Pixwox the__ljiljaYayınlar


Dublin based artist
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'MOCHARI' ALBUM RELEASE The final music video and our whole debut album will be available on all platforms on the 7th of June. Thank you to everybody who was part of this process and to everybody who took a moment to tell us some words of appreciation about this - as this is our very first release, we poured so much of ourselves into this body of work. As individuals, we are all trying our best to deal with the pain of being alive in this wretched world of humans, a world that is eating itself up. We hope that you may find some solace with this music. VIDEO CREDITS: Directed by @proggybla DOP @chase_mohrhardt Edit @proggybla @chase_mohrhardt Movement direction @proggybla Colour @slippyinc Photography @yoz_y_ Script @proggybla and @and__natalya Costumes @and__natalya SFX Makeup @no_filter_no_no Ropes @the_occult_therapy Hands @inaja___ Angelina Cast @resurrectionoftheljilja @vidadod.pfm @shandongo @lilvalern @proggybla 'MOCHARI' was recorded at @hiddenplanetstudio and mixed and mastered by @_the_atomic_garden_ thank you to our partners of this release @consouling and @all__noir
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29 gün önce
From my ritual "Mother Earth is crying. Wail for the children of Palestine, Ukraine, Congo, Syria, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Mali, Myanmar, Yemen, Somalia..." Fascitator my love @scalpel_priestess Save the children of wars. Nearly 200 million children are living in the world's most lethal war zones, the highest number in over a decade. Children’s homes and schools are the battlefield. Let that sink in. Those are Not someone else's children dying. Just because it's happening on the other part of the world we simply can't stay silent. Imagine if you have your kid being killed in the war? You wouldn't stay silent. Those are Our children being killed. Our children lost their lives. Our children are living in a constant fear for their own precious lives. Remember the One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One. We are All One. Choose love. Speak the truth even if your voice shake. Never again means Never again for everyone. #savethechildren #stopwar #artist
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1 ay önce
Wail for the children of Gaza, Ukraine, Congo, Myanmar, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Mali, Nigeria, Yemen, Somalia, Burkina Faso... From my ritualistic performance "Mother Earth is crying" for @p.a.i.n.project #stopthewar #love #artist
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1 ay önce
From my ritualistic performance "Mother Earth is crying. Wail for the children of Gaza, Ukraine, Syria..." for @p.a.i.n.project Right now at this moment children are being killed in wars. Over 13,000 children killed in Gaza; 1,957 children are killed or injured since the war in Ukraine escalated in February 2022, more than 20,000 children since the start of the Syrian conflict, and these are just numbers of three from 27 ongoing conflicts in the world. Humanity against humanity for the sake of humanity. Makes no sense to me. For what? Lines on the maps? Money? Power? When we will learn just to live in peace with each others? When we will realise that otherness should connect and not divide? Love is an active choice we make and not a feeling. Let that sink in. Choose love. Choose to love your fellow human being. Be the change you want to see. Never again means Never again for everyone. End of discussion. #art #is #political Fascilitator my beloved human being @scalpel_priestess
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1 ay önce
Wail for the Children of Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, Congo, Sudan... From my last ritual "Mother Earth is crying" for @p.a.i.n.project Over 13,000 children killed in Gaza. For every day without a definitive ceasefire, 100 children on average have been killed. There can never be any justification for killing children. The situation in Gaza is monstrous, a blight, a dark spot on our contemporary society. Art is political, and always should be. If I don't scream stones will start wailing if I decide to be silent. As someone who experienced war as a child, watched my little friends being blown up by a granade etc. I saw that horror, felt that horror on my skin, and not a single child should ever experience that in their life. They should never be in constant fear not just for their own lives, but for their family too. Those killed children will never fall in love for the first time, they will never experience peace, see their family smiling instead of crying. Humanity against humanity for the sake of humanity. We should be ashamed. While children are being killed today, right at this very moment Western world talks about which dresses overpaid actors wore at Met Gala... How many times do we have to die in war to realise how absurd it is? #art #is #political Fascilitator was my magical and deeply loved @scalpel_priestess
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1 ay önce
VIDEO RELEASE 8TH OF MAY @machukha.stepmother hired the ritualistic performance artist @the__ljilja for these music videos. In this part of the triptych of music videos, the focus is pulled onto the character that The Ljilja is portraying. The Ljilja’s work is rooted in making the subconscious, conscious and bringing it to the light – by embracing the shadow. 'INODI padaye snih tak lahidno krizʹ sosnovu khvoyu' translates to "Sometimes the Snow Falls So Gently Through the Pine Needles". VIDEO CREDITS: Directed by @proggybla DOP @chase_mohrhardt Edit @proggybla @chase_mohrhardt Movement direction @proggybla Colour @slippyinc Photography @yoz_y_ Script @proggybla and @and__natalya Costumes @and__natalya SFX Makeup @no_filter_no_no Ropes @the_occult_therapy Hands @inaja___ Angelina Cast @resurrectionoftheljilja @vidadod.pfm @shandongo @lilvalern @proggybla 'INODI' was recorded at @hiddenplanetstudio and mixed and mastered by @_the_atomic_garden_ We're looking forward to working with @consouling and @all_noir for this release.
