3 tháng trước
What is this Happy Juice you speak of? Great question: Happy Juice is three separate supplements that you add to water. 😃 Don’t overcomplicate it. The supplements work together to repair the gut lining and populate the gut with good bacteria that promote the production of happy hormones, like serotonin and dopamine— So you’ll find yourself actually feeling more happy because of science, man. 🙌🏽 Along with that it helps with your motivation, mental clarity, metabolism, and energy levels— tell me you’re not looking for THAT. I noticed my mental fog disappearing and I wake up more rested with ongoing energy throughout the day! I’ve have less brain fog, less irritability, no bloating, and a month in and I am loving the improvement in my SKIN! Clinically proven to 60% decrease in irritability 55% decrease in anxiety 50% decrease in depression 49% reduction in overall distress 211% increase in positive mood Comment happy and I’ll send you a $10 OFF promo code + FREE affiliate link promo code if you want to make some EXTRA $😘 #mentalhealthawareness  #mentalhealthmatters  #happyjuice  #naturalenergy
Ingredients needed? Where to purchase?
1 tháng trước