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Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam


New and sometimes unusual perspectives on modern and contemporary art and design. unbubble. #stedelijkmuseum Book your tickets online.
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Theo dõi
Ana Lupas’ exhibition ‘On This Side of the River Elbe’ is opening tomorrow. Ana Lupas herself was in the museum installing the exhibition with us. It’s the first comprehensive overview of the oeuvre of Ana Lupas. Lupas emerged in the 1960s as one of the leading Eastern European female artists of her generation. Spanning over six decades, her career is a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to artistic expression amid challenging political circumstances. #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #museum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #art #modernart #design #analupas #exhibition
528 9
1 tháng trước
NOW OPEN: Marina Abramović’s largest exhibition ever in the Netherlands! See you soon at the Stedelijk 👀. Video: @annemarijnvanes & @jelle_boerma #stedelijkmuseum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #modernart #designmuseum #MarinaAbramović #MarinaAbramovic #stedelijk
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2 tháng trước
A little sneak peek of our upcoming depot series ‘From depot to show’! We’ll take you along in how new acquisitions go from the depot to the museum galleries. In this series, we’ll follow ‘Munganyende’ (2021) and ‘Anil Ramdas’ (2020) by Iris Kensmil. Keep an eye on our socials the upcoming weeks to see more. 👀 #iriskensmil #fromdepottoshow #depotseries #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #amsterdam #contemporaryart #designmuseum #modernart
1,559 36
3 tháng trước
Cas Oorthuys' photographs tell the story of an unruly period in Dutch and Indonesian history. He expressed his critical views on the policies of the Dutch government and he photographed from the point of view of Indonesian nationalists. He highlighted the complexity of decolonization. The work 'School: Tasman-Siswa, Indonesië 1947' (1947) by Cas Oorthuys is now on view in the collection display. #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #amsterdam #contemporaryart #designmuseum #modernart #casoorthuys #indonesia
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11 giờ trước
WIN! Bezoek tijdens de laatste twee weken de Marina Abramović-tentoonstelling en maak kans op een tentoonstellingscatalogus (NL) gesigneerd door Marina Abramović zelf. Wij verloten twee exemplaren onder de bezoekers die DEZE WEEK (t/m zondag) een ticket kopen. ❗️Wat moet je doen? – Boek deze week je ticket(s) voor de Marina Abramović-tentoonstelling. Let op: meedoen aan de winactie kan door deze week (1 – 7 juli) tickets te reserveren, voor welke datum je het bezoek plant maakt niet uit. Voor een eerste bezoek aan de tentoonstelling geldt een toeslag van € 10,-. – Stuur jouw reserveringsbevestiging – die je direct na aankoop van de tickets in je mail ontvangt – door naar winactie@stedelijk.nl, met als onderwerp ‘Winactie’. Jouw gegevens worden enkel gebruikt voor de loting en daarna verwijderd. – Like dit bericht en laat met een comment weten dat je meedoet aan de loting. Meedoen aan de winactie kan van 1 t/m 7 juli 2024. De winnaar wordt d.m.v. een loting gekozen en op 10 juli 2024 via een persoonlijk bericht op de hoogte gebracht. Om mee te doen aan de winactie moet je minimaal 18 jaar oud zijn, en in staat zijn om de catalogus bij het Stedelijk op te komen halen. Tickets via link in bio. #stedelijkmuseum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #modernart #designmuseum #MarinaAbramović #MarinaAbramovic #stedelijk
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1 ngày trước
Today, July 1, is Keti Koti. Keti Koti means 'Broken Chains'. We commemorate and celebrate the legal abolition of slavery in the former colonies of Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles (July 1, 1863). This year's Keti Koti Festival will take place on the Museum square. On this day, you’re also welcome to join Charl Landvreugd, Head of Research and Curatorial Practice at the Stedelijk Museum. He takes you on a tour to see a selection of works in the collection that were created by artists from the African diaspora. Final tickets via link in bio. On July 1, we also offer a free workshop 'make your 1873 button' and speedtours by the @blikopeners . See you soon! Willem Diepraam, 'Demonstratie voor een onafhankelijk Suriname bij de Dokwerker', 1971. #stedelijkmuseum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #modernart #designmuseum #willemdiepraam #ketikoti #stedelijk
