2 tháng trước
Congratulations to Molly @missdeteenusa 2023 on an incredible year of service! We hope to see you at finals today when Molly crowns the next Miss Delaware Teen USA.
Congratulations Molly!! Best of luck with your post-crown future.
2 tháng trước
I want everyone here to know that before October 7, Palestinians were also treated horribly and inhumanely. Palestinians were bombed in 2021, 2014, 2012, 2009! They continued to make the camp smaller and smaller to have more land. Why are Palestinians living in a camp when it is their land? How often would you let a bully bully you before you fight back? They are using gas to burn their skin. No food, no water. Even rain water was not allowed to collect because according to Israel rain water is their property. Palestinians are limited to four hours of electricity each day. This is before October 7! They decide who Palestinians marry when they marry. They determine where Palestinians travel when they travel, and three different types of cards identify Palestinians in categories. There are 300 checkpoints in just one part of town. To get past the checkpoint, men pull their pants down and take off their shirts! They built a giant wall in between Palestinian The Berlin Wall was not OK. Why is this wall? They blow up their boats if they go 3 miles past shore. What fish can you catch near the shore? Nothing. It is pure occupation. Please do your research. The news will not give you the information you need; Same with black lives, they left them in the dark... with the camps at the Mexican border. They left Palestinians in the dark, and they're doing the same
2 tháng trước
21 ngày trước