"You’d be forgiven for thinking that little could faze Jónsi, who has fronted one of the biggest rock bands in the world for the past three decades, when it comes to putting new work out in the world. But his latest project is no ordinary creative exercise. Not only is it the Sigur Rós singer’s latest outing as a visual artist—a career he has been experimenting with independently for just five years—it is also his first solo show in Europe. And what’s more, it’s in Iceland, his home country and the place in which so much of his inspiration, community and emotions are rooted." Tap the link in our bio to read more Jónsi: FLÓÐ, Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús, until 22 September @iamjonsi @sigurros @reykjavikartmuseum
Let him loose at the Tate Modern- these would be brilliant in the tanks