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Yulady Saluti


🇨🇴 Mom•Wife to @geraldsaluti 💩Ostomate 🍒🦩 💗Breast Cancer Survivor ☺️#BeKindAllTheTime
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The human will is Invincible. 💪 - - - Every stride tells a story of courage and triumph. Meet @yulady , a beacon of resilience on the road to victory, conquering life’s most challenging obstacles. We are honor to share her story. 💙 // @nikerunning // 🎥 @loudvisualmedia
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3 ay önce
October is coming to an end and I almost forgot to post about #breastcancerawareness Five years ago @geraldsaluti told me I had breast cancer after I woke up from a surgery. I will never forget that day. Today I salute all the warriors that are going through it or have fought the good fight. Today we also remember the ones that were not as lucky as us thrivers. I’ve teamed up with @aweinspired_ to gift you the beautiful bracelet in the next picture. (swipe left) Tag a friend you think may need it in her life. #bekindallthetime #breastcancersurvivor #yoga
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6 yıl önce
Time may heals all wounds.... But scars will forever remind us of what we are capable of enduring. For those beautiful strong women still fighting please look at these two incredible pieces of art created by my dear friend @robertsturman . The second picture was taken during my battle with breast cancer. I cherish this picture. It reminds me of the strength I found buried in my soul, accessed out of pure necessity, in order to survive. The first picture was taken just days ago, more than six years later. It reminds me that I am like a lotus flower, my roots based in mud, submerging every night into murky water, waking each day re-blooming without any residue on my petals. If you look closely you can see the lotus flower tattooed on my arm. Every day I wake is a gift and it’s significance will never be lost in murky waters. I am eternally grateful to all of those incredible humans that have been a part of my journey. To my husband @geraldsaluti , bless you for cleaning the mud off my petals each day. To my family and friends, thank you for supporting us when we couldn’t support ourselves. To those that have been taken by this insidious disease and their loved ones, there are no words to ease your pain but please know you are not alone and certainly not forgotten. To those of you still fighting or who will have to fight, let these images burn deep into your hearts. You are stronger than you can imagine. You are loved more than you can feel. You will re-bloom just like I me. May you all find peace. . . . . #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerawareness #bekindallthetime #october #newjersey #asburypark #nj #yoga #yogi #colostomy #ostomy
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4 yıl önce
Coffee and a beautiful sunrise, perfect morning 🌄
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1 ay önce
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2 ay önce
On May 9, 2012 @yulady was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember the day so vividly. She was having an unrelated surgery for her colon rectal issues (not sure which of her 27 surgeries we were up to at that point). Prior to her surgery she mentioned a small lump in her breast to the doctor. He agreed to do a biopsy during the surgery to rule out breast cancer. I knew we were in trouble when 30 minutes into the surgery I heard my name over the loudspeaker. Never a good sign. I was ushered into a small room where the doctor sat me down and told me that @yulady had breast cancer. After everything we had already been through, now this! I felt so incredibly defeated. When she woke up from surgery she smiled at me and asked me how the surgery went. She could probably tell by my face alone the news was not good. I choked out the words “not so great honey, you have breast cancer.” She is so strong. She touched my arm and assured me that we would get through it, together, like we do everything. Fast forward to today, May 9, 2023, @yulady is cancer free! We haven’t had a surgery for over 3 years. @yulady is thriving and healthy. (Finished Boston Marathon 2023 in 3:10:09 and set an unofficial world record for a female ostomate). In appreciation of all of the medical professionals (especially the Nurses) that have carried us through we decided to do a GoFundMe for @vnahealthgroup . Of all the nurses & doctors that have helped us over these past 20 years, one organization stood out from all the rest. Visiting Nurse Association Health Group is New Jersey’s largest and most trusted not-for-profit provider of home health, visiting physicians, hospice and community-based care. @vnahealthgroup was always there for us and we would like to return the favor to this amazing organization. Please help us raise money for this wonderful organization. GoFundMe link is in our bios! #nursesweek #vnahg
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1 yıl önce
