Bezos Earth Fund


Official Instagram of the Bezos Earth Fund
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Charlotte Pera, Vice President for Strategy and Programs at the Bezos Earth Fund, has dedicated her more than 30-year career to clean energy and climate. She also has a long history with philanthropy. As President & CEO of the ClimateWorks Foundation (2012-2021), she led a team that provided global grantmaking, collaboration, and intelligence services to the community of philanthropies working to tackle climate change. “Philanthropic giving for climate mitigation has grown tremendously in recent years, but it still makes up less than two percent of total charitable giving,” Ms. Pera noted. “The launch of the Bezos Earth Fund was a big step forward for climate philanthropy, and we are privileged to work with many partners to drive the transformations needed to address climate change, protect and restore nature, and advance environmental justice.” We must harness the best of human ingenuity, adaptability, optimism, and collective action to create a shared future in which everyone can thrive. The Earth Fund team is working every day on behalf of that brighter future. #BezosEarthFund #ClimateAction #OnlyOneEarth
1 năm trước
Mangroves must be protected. They are a tremendous solution in the fight against climate change, and their importance to livelihoods and nature cannot be overstated. The Bezos Earth Fund is working with grantee partners, including @World_wildlife and @wwf_colombia , to support community leaders like Martha Stella Garcia to protect these vital coastal ecosystems. Benefits of conserving and restoring mangrove forests include… 🍃 Contributing to economic and food security for millions of people 🍃 Protecting biodiversity hotspots that are the home, nursery, and feeding ground for many species 🍃 Maintaining natural defense systems to protect against storms and sea-level rise 🍃 Storing up to 5x more carbon per hectare than forests on land Check out the link in our bio to learn more about mangroves and our work to protect these mighty trees. #30x30 #Mangroves #MangrovesDay #WorldMangroveDay #OnlyOneEarth #NatureBasedSolutions #GenerationRestoration #Deforestation #BezosEarthFund #ClimateAction #30by30
1 năm trước
Only 8.13% of the ocean is protected. Within the next 8 years, that total needs to reach 30%. The UN Ocean Conference drove progress on this goal, with more than 100 member states committed to protecting 30% of the global ocean by 2030. The Bezos Earth Fund also announced our commitments to marine protection: 🌊$30M to strengthen the Eastern Tropical Marine Corridor – a transboundary area comprised of the waters, coasts, and islands of Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama. 🌊$20M to @NatGeoPristineSeas to support their work exploring and researching the central and western Pacific Ocean – a region with the highest marine biodiversity on the planet. 🌊$1B of the collective funding from the Protecting Our Planet Challenge partners to support the creation, expansion and management of marine protected areas. Though momentum for ocean action is increasing, "We now need to see action," notes Earth Fund President and CEO @DrAndrewSteer . "And we need to be tough on each other in monitoring." The coming year, and pivotal moments like COP27 and the UN Biodiversity Conference, are critical for driving momentum further on protecting our ocean. Video Description: A school of fish swim over a collection of coral. Video Credit: Adrien Jacta / Pexels #SDG14 #UNOceanConference #OceanDecade #OceanAction #ProtectingOurPlanetChallenge #BezosEarthFund #30x30 #SaveOurOcean #EasternTropicalMarineCorridor #MarineProtectedArea
1 năm trước
The math doesn't add up. Our current food and agricultural systems will not get us where we need to go. By 2050, the world needs to be able to produce enough food to feed 10 billion people. As it stands, food is responsible for almost a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. So how do we feed the world without compounding emissions? We transform the agricultural and food systems we depend on – we evolve them to support life without further damaging the planet. We must make several transformations, including: 🐄 How we raise crops and livestock ✈️ Our agricultural supply chains 🥕 Our diets The @BezosEarthFund is advancing these transformations through partners like the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Earlier this year, we announced $17 million to support Future Seeds, CIAT’s state-of-the-art genebank in Cali, Colombia. Future Seeds is improving crops for higher yields, better nutrition and climate resilience. To learn more about CIAT's work to climate-proof and shock-proof global foods systems, follow @bioversityciat . #SystemsChange #FoodSecurity #FutureSeeds #ClimateChangeMitigation #OnlyOneEarth #FoodSystems
2 năm trước
If we are to meet the goal of #NaturePositive by 2030, the world needs to turn bold, proven ideas into ACTION. At its annual gala, @theWCS honored @BezosEarthFund founder Jeff Bezos for his work to protect nature and fight climate change. The Bezos Earth Fund and WCS are working together to achieve a more sustainable future for people and the planet. We're grateful for @JeffBezos_ !!re!!_039;s vision and leadership in making this work a reality -- congratulations on this tremendous honor! #ClimateAction #OnlyOneEarth #GenerationRestoration #30x30 #BezosEarthFund
2 năm trước
This week 30 years ago, at the Rio Summit, climate change was a future problem. Now, it is a TODAY problem. Dr. Andrew Steer, President & CEO of the Bezos Earth Fund, is one of few leaders to be part of the conversations since this pivotal moment. Though the severity of the climate crisis has compounded in the years since, he remains hopeful. @DrAndrewSteer notes, “Given the technology, the knowledge, and the financial resources that the world has today, there is no reason why we cannot solve this problem." What do we need? "Irresistible and unstoppable" transitions through strong partnerships. Steer says we need all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, not simply a silver bullet. If we are to succeed in limiting global warming, leaders must embrace change and collaboration to revolutionize our systems. This is precisely the type of change the Bezos Earth Fund is driving. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #SystemsChange #GlobalWarming #BezosEarthFund #ClimateAction #EarthSummit #EarthSummit92
2 năm trước
Meet Martha Stella Garcia, a community leader protecting the mangroves in Bajito Vaqueria, a coastal region between Colombia and Ecuador. Mangroves play a pivotal role in protecting ecosystems and the planet. They act as a natural solution to climate change, nurture biodiversity, shield coastlines, and support community livelihoods. A single hectare of mangrove forest stores about 3140 metric tons of carbon dioxide. So, losing those mangroves would be equivalent to the emissions from about eight million miles (12.9 million kilometers) driven by an average gasoline-powered vehicle. Mangroves are a smart investment too. Every dollar invested in mangrove restoration yields $6.83 to $10.50 in returns over the next 20 years. Often, these economic rewards stay in the local economy, helping to strengthen communities. The Bezos Earth Fund is working with @World_wildlife , @wwf_colombia and others to support leaders like Martha Stella and help communities relying on mangrove forests establish more viable and sustainable economies while conserving, protecting, and restoring this natural resource powerhouse.
