Ria Mukherjee


🏆ONLINE PHYSIO & NUTRITIONIST 📳 DM to book consultation Dr. Debdutta Mukherjee (PT) 🎓 MPT (Ortho & Sports) Reduce pain & move better! 🏋️ 📍india
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Who can give Physiotherapy ? ONLY Physical Therapists 🙂 Just like a Dentist cannot operate on your stomach, a General surgeon cannot operate on your brain, exactly like that No other DOCTOR/or any other quack can give physical therapy except for qualified Physiotherapists. ‼️ Yes, not even Orthopaedic Doctors. They can treat you for your bone/joint related ailments with medicine/surgery , not with exercise ❌ Physical Therapists - are doctors specialised in therapy that helps maintain /improve Quality of Life, Strength, Balance, agility & overall physical fitness affected due to an injury or other health ailments. We use therapeutic EXERCISES & sometimes additional therapeutic techniques such as dry needling, cupping, taping, massage (very very rarely) PHYSICAL THERAPY - is for every stage of life. Infants-children-Young Adults- Middle age-Old Age And it is for every profession : Sportsman- Desk job workers- House wives - Students- Physically strenuous jobs If you want to improve your health, age better and stronger, recover from an old/existing injury - DM me for a consult! Or go visit your nearest Physiotherapist! #doctorsday
2 gün önce
When the question is about quality of life, physiotherapy is the answer.
4 gün önce
Do you have weak ankles? Tired of constantly getting ankle sprains? Here are 2 ankle exercises you can use to improve your ankle stability and strengthen. These 2 exercises work your medial and lateral stabilisers along with your soleus to help lower your risk of ankle sprains and prevent ankle injuries. If you’d like my help with your rehab goals, head to the top of my page for virtual consults or programs. Save this & check my page out for more physio tips! Happy Wednesday 🤍 💡 Please note that these are general examples, and what you may need individually for your specific situation may differ. ⚠️ Disclaimer: this is for educational purposes and not intended for specific medical advice. . . . . . . . #weakankles #anklesprain #anklesprains #anklestability #ankleexercises #anklerehab #injuryprevention #anklepain #physiotips
7 gün önce
Are you struggling with stiff hips? Want to improve your hip mobility? Here are 3 moves you can use to improve your hip mobility and reduce the feeling of stiff hips. Be sure to work within a pain free range, focus on your breathing and do these consistently to see the benefits! If you’d like my help with your rehab goals, head to the top of my page for virtual consults or programs. Save this & check my page out for more physio tips! Happy Monday 🤍 💡 Please note that these are general examples, and what you may need individually for your specific situation may differ. ⚠️ Disclaimer: this is for educational purposes and not intended for specific medical advice. . . . . . . . #stiffhips #hipmobility #hipmobilitywork #hipmobilityexercises #hipmobilitydrills #hippainrelief #backpainrelief #injuryprevention #healthyhabits #physiotips
9 gün önce
Ever stumbled upon recipes so simple yet so inviting, you can’t help but want to try them all? That’s the magic of FitCru for @dr.riamukherjee.physio It’s like having a friend in the kitchen, guiding you, cheering you on. If you’ve been looking for a sign to transform your eating habits, consider this it. Join me on this delightful journey with @myfitcru , where every meal is a promise of simplicity, health, and joy. Let’s make wellness an effortless part of our lives! #HeartfeltMeals #FitCruFamily #healthpodcast #indianhealthpodcast #indianpodcast #podcastteaser #thefitcrushow #prateekkumar #BollywoodHealthSecrets #SimpleKaulOnFitCru #TVStarWorkout #CelebrityFitnessJourney #NutritionInsights #BollywoodWellness #FitCruInspiration #HealthyLifestyleTips #ScreenToGym
12 gün önce
Are you sat at your desk all day? Here are 3 full body stretches that you can do at your desk! Use these to break up your day and try to work them into your daily routine to reap the benefits! Follow the tips provided in the video and try to do 5-10 of these are a time. If you’d like my help with your rehab goals, head to the top of my page for virtual consults or programs. Save this & check my page out for more physio tips! Happy Monday 🤍 💡 Please note that these are general examples, and what you may need individually for your specific situation may differ. ⚠️ Disclaimer: this is for educational purposes and not intended for specific medical advice. . . . . . . . #deskstretch #deskstretches #healthyhabits #healthylivingtips #spinalhealth #backpainrelief #neckpainrelief #hippainrelief #physiotips
16 gün önce
🏃‍♂️💥 Curious about the most common injuries that plague runners? 🤕 From shin splints to IT band syndrome, our guest @dr.riamukherjee.physio dives into the nitty-gritty of what every athlete should know. But fear not! They're also sharing practical tips that everyday runners can incorporate to stay injury-free and keep those miles enjoyable! 🌟 Tune in for the scoop! #RunningInjuries #ExpertAdvice #healthpodcast #health #fitness #podcast #transformation #fatlossprogram
17 gün önce
