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Teagan Ashworth


💞Love yourself by improving yourself each day 🏋🏽‍♀️Pro Wellness Competitor To Be 📸Photo Account: @teagan.ash_photography ✨Personal: @teagan_ash
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About me✨ Hi :) I’m Teagan! 🌹I’m 23 years old wellness competitor who strives for a wholistic, natural approach to building a strong physique. 🌹I’m studying psychology at the University of Houston. I hope one day to become a therapist. 🌹I’m a photographer who’s been experimenting with self portraits this year & excel in portrait photography. 🌹I have a boyfriend of 4 years & our little family consists of 2 dogs (Toph & Rocky), a cat (Fitz), and a hedgehog (Momo). 🌹I have so many hobbies such as: painting, playing sports, working out, photography, reading, cooking & baking, puzzling, video games, & much more. 🌹I believe self improvement is possible & being a weird, quirky individual is the best way to live life. 🌹I have a very large family with 9 siblings & many furry animals. 🌹I’m a hopeless romantic, creative artist, and strive to help everyone I interact with. 🌹My favorite things are: the color burgundy, sea turtles, cozy video games, watching countless tv shows, stickers, & lifting heavy ass weight. I hope you learned something new about me & have a WONDERFUL day ✨✨ ~ ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfportraits #happyholdidays #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #beweird #aboutme #wellnessbodybuilder #houstonphotographer
156 8
6 ay önce
“Everybody’s headed somewhere and they want to get there faster, but I’m taking my sweet time” @rebeccasugar For the past (almost) 4 years, I’ve been away from the stage. I had many issues I needed to work through to repair my physical, mental, spiritual, and social health. I’m very thankful for all the support, love, and reassurance from my family, boyfriend, bodybuilding family, and friends have given me. I could go into detail about my past few years, but I think I’m finally at the pivoting point of my bodybuilding career where I’m tired of feeling guilty/ashamed/depressed from taking a long needed break from the stage. Even though I’m 100% positive I could jump into a prep for a show and compete this year, I don’t want to. I want to focus on my life and plan for my future. Today, for the first time in a long time, I went to the gym feeling like a muscular queen but not because I could lift VERY heavy weight. It was because my physique is the body that I want to have. I’m comfortable in my own skin because I’ve put in the work to feel/look great. During this lift, I saw myself in 10 years still weight lifting, rock climbing, and discovering new fun ways to be active. I saw myself being a role model to my future kids and building a well balanced healthy lifestyle with my future family. I realized that I’d want to compete in the bodybuilding division and flex my muscles proudly because at that point I’d be bodybuilding for 10+ years. I think having this self discovery is due to Rebecca Sugar’s song “Sweet Time”. Everyone’s on their own path, at their own speed, and can accomplish what they want if they work for it. I’m taking my sweet time to figuring out life & I hope you give yourself grace for the hardships in life. There’s no timeline to build the life you truly want. Thank you @rebeccasugar for creating a beautiful album that has helped me reflect and grow myself into the woman I want to be💕 I wish I could of put your song as audio for this post🤗
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3 ay önce
I finally took a step at prioritizing my happiness by taking self portraits again 🥳 This year has been very stressful and exhausting so far & I decided that I need to make time for my art even if it’s only a short period each week. I’m excited to say that I did a 1.5 hour shoot yesterday and time flew by📸 Let me know any self portrait ideas you have & your thoughts on my photos 🤗✨ ~ ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfportraits #teaganashphotography #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #expressyourself #houstonportraits #wellnessbodybuilder #houstonphotographer #homeselfportrait
0 13
3 ay önce
2024 is going to be a stressful but exceptional year for me. I have lots to do & goals to achieve! I’m hoping to graduate undergrad by December with a psychology degree. I’m hoping to finally start my photo project & share it with the world. I’m hoping I’ll have a 5 year plan to become a children’s or family therapist. I’m hoping to have a decision on a competition date by the end of the year. I’m hoping to save as much money as I can from my new job. I’m hoping to maintain my mental health & self love journey. Honestly I’m already exhausted and it’s only January… but I’m staying strong! ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfportraits #happynewyear #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #expressyourself #houstonportraits #wellnessbodybuilder #houstonphotographer
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5 ay önce
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5 ay önce
A repeating question has been lingering in my mind: “Why do I like & compete in bodybuilding?” It’s a strict, intense sport that needs 100% commitment to be successful. Some people do it to mark it off their bucket list. Some people fall in love with it. Some people hate it. It’s a sport of illusion. Dehydrating yourself & restricting yourself to obtain a physique for one day. You twist for the right angles. You suck in your stomach and flex to show off the hard work you put in for 16+ weeks. So why do I do it? Why do I put myself through the “torture”? It’s a transformation. 🌟 When you decide to compete, you’re asking yourself to be physically and mentally able to make it through this journey. You need to listen to your body to make sure it’s healthy & repaired to work through a tedious lifestyle for 16+ weeks. You need to be mentally stable to power through each workout, meal, & decision you make because it will impact your progress. It helps you obtain a goal. 🌟 Sometimes we can’t progress in the gym or seem to gain/rid of a habit. A coach helps teach you how to make smarter food choices. A trainer can help you target a muscle group more efficiently and improve your fitness goals. You can learn about health & benefits of different foods, exercises, and supplements. You can further educate & improve yourself. It’s fun to perform on stage. 🌟 Learning how to create the illusion of a tiny waist, flex your muscles, and sass your way across stage is always the highlight. It brings out the dancer/cheerleader inside of you. It’s fun to be on stage present the hard work you have done. Bodybuilding is inclusive & allows anyone to show their dedication to improvement. Competitions build a family atmosphere where everyone is incredibly proud of their commitment. Bodybuilding isn’t for everyone but I’m glad I compete & will continue to do so. I’m not sure when I’ll be on stage again, but competing hasn’t left my mind.