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1 ay önce
The music of this part feels injured, fragile and was brought to the world as a response to deep internal pain. Like a soon to be mother that has been in labour for dozens of hours, without the needed medical support, in a cold and deserted place – only to give birth to a stillborn. “INODI padaye snih tak lahidno krizʹ sosnovu khvoyu” translates to "Sometimes the Snow Falls So Gently Through the Pine Needles" VIDEO RELEASE 8TH OF MAY VIDEO CREDITS: Directed by @proggybla DOP @chase_mohrhardt Edit @proggybla @chase_mohrhardt Movement direction @proggybla Colour @slippyinc Photography @yoz_y_ Script @proggybla and @and__natalya Costumes @and__natalya SFX Makeup @no_filter_no_no Ropes @the_occult_therapy Hands @inaja___ Angelina Cast @resurrectionoftheljilja @vidadod.pfm @shandongo @lilvalern @proggybla 'INODI' was recorded at @hiddenplanetstudio and mixed and mastered by @_the_atomic_garden_ We're looking forward to working with @consouling and @all_noir for this release.
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2 ay önce
From my last month ritual "Mother Earth is crying" in Leipzig for @p.a.i.n.project my flesh was marked with the pain of this world (currently there are 27 ongoing conflicts in the world). In Ukraine death toll is higher than 50 000, Palestine in just few months 34 000. ritual = temporal technology to housing oneself. We are living in the age of information rather than knowledge. Why? because we are lacking that biding connecting narrative of the truth.The Ethos of the world creates narrcisist. When you remove the otherness from the people you can't really love them. You consume them!!! fundamental problem of human existence = seperateness most people think their problem is not being loved enough, but their ability to love is the problem • Fromm said how you will never learn to love any person, if you don't learn to love everyone (and that flourishes from loving thyself) and if you don't you'll always picking and choosing the people you love in what benefits they can provide to you. And Fromm call this simbiotic attachment and egotism. •Love is an active choice you make. In the normal healthy realationship you strive to integrity of another person. Fascilitator my beautiful sister @scalpel_priestess #artist #selfportrait #higherconsciousness #witch #jung #fromm #antoninartaud #onfilm #filmisnotdead #grainisgood
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2 ay önce
'BEZPLIDDYA' VIDEO RELEASE ON 2ND OF APRIL 2024 The core of the music video for 'BEZPLIDDYA' [Ukrainian: 'Infertility'] is the movement mechanism that we figured out in collaboration with the performers - the idea was to create the sense of a singular organism. Inside this clump, we had to expand the awareness for our body beyond the individual self, and try to grow an awareness for all appendages. So, we were trying to only move the parts of the body that are receiving an impulse, while pressing against all surfaces around us, all the flesh and all the ground. We always worked with contact improvisation, not setting the movement. But doing this at 4am in the morning in sand, added another challenge ontop. It was a remarkable process, and remarkable state to be in. Massive gratitude to the performers who showed up consistently and doing this with us. Thank you. VIDEO CREDITS: Directed and edited by @proggybla DOP and edited @chase_mohrhardt Colour @slippyinc Photography @yoz_y_ Script @proggybla and @and__natalya Costumes @and__natalya SFX Makeup @no_filter_no_no Ropes and movement direction @the_occult_therapy Hands @inaja___ Angelina Movement direction clump @proggybla Cast @resurrectionoftheljilja @vidadod.pfm @shandongo @lilvalern @proggybla 'BEZPLIDDYA' was recorded at @hiddenplanetstudio and mixed and mastered by @_the_atomic_garden_ We look forward to working with @consouling and @all_noir for this release!
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3 ay önce
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8 ay önce
•••Rebirthing ritual••• Uprooting Tallaght performance art Festival @rua_red photo by @juliette.rowland fascilitator and aftercare @post_modern_sleeze Jung wrote that the thing people are most afraid of is not so much the soul, which for them is practically non-existent, but the body, that is, what they don’t want to see. The body is the animal or evil spirit waiting to say something to them when they are alone. The body is the darkness, and very dangerous thing to be called up. He believed that darkness through opacity of myth manifests in the life of the body as fate when it is not acknowledged and allowed to transform.Siberian shamans claim to die and lie dead for three to seven days in their yurts (solitary space). Ancestral spirits or demons come and cut them up into pieces -> shape shifting. The Shaman does not become possessed by the spirit, but rather transforms himself into the spirit via his ecstatic technique. Somatically transforming one pace, one synapse, and one single cell at time. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way -> embracing the suffering, and not running from it. #artist #shadow #daroness #jung #butoh #antoninartaud #shamanism #higherconsciousness #witch
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10 ay önce