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2 ngày trước
Did you spot the skeleton or the person first? Erwin Blumenfeld was an experimental photographer who often experimented with duplex printing, like you see here. He photographed his friend Carel van Lier and a skeleton, and combined the two in one photo. ‘Carel van Lier met skelet’ by Erwin Blumenfeld is now on view in the collection display. #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #amsterdam #contemporaryart #designmuseum #modernart #erwinblumenfeld #photography
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3 ngày trước
The first one to recognize the inspiration for this painting by Wilhelm Sasnal gets an icecream 😉 The painting played a role as prop in Sasnal’s recent film project 'The Assistant' (2024). The project blurs the lines between what is art and what is film. The film is based on a novel by Robert Walser (1907) in which the main character becomes entangled in a bizarre world. Sasnal created reinterpretations of masterpieces and other archival images and used them as film props. In both the film and the exhibition at the Stedelijk, Sasnal shows how Walser's early twentieth-century story is similar to our world today. So... who is 'This Charming Man'? Courtesy of the artist and Sadie Coles HQ, London, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, Anton Kern Gallery, New York. #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #amsterdam #contemporaryart #designmuseum #modernart #wilhelmsasnal #sasnal
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5 ngày trước
"I really enjoy dreaming, in a dream possibilities are endless. Sometimes I try to write down what I dream about, but some parts can be impossible to capture with words. Good dreams can leave behind a warm, lovely feeling. These three works give me that dream like feeling, as if I can step into the painting and end up in a different world." – Says Moël, Online intern. Elena Genrikhovna Guro, 'Landscape with Trees' ca. 1910. Elena Genrikhovna Guro, 'Landscape' ca. 1910. Mikhail Matyushin, 'Landscape with Trees', ca. 1910. #stedelijkmuseum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #modernart #elenagenrikhovnaguro #designmuseum #mikhailmatyushin #stedelijk
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6 ngày trước
Temperatures are rising in the city! See a glimpse of summer through our window in the museum. Come cool down at the Stedelijk during these hot summer days. ☀️ #stedelijkmuseum #stedelijk #amsterdam #contemporaryart #designmuseum #modernart #summer #mood #vibe
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7 ngày trước
From June 5 to 16, Jia-Yu Chang Corti (@jiayucorti ) performed 'The House with the Ocean View'. In this re-performance of the work by Marina Abramović, she lived in the museum’s exhibition area for twelve consecutive days and nights following strict rules that include fasting, being silent and showering three times daily. A week after the performance, she shares her experience: "Since returning to London last Wednesday, a sense of calm and ease has prevailed. I was feeling rather energetic in the hotel in Amsterdam because of the meetings and post-show excitement. My sister was looking after me for the 3 days and we had a lot to catch up on. It was a great way to get out of the performance..." Visit the link in our bio for her full story ❤️ 🕰️ The Marina Abramović exhibition is on view for three more weeks. See the show before it closes after July 14! Photo: LNDWstudio #stedelijkmuseum #amsterdam #contemporaryart #modernart #designmuseum #MarinaAbramović #MarinaAbramovic #stedelijk
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8 ngày trước
Born on this day is Gerrit Rietveld! The impressive story of Gerrit Rietveld is almost like a myth, he started as a modest furniture maker and grew into an internationally renowned architect. In this video you see two of the many chairs he designed. The first one, the ‘Berlin Chair’, is Rietveld’s first asymmetrical chair. The second chair is the ‘Frame chair 1’, one of the earliest chairs in which Rietveld experimented with a back and seat in one piece. Come visit the museum to see these chairs now! Gerrit Rietveld, ‘Berlin Chair’, 1923. Gerrit Rietveld, ‘Frame chair 1’ design 1927, made in ca. 1929. #stedelijkmuseum  #amsterdam  #contemporaryart  #modernart  #designmuseum  #gerritrietveld  #stedelijk
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9 ngày trước