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7 ay önce
Lately I’ve been contemplating if I’m still a pro bodybuilder… I have the dedication & commitment to be one… I got my pro card in 2020 in beach body/bikini… but now as I have taken 3 years off stage & transitioning into wellness/shape, it feels wrong to call myself a professional wellness competitor; especially since I haven’t been training like a professional. • One side of me wants to believe I can compete at a pro status because I have achieved it. The other side believes that my physique has changed so much that I want to earn professional status in wellness 😵‍💫 All I know is that I’m improving my physique & have plenty of time to decide what I’d like to do when I start prepping again. • What are your thoughts? ~ ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfdiscipline #whatareyourthoughts #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #tailgatingoutfit #keeptrackofprogress #wellnessbodybuilder
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8 ay önce
Being comfortable & proud of your body is one of the toughest challenges in life. 💖 We go through so much stress in life that can alter our routines & throw us off of our goals. 💔 We compare ourselves to others & knit-pick at our flaws. 💔 We sometimes focus too much on negativity & chaos instead of the precious moments that we should cherish. 💔 Give yourself some grace to love the person you are, not the person you want to become. 💝 Give yourself some credit for getting out of bed today & just existing. 💝 Allow yourself to love yourself fully, the “perfections” & the “flaws”. 💝 Because every part of you is unique & worth loving, you just have to embrace and believe you’re worth everything you want 💞 📸 by me 😊 Go follow @teagan.ash_photography to see the rest of my images ✨
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11 ay önce
At the start of bodybuilding in 2019, I was 18 years old & wanted to be in shape for a senior spring break trip… so I took on the challenge to do a show in 13 weeks with my stepmomma @agame_by_sharon @sharon_proathleteandartist to try it out. I didn’t know what physique I wanted to aim for so I decided bikini/beach body was the division for me. December 2022, 3 years of bodybuilding got me to a physique that I was happy to have, but not proud of. I was exhausting myself trying to get my thick quads down & a round lil booty. I was working out 3x/day with LOW calories. I felt proud of the work I put in but a beach body physique wasn’t maintainable for myself. It was the GBO Atlas 2022 where I saw @helenpeebles11 rock the stage in the wellness/shape division. When she stepped on stage, it was like an alarm went off in my head & I knew wellness was a next goal for me. I was reassured that was the right thought when my stepmom rushed over & said “Teagan that could be you! That is YOUR division!” 🤭 I always knew I’d go into every division of bodybuilding throughout my lifetime, but wellness is the best fit for my body & I’m excited to start this new bodybuilding chapter🥳🥳 ————————-———- 📸DM for a photography session today!✨ ✨ @teagan.ash_photography 📸 ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfdiscipline #selfcare #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #throwbackpictures #keeptrackofprogress #wellnessbodybuilder
107 12
1 yıl önce
I’m ready to start my bodybuilding wellness journey ✨🥳 June 2022 (left) & June 2023 (right) I remember last year I was completely lost and struggling to accept my “heavy” weight. I was uncomfortable in my skin through body dysmorphia, depression & social anxiety and it was really hard for me to picture my future. I was 156 pounds. This year I have done the work to figure out what career, interests, & relationships I wanted to make priority. I'm in love with who I am and who I want to become. I still struggle with my mental health sometimes but it’s more manageable. I am 155 pounds. In June 2022, I took my last progress pictures & I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t taking them until last night. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on bodybuilding & though it’s a disciplined, sometimes impossible sport to compete in… I’m still very in love with it. When you’re prepping, you can feel unstoppable & like a warrior. It’s rewarding to bring the best physique to the stage & I’m excited to build a physique that suits my body✨ Bodybuilding isn’t for everyone, but it’s definitely the sport for me🥳 I’m back for real this time & I can’t wait to build some muscle!💪🏼 ————————-———- 📸DM for a photography session today! ✨ @teagan.ash_photography 📸 ~ ~ ~ #houstonfitness #texasfitness #wellnesscompetitor #bodybuildingwellness #naturalbodybuilding #selfdiscipline #selfcarw #bodybuilding #naturalwellness #progresspictures #keeptrackofprogress #wellnessbodybuilder
182 34
1 yıl önce