2 năm trước
The world lost 11.1 million hectares of #TreeCover in 2021 — a rate equivalent to 10 football pitches per minute. And that was just in the tropics. In today's release of the Global Forest Review, @WorldResources Institute paints a sobering picture of the state of the world’s forests. The findings include: - Promising indicators in Indonesia — primary forest loss declined for the 5th year in a row. - Bolivia reached its highest rate of primary forest loss to date. - Brazil continues to lead the world in #ForestLoss , accounting for 40 percent of all tropical forest loss. To meet the goals of the #ParisClimateAgreement , we must include forest protection as part of our #NatureBasedSolutions . And the natural climate solutions that center the livelihoods of local communities are proving to be very successful. That’s why the Bezos Earth Fund pledged $1 billion to accelerate the adoption of such solutions and another $1 billion to help restore land and forests. Read more about the state of the world’s forests and #TreeCoverLoss at: #TreeCoverLoss #GlobalForestReview #forests #climate #climatecrisis
2 năm trước
The scale of the climate crisis demands urgent action. Tomorrow’s economy isn’t a choice between prosperity and the environment. Smart action on climate change and nature will make our economy more efficient, drive technological change, create better jobs, and help us live healthier, more productive lives. We aim to spark new opportunities, identify and clear roadblocks to progress, build powerful coalitions to accelerate change, and do so equitably. This Earth Day and every day, we’ll work with grantee partners and peers to clear roadblocks to progress and build unstoppable coalitions to transform systems across our economy and society. The climate crisis won’t be solved by a single country, a single company, a single person, or a single philanthropy. It will take all of us. And we can do it. #EarthDay #earthdayeveryday #investinourplanet #climatechange #climatecrisis
2 năm trước
It’s #InternationalDayofForests . Did you know that forests play a critical role in solving the climate crisis? Globally, forests absorb approximately 7.6 billion metric tons of carbon more than they emit. That’s equivalent to the annual emissions of Germany, Japan, and the United States. Deforestation releases stored C02 into the air, contributing to climate change. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! We are committed to protecting, restoring, and sustainably managing ecosystems to advance nature solutions to safeguard the health of our planet and the wellbeing of people around the world. Share if you want leaders to preserve our forests to create a more sustainable future. #internationaldayofforests2022 #forests #climatechange #carbonsink #biodiversity
2 năm trước
We were fortunate to witness the beauty of Colombia's Chiribiquete National Park deep in the Amazon. @jeffbezos @laurenwsanchez @drandrewsteer and the @bezosearthfund team were in #Colombia meeting with President @ivanduquemarquez and grantees to advance our commitment to #30x30 , protecting 30% of the planet's land and sea by 2030. We have committed $171 million to conservation efforts in the Tropical Andes and a 4-country marine preserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, which will be the world's largest transnational marine protected area. The Bezos Earth Fund is honored to support the protection of Chiribiquete and other magical places like it. Partners in the Tropical Andes region include , Campaign for Nature, Conserva Aves, @conservationorg , Enduring Earth, the @guardianesbos , Key Biodiversity Area Partnership, @niatero , @rainforesttrust , @rewild , @rightsresources , @thetenurefacility , @unep WCMC, @thewcs , @world_wildlife , and many more local organizations.
2 năm trước
The Bezos Earth Fund is pleased to announce $443M in grants to advance environmental justice, conserve and restore nature, and improve monitoring & accountability. These 44 grants will give some of the world’s leading change agents the ability to seize the challenges of this decisive decade, and act quickly. Together with our Chair, @JeffBezos , our Vice Chair @laurenwsanchez , and the entire team, we thank them for their efforts! Areas of focus include: Advancing Climate Equity through #Justice40 – supporting renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable housing, workforce development, and other areas in underserved communities in the US. Protecting Critical Ecosystems in support of #30x30 – supporting the protection of 30% of the land and sea by 2030 in the Congo Basin, Tropical Andes, and the Galapagos and Eastern Tropical Pacific. Restoring Degraded Landscapes – supporting restoration in the US and Africa, a critical way to reverse biodiversity loss, enhance water management, build resilience, create new jobs, and revive rural communities. Investing in Monitoring and Accountability – support the tracking of key transitions related to energy, buildings, industry, transport, and land management. #BezosEarthFund
2 năm trước