COMING UP THIS WEEK: TUE - Edinburgh comedy previews: Katharyn Henson: Stories from the Office of a Sex Dungeon Josephine Lacey: Autism Mama 7:30pm, free entry WED - Cool-Aid Comedy Open mic 8:00pm, free entry THU - CLOGG Comedy with Anna Soden, Sallyann Fellowes, Posey Mehta and Bex Turner (MC) 7:30pm, pay what you want FRI - A Free Evening of Films culminating in the premiere of Mildred Does "How to Thrive in a Post-Modern Dystopian Apocalypse (and Still Eat Your Frog)" 7:30pm, free SUN - Edinburgh comedy previews: Ray Badran: Welcome to Raytown Josh Glanc: Family Man 7:30pm, £15 (£9 advance)
Canna wait!!! 😍😍