What an incredible night at the second edition of the EBE Fest! Thank you to everyone who joined us on Monday for an evening filled with meaningful connections and inspiring conversations. It was more than just networking; it was about forging genuine human connections and celebrating the values that make our industry truly special. At the E-commerce Berlin Expo, we believe in making our industry humane and relatable. Last night was a testament to the power of community and the importance of building lasting relationships. Together, we’re not just creating business opportunities; we’re creating a thriving ecosystem for everyone involved. A special thank you to our exhibitors, partners, speakers, podcast guests, project ambassadors, and friends. Your contributions and presence made this event unforgettable and truly impactful. Here’s to the amazing people who make our community extraordinary! Let’s continue to support and uplift each other as we move forward. #CommunityFirst #EBEFEST #ecommerceberlinexpo