Boston Marathon recap, part 3 (final) While I was running up heartbreak hill it started to pour rain just to make it a little harder. Honestly, I don’t want to jinx myself for maybe my next Boston 😜 but I didn’t think heartbreak hill was as hard as I expected it to be 🤷🏽‍♀️. Running at the other side of heartbreak hill was so much fun, I could let my legs go and I can finally let go of the fear of giving too much energy. For the next 5 miles and change I can finally push and empty my gas tank, so I did. Picking people to pass in front of me was the best way to keep my mind busy and not notice how much my feet and legs hurt. My kids and hubby are on Boylston was my mantra at this point and then I saw the famous Citgo sign. I’m almost done was my next mantra. Running up to Boylston in the pouring rain is def a core memory moment. I didn’t know what time I was gonna finish because the watch is not always accurate so I didn’t look at again now all I cared about was seeing my hubby and kids and keeping my pace. I passed Jerry and the kids and I sped up to the finish line once I crossed it I asked the first photographer I saw if Kipchoge had won the marathon, I really wanted to know. 😂 It took me about 10 minutes to find Jerry and this is when I found out I had PRed by over 2 minute 3:10:09. You often hear that it’s very hard to PR in Boston because it’s such a tough course so I was pleasantly surprised. Thank you Boston Marathon, you beautiful beast. #bostonmarathon2023 #bostonmarathon #bekindallthetime #ostomy #colostomy #ostomyrunner #marathon #runner
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1 yıl önce
Boston Marathon recap, part 2 At about mile 12 (I think) I started to hear the screams from the Wellesly scream tunnel. I’ve been looking forward to this part of the marathon, I immediately had a smile on my face. Once I got to the tunnel it was one of the best experiences of my life, it was so loud you could barely hear yourself think and the energy was so amazing. I got the chills. It was here when I decided that I was going to have fun and I proceeded to hi5 pretty much everybody at the tunnel. I said to myself, I don’t care how much energy I lose here it is all worth it. I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life. For the next few miles I kept worrying about these famous hills coming up. Am I going to make it? When I finally made it to the hills, I followed the direction of my coach, @olearyracingteam to not run up hard, but to focus on being relaxed and getting to the top and just finding my rhythm down the hill and letting my legs go. Right before heartbreak hill I got to see my Boston family and it was a great boost of energy. I remember running up heartbreak hill with a girl next to me so when we made it to the top and we saw the sign that said, “ congrats on summiting heartbreak hill” we looked at each other, we smiled, and we said “we did it” 🙌🏽 #bostonmarathon2023 #bostonmarathon #ostomate #ostomy #colostomy #runner #bekindallthetime #marathon
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1 yıl önce
The Boston Marathon, part 1 Finally, a marathon that I can remember to actually do a recap. The morning of the marathon I woke up, feeling great, I got a great night sleep I pooped, and it was all together just the perfect morning. Riding the bus to the start was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had getting to a marathon starting line. I connected with a lot of great people. Once we got to Hopkinton, it started to rain and I knew that it was going to be a soggy morning, but I was OK with that because I had trained in that weather. As soon as we started to run, I knew my 1st mile was going to be a slow mile because there were too many people around and it was just too crowded to run fast. I was bummed and I panicked a little, but I decided that I was not going to weave around people and waste my energy. The first few miles were hard, but I finally found my rhythm. I wanted to run faster than I was running, but I kept thinking of my coach and the many seasoned Boston marathon runners that I know who told me don’t go out too fast, save it for the end of the marathon. When I got to mile 10 I got to see my in-laws, they handed me a new bottle of water and I was able to tell them that I was feeling great and to please let @geraldsaluti know. My body was feeling good. My breath was calm so I knew if I kept myself at that pace I would make it to the hills feeling pretty strong just like coach @olearyracingteam said. #bostonmarathon2023 #bostonmarathon #bekindallthetime #ostomy #colostomy #ostomyrunner #breastcancersurvivor
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1 yıl önce
My heart is full. I love you so much Noli ❤️ #granddaughter #bekindallthetime
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1 yıl önce
I am beyond excited to release this weeks’ podcast with @yulady !! Yuladi Saluti is an inspiration to so many yoga enthusiasts and run advocates and during this conversation she shares it ALL. Have a listen and hear about her love for her husband @geraldsaluti and family as well as the inspiration that her yoga training with @tarastiles has brought her. It is with great pleasure to share with you episode number 💯 of #nativeyogatoddcast titled #bekindallofthetime check link in bio to have a listen ⭐️💜#yoga #nativeyoga #yogaforcancersurvivors #yogaforcancer #yogaforrecovery #yogaforostomates #running #run #runinspiration #runcoach #yogapodcast #junoyoga #yogajunobeach
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1 yıl önce
I love you Ronders AKA @rjmicha79 We have been through so much together but here we are 24 years later. We are still each others number 1. sorry, I lost you on a game yesterday. But I got you back 😂 #tabletime #bekindallthetime #unconditionalfriendship #friendship #iloveyou
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