Gravity Network


Club Culture Exchange across Europe and Beyond 🌐 Network of Electronic Music Venues 🇪🇺 Co-funded by the European Union
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Thanks to Miloš Hroch and John Doran for a fascinating talk in Prague last week 🎤 The discussion delved into the transformation of music journalism, the state of the current music media landscape, and on Duran’s personal journey through it all. The recording of the talk is already available on our Soundcloud ☁️
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1 gün önce
ICKPA Festival will host a discourse programme in partnership with Gravity Network (@gravitynetworkeu ) at RSO.BERLIN ( ) on June 20. This event will feature two thought-provoking panel discussions and a compelling film screening, all centred around the contemporary challenges and perspectives of Eastern Europe. The first panel, titled “Revising the Notion of Contemporary Eastern Europe – the Place, Role, and Challenges of (Semi)Peripheral Politics,” aims to reconstruct the concept of Europe through the lens of Eastern European experiences. This discussion will challenge the superficial, exoticised views of the post-Soviet condition, advocating for a de-colonial approach to redefine Europe’s identity. Panelists: Gábor Erlich (@lure_of_the_local ), Irine Beridze (@ira_beridze3029 ), Mariia Vorotilina (@mariia_vorotilina ), Maria Beburia (@maro.lboro ) Moderator: Dato Laghidze (@heterotopiass ) The second panel, “Infrastructures of (De)Occupation,” will delve into the impacts of Russia’s colonial tactics on Ukraine and other regions. This roundtable will explore the ways in which infrastructure has been weaponised for occupation and how it can be resisted and dismantled. Panelists: Asia Bazdyrieva (@asiabazdyrieva ), Olexii Kuchanskyi (@olexiikuchanskyi ), Evelina Gambino (@cotta.continua ), David Chikhladze (@davcl___ ) Moderator: Michał Murawski (@goldzamt ) Following the panel, there will be a screening of “State in a State,” by Tekla Aslanishvili and Evelina Gambino. A film exploring the fragmented railroads of the South Caucasus and Caspian regions, highlighting the geopolitical tensions and exclusions they symbolise. The panels will begin at 18:00, and entrance is free with pre-registration. The event details and free tickets can be found on Resident Advisor (@resident_advisor ). The Link ins in BIO.
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27 gün önce
Fifth Gravity event in Prague will spread across Ankali & Planeta Za on June 22 to host a club event encompassing a concert, DJ sets and a talk. The Canadian artist Marie Davidson is bringing her one-woman hardware-and-vocals show, performing alongside local duo Kabal & Aras on Ankali’s main floor. From Gravity’s artist roster, Jasna 1 resident daisy cutter and Mutant Radio’s own JD J will debut in Planeta’s booth, before Olga Zhaldak will close the floor. Local hero whydie? will open the evening in the Garden. Before all of that, we’ll be hosting a pre-club Gravity Talk with Miloš Hroch who invited John Doran, a British music journalist and founder of The Quietus, to discuss the current state of their profession at a talk titled “Music Journalism under Attack”. The day before, June 21, Miloš Hroch and Pavel Turek will host a music journalism workshop titled “Tune Your Pitch”. The call is open for applications from advanced and emerging journalists with fluent Czech and English. Check []( for more info on the workshop and how to apply. 🎟 A small batch of discounted early bird tickets for the clubnight is now available via RA. The talk and the workshop are free of charge. Artwork by @martin_groch
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1 ay önce
Gravity pulls into @garagenoord for the third time this Friday 🚗 with Stenny, Mankiyan, kiiia, Nurali, and Gravity artists bijū and Richii 🎟️ Presale tickets available via artwork by @martin_groch
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1 ay önce
OPEN CALL 📣 Gravity Network and Ankali are inviting advanced music journalists to join a workshop with Miloš Hroch & Pavel Turek, which will take place at Planeta Za as a part of the upcoming Gravity event in June. Titled ‘Tune Your Pitch’, the workshop will focus on improving participants’ skills in pitching articles to media. The session is dedicated to advanced writers fluent in Czech, but a high proficiency in English is required due to a guest presentation by John Doran, British music journalist and founder of The Quietus. ↓ Open Call in Czech ↓ Jak najít svoje téma a sebe sama v tématu? Jak psát reportáže o vzdálených i blízkých hudebních scénách, které čekají na objevení? Jak přemýšlet dramaturgicky a dostatečně pestře nad respondentstvem? Jak přistupovat k tématu angažovaně i novinářsky? Gravity Network a Ankali zvou v pátek 21.6. 2024 na jednodenní hudebně-publicistický workshop, kde se účastníci a účastnice budou mít příležitost zlepšit ve psaní pitchů do hudebních rubrik nebo médií. V dialogu s hudebními novináři Pavlem Turkem (Respekt) a Milošem Hrochem (The Wire, The Quietus) se workshop zaměří na vývoj jednoho pitche, který lze uplatnit v médiích – mimo jiné se proberou témata, na jaká média cílit a jak komunikovat s editorstvem. Workshop v prostorách Planety Za je určený pro pokročilejší publicistky a publicisty, kterým je formát recenzí těsný a mají chuť jít do terénu, přicházet s novými interpretacemi, pojmenovávat kulturní proudy a zasazovat je do souvislosti. Z důvodu omezené kapacity prosíme zájemce a zájemkyně o zaslání dvou textů na z nedávné doby, jichž si autorsky cení a považují je jako reprezentativní ukázku jejich tvorby. Deadline pro zaslání textů je 7.6.2024. Workshop je pro účastníky a účastnice zdarma. Vybranému autorstvu se ozveme během týdne po deadlinu. (10-14.6.) Celý text open callu a další informace naleznete na nebo (bio)
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1 ay önce
“How to encourage people to educate themselves rather than telling them exactly what to do or how to live?” The club culture in Poland is underrated and often perceived as a ‘dark zone’. There’s a lack of both drug education and easily accessible introduction to participating in nightlife. During our 4th event in Warsaw, local grass-roots collectives and organizations, including Kolektyw Chemia, Miazmat, and Społeczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki, discussed the matter. The talk was held in Polish language 🇵🇱 the recording is now up on our Soundcloud. — ‚Jak ludzi zachęcić do tego żeby się edukowali, a nie do końca im mówić, co mają robić albo jak mają żyć?’ Kultura klubowa w Polsce jest niedoceniana i często postrzegana jako ‚ciemna strefa’. Brakuje zarówno zjawiska “narkoedukacji” jak i ogólnodostępnego wprowadzenia do bycia uczestnikiem życia nocnego. Podczas naszego czwartego wydarzenia w Warszawie na ten temat dyskutowały lokalne kolektywy i organizacje, Kolektyw Chemia, Miazmat i Społeczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki. Rozmowa prowadzona była w języku polskim 🇵🇱 nagranie jest już dostępne na naszym Soundcloudzie.
