Medina Siregar Adriansyah


Mama Aldrin 👶🏻. Workout with me 💪🏻. Lifestyle 👁️. Wabi-sabi. - @liquid_munchies , @cal.al_
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Gorgeous girls gorgeous girls, don’t skip upper body! Yang mau contek gerakannya & di combine dengan gerakan lain monggo loh.. Repetisinya juga disesuaikan dulu yaa. Happy training! Slide 2: equalizer push up 3 x 12 reps. Slide 3: RMT club strike 3 x 15 reps. Slide 4: triceps single push down 3 x 10 reps each hand. Slide 5: kettlebel upright row 3 x 12 reps. Slide 6: dumbell shoulder press 3 x 12 reps. Slide 7: bosu ballast plank 1 min x 1 set. Sabar-sabar ya coach @serapandaa 😄 and thank you for a great workout sesh! #mamaaldrin #gymlife #strongisthenewskinny #upperbodyworkout #trainwithme
61 3
7 ay önce
I’m not going to stop so you better keep up. 📷: @millabeeanca#mamaaldrin
117 9
5 ay önce
Say hello to the newest member from @liquid_munchies . Strawberry shortcake 🍓 Protein Bars. Gampang dibawa kemana-mana. Bisa untuk pre-workout dan post workout snack. Atau, ya dimakan aja anytime you feel hungry in between big meals. Cause it’s packed with protein and other source of nutrition that your body needs and it will boost your energy after you ate it. Dari pertama membentuk brand Liquid Munchies, salah satu visi gw itu yaa kepingin bikin makanan dan minuman ringan yang lebih sehat namun rasanya dapat diterima di lidah semua orang. Artinya, bukan hanya diperuntukkan untuk orang-orang yang cinta dengan gaya hidup & pola makan yang sehat. Semua kalangan, semua umur dan gender bisa banget konsumsi produk-produk Liquid Munchies. Karena setelah pilih resep untuk suatu menu itu selalu gw kirim sample ke banyak orang dulu, kalau mereka approved, baru deh gw berani jual ke pasaran (meskipun tanpa approval mereka pun, gw cukup PD dengan kreasi-kreasi gw 😎😝). Dan percaya deh, karena pada dasarnya gw pecinta makanan yang manis-manis, resep-resep tadi selalu gw modif lagi supaya rasanya dapat diterima sama semua orang. Taste like desserts without the guilt! Dan produk-produk Liquid Munchies pun gw konsumsi juga. Jadi manfaatnya nyata di badan gw ☺️. Bahan-bahan yang gw pakai pun gw pilih hanya yang terbaik, alami, tanpa tambahan gula, tanpa pengawet, pewarna atau bahan kimia lainnya. Jadi aman ya dikonsumsi untuk anak-anak, karena anak gw pun juga dari umur 2 tahun sudah mengkonsumsi menu-menu dari Liquid Munchies. Yaudh, intinya…. I’m so happy to annouce that our Strawberry Shortcake Protein Bars is officially launched and you can place your order now. Cause alhamdulilah the pre-order has been full until next week. But if you’re nice to me, I might scoop you into the waiting list 😄😉. Keep being #inlovewithhealthy , beautiful people!! #ceritamamaaldrin #proteinbars #homemade
122 11
5 ay önce
Rain over our heads, sandy toes, salty hair. All is good!
79 0
15 saat önce
You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. That’s not your problem, it’s theirs. So never apologize for being who you are.
100 20
5 gün önce
One fine morning with Al and mama. Soaking up the sun ☀️.
37 2
7 gün önce
Will be saying goodbye to June in 5 days! Here are some of the highlights of my June ✨✨
67 6
9 gün önce
Brunch at my favorite place and wearing a stylish Nura Kutubaru from @runa__apparel . It’s versatile! So you can style it with a modern twist ✨. #mamaaldrin #style
39 3
12 gün önce
301 4
14 gün önce
Yesterday’s Eid Al-Adha with style with @cal.al_ 🌞🌛
27 5
16 gün önce
When you’re truly comfortable in your own skin, not everyone will like you, but you won’t care about it one bit. I reached to the point where I feel good about myself and I know I look good too! That’s because I love me more each and every day 😉. Focused more on just keeping my eyes in my own lane. Doing what’s best for me! Girls, please love yourself first! The universe will aligned and you will attract the right people. Know that you are worthy and you deserve nothing less! #mamaaldrin
78 2
27 gün önce
Anywhere and everywhere with my mini me 💫⚡️
70 2
1 ay önce