Pixwox cavs帖子
Make some moves!!!
Another light skinned brother who is not 6’9 or 6’7 what are you doing ? Another coach who didn’t play in the league. What are you doing? What kind of wining culture is this ? LeBron left this team in good shape. You squandered assets and money. How can we loose Nic Gilbert who caught harder than the front office and wanted to win. How can you let his life and untimely death not drive you to get things right? What other motivation do you need? It looks like Joe Biden debate, honestly. Very lackluster KOLBY not KOBE ALL MAN. Why do you continue to underestimate the sports knowledge of the Cleveland fans ? JB said he got threats, and that’s not okay. But why should it even come down to threats ? Use your common sense my boi, 6’1 can’t guard 6’6 and 6’3 can’t guard 6’8. One big man said the lights were too bright and the other just too light for the brightest stage. This sucks to watch. You got it right on accident at 18-2 win streak and still blew it. Stop being too late, last minute barley missed it.
Delusional as f
You made JB the scape goat and you taking advantage of Dan Gilbert incapacity to be more hands on with team as in the past. Just do the right thing by Nic Gilbert though
They trying to trick us with all of these Posts on the Head Coach but are not making any Power moves to advance to the Finals which will be seen this up and coming Season. Every other Team is signing to Battle for a Championship and they up here talking like they just hired Phil Jackson. SMH only in Cleveland.