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1 ay önce
RSO.Berlin and Refuge Worldwide will host awareness and photography workshops for the next edition of Gravity events in Berlin 🌐 The two sessions will take place at RSO.Berlin on April 25. Applications are now open, follow the link in bio. Killa Schütze, a German-Peruvian cultural bridge builder based in Berlin and Frankfurt, will host a session focused on self-care in awareness work. She will touch on her work with clubs such as Robert Johnson, Tresor Berlin and Tresor.West. Titled “Focus Shift: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Photography” the photo session will be hosted Andrew White, who will share his vast amount of experience shooting for some of the biggest events, brands and publications. Priority will be given to applications from FLINTA, POC, LGTBQI+ communities and from people with visible and nonvisible disabilities and/or from lower-income households. Please get in touch with if you have any special access needs. We will do our best to accommodate.
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2 ay önce
Welcoming back Gravity #2 at Garage Noord, where the worlds of art and music intertwine seamlessly. Introducing Neil Landstrumm, a true pioneer in his field, known for his unique ability to turn hardware into pure artistry 👽 Joining the lineup is Stranger, “your favourite disc-jockey’s favourite disc-jockey,” adding a mysterious layer to the night, in true Garage Noord style. daisy cutter sets the tone early, promising an unforgettable start to the evening. And for those who wander into BAR40: get ready for ophélie, domizako, and Noise Diva. ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Gravity #2 club night w/ Neil Landstrumm, Stranger, daisy cutter, ophélie, domizako, Noise Diva April 20, 23:00–07:00 €18, tickets up on website Gravity #2 workshop: Safer Clubbing for the Partygoer + Panel, by IVY (Sexmatters) April 19, 16:00–19:00 Entrance free of charge, rsvp through link in bio Artwork by @martin_groch
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2 ay önce
On April 19th Garage Noord will organise the second Gravity educational event, exploring the topic of safer clubbing further ⛑ The workshop hosted by IVY (Sexmatters) will touch on subjects like discrimination and sexual misconduct. This time we will focus on how you – as a partygoer – can contribute to a safer nightlife environment.  The workshop is open to public and free of charge, register through the link in our bio. 19.4.2024 16.00–19.00 Garage Noord The workshop will be followed by a panel talk on social safety in nightlife (19.30) and a Gravity clubnight. More info soon. Artwork by @martin_groch
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2 ay önce
Board meeting vibes 🇳🇱 thank you @garagenoord for a lovely time ❤️‍🔥
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2 ay önce
Next tour of Gravity Network is coming to Warsaw on April 12th and 13th, with talk and of course quality dancing sesh ☻☻☻ On Saturday, during the Clubnight, we’re finally welcoming one of the most respected producers and remixers, the Spanish giant — John Talabot. Joining him will be Gravity Artist and Garage Noord resident, cccore. Local support comes in the form of two long-time friends, Kovvalsky and Phatrax, who will showcase their mutual love with an opening back-to-back set before maestro. Bar room will be charged thanks to another Gravity Artist — ophélie, a France-born, Berlin-based DJ with a strong taste for bass-heavy music in all its forms. Keeping the vibe will be one of the coolest cats in the local biz, iffi, and top selector Elena Sizova. Kickstarting on Friday the 12th, we invite you to dive into a conversation with Mala Junta – the infamous Berlin-based, fabulously queer collective renowned for championing inclusivity, friendship and community spirit. Joining us for this discussion will be three members: DJ Tool, Nayme Hassany and Yazzus. artwork by @martin_groch
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3 ay önce
One for the nightlife workers ⛑ Working in nightlife often creates an impression of a cool, indulgent and privileged work environment. While there are many perks to it, the impact it has on the minds and bodies of the workers deserves more attention. To discuss their experiences – both bright and dark sides of their jobs – Garage Noord & Mattanja Ewida invited a group of night workers from Amsterdam’s night spaces Garage Noord, Radion and Skatecafé. The recording of the talk is available on our Soundcloud (link in bio) The panel talk was recorded at Gravity Network event at Garage Noord, 16.2.2024.
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3 ay önce