself in a pretzel... ✨ It's about connecting to yourself... ✨ Joining your breath to movement... ✨ Honoring the connection of your breath and the beat of your heart. When was the last time you stopped, felt your heartbeat, felt your breath move through your nose and put your mouth? When was the last time you had gratitude for your breath and beat? ✨ There is magic in those moments! Don't deny yourself those beautiful moments. ✨ On this International Yoga Day, allow yourself the privilege to honor your magic within b ✨ Like and follow for more ✨
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10 gün önce
May the healing magic of this beautiful day guide you into the warm, bright days to come ✨
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11 gün önce
Today's the day! The day to get things moving forward! ✨ Set your intention ✨ Put the blinders on ✨ Be bold ✨ Make it happen! What are you working on? What are you going to make happen? ✨ It's your time and you're worth it! Share below what you're working on ⬇️
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11 gün önce
May you enjoy the beauty and magic of today ☀️ Some Summer Solstice Tips: ✨ Watch the sun rise and set ✨ Go for a walk/hike in nature ✨ Bring beautiful flowers into the home ✨ Hang sun catchers ✨ Light candles ✨ Charge your sun friendly crystals ✨ Journal, meditate, visualize ✨ Practice yoga ✨ Give gratitude for your many blessings ✨ Have a bonfire and enjoy the ending of a beautiful day. These are just some suggestions. You don't have to do all of them or stress over not being able to do some. Honor this beautiful day as you feel fit in your heart. I love lighting candles, walking in nature, practicing Sun Salutations, meditating and journaling. This year I feel particularly enamored by the Summer Solstice and I think it's because we are also in the energy of the first full moon of summer...the strawberry moon. A beautiful time to release what's been holding you back and harnessing the beauty of the solstice to project the next 94 days of summer. ✨ Be intentional, be bold and be brave. It's time and you're worth it! ✨ How will you honor this magical day?
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11 gün önce