Implementation of Tiered Pricing for Physiotherapists: 1. Experience-Based Tiers: - Entry-Level Tier: Services provided by newly qualified physiotherapists or those with limited experience. These services are priced lower to attract clients and allow new physiotherapists to build their skills and client base. - Mid-Level Tier : Services provided by physiotherapists with several years of experience and a proven track record of successful patient outcomes. These services are priced higher than entry-level but still affordable. - Senior/Expert Tier: Services provided by highly experienced physiotherapists, often with additional certifications or specializations. These are premium-priced services reflecting the therapist’s expertise and extensive experience. 2. Specialization-Based Tiers: - General Physiotherapy: Standard physiotherapy services such as injury recovery, general pain management, and basic rehabilitation. These are priced moderately. - Specialized Services: Services in niche areas like sports physiotherapy, neurological rehabilitation, pediatric physiotherapy, or chronic pain management. These are priced higher due to the specialized skills and knowledge required. 3. Service Complexity Tiers: - Basic Services: Routine assessments, simple treatments, and follow-up appointments. These are the most affordable tier. - Intermediate Services: More complex treatments involving multiple techniques, longer sessions, and individualized care plans. These are priced higher. - Advanced Services: Highly specialized treatments, comprehensive rehabilitation programs, and advanced diagnostic assessments. These are the highest priced due to the complexity and expertise involved.
20 gün önce
Old school posture advice :😇 "X" posture is good posture! If you dont sit/ stand with this posture, you'll end up having PAIN & DYSFUNCTION New school Posture advice: No one Posture is "good" or "bad" !! Your Focus should be on moving more often and utilizing postures that are more comfortable! 📱A 2021 paper found that the time 238 volunteers spent in flexion looking at their phone did NOT correlate to their pain. NO ONE has "perfect" alignment or posture because it doesn't exist - It's IMPOSSIBLE to objectively measure "perfect" alignment when there is so much NORMAL VARIATION among different individuals - So instead of worrying about achieving a "PERFECT POSTURE" that doesn't exist, focus more on how your body position affects your function and comfort - Follow @dr.riamukherjee.physio @physioedd for more ! Ref: 1. The straight and narrow of posture: Current clinical concepts A Smythe, M Jivanjee - Australian Journal of General Practice, 2021 2. Orthop Sports Phys Ther . 2019 "Sit Up Straight": Time to Re-evaluate, peter o' sullivan 3. J Biomech. 2020. No consensus on causality of spine postures or physical exposure and low back pain: A systematic review of systematic reviews 4. BMC Musculoskelet Disord . 2014 , Comparing lumbo-pelvic kinematics in people with and without back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis Robert A Laird #posture #posturecorrection #postureexercises #physio #backpain #neckpain #spinepain #lowbackpain #gym #physioedd #textneck #stiffneck #physiotherapy #pain #physio #physicaltherapy #deskjob #officejob #textneck
20 gün önce
Solutions To address these issues and encourage physiotherapists to charge more, the following strategies can be employed: . . 1. Professional Development and Specialization: - Encourage physiotherapists to specialize in niche areas (e.g., sports physiotherapy, pediatric physiotherapy, neurological rehabilitation) where they can justify higher fees due to specialized skills. . . 2. Education on Value Proposition: - Provide education and training on how to communicate the value of physiotherapy services to clients. Highlighting outcomes, patient satisfaction, and the long-term benefits of physiotherapy can help shift perceptions. . . 3. Advocacy and Policy Change: - Work with professional organizations to advocate for better reimbursement rates from insurance companies. Collective bargaining can help uplift the entire profession. . . 4. Implementing a Tiered Pricing Structure: - Introduce a tiered pricing structure where more experienced or specialized physiotherapists can charge higher fees. This can provide a pathway for younger professionals to gradually increase their rates as they gain experience and expertise. . . 5. Marketing and Branding: - Invest in marketing strategies that elevate the profession’s image. Branding physiotherapy as a crucial, high-impact health service can change public perception and justify higher fees. . . 6. Benchmarking and Transparency: - Share data on industry-standard pricing and success stories where physiotherapists have successfully increased their rates without losing clients. Transparency in pricing can help set realistic expectations. . . 7. Quality Assurance and Experience: - Focus on delivering exceptional service and patient outcomes. Positive patient experiences and testimonials can justify higher fees and build a loyal client base willing to pay a premium. . . ### Conclusion: . . By addressing the underlying factors that lead to lower charges and implementing strategic changes, physiotherapists can confidently increase their fees. This will not only uplift the profession but also ensure that physiotherapists are fairly compensated for their value.
21 gün önce