this morning reminded me of the power in slowing down as a mom — we hear it all the time, but when you’re heart is racing, you’re overstimulated, you want to rip your bra off bc it’s all of a sudden too tight & your toddler has asked you the same question 57 times in 35 mins… it can be easy to forget to ‘slow down’ to say the least lol. but this morning i was reminded that in the simplest form i want more than anything for her to feel included in my life & to know that she makes it better — to know she’s always wanted to be there. randomly in motherhood im hit by the emotions of building her childhood, that i am trusted with her little life, her days, & am tasked to make them magical (literally insane bc i still feel like a 15 year old obsessed with mayday parade & wearing too much eyeliner most days). it’s not always perfect, im never perfect for sure. BUT she is mine. & i want her to know it. this isn’t a guilt trip, but maybe the smallllest reminder that including them might take longer, but it’ll still get done. 🤍 even if you cry at the end of the day when your heart rate finally goes down. been there, too.
🥹 the sweetest
Yes love a slow morning and thankful for Jesus giving us that time to stewardship well 🤍
Her little voice 😭
This is so cute😍