In this LIVE INJURY Q&A with Dr. Marie Whitt, DPT, we answer YOUR injury questions including... Stubborn plantar fasciitis, I’ve already taken a year off running and done 7 months of PT Achilles pain, what to do? Stretch, rest, ice, walk? Persistent hamstring niggle in 1 leg, especially when running fast So hard to pinpoint, but at the top of my hamstring into my glute/groin…argh!! Metatarsal stress reaction, same foot previously had Plantar Fascia tear and Achilles issues. What’s going on? Mild pain on the underside of my toes. Do I need to adjust my gait? Other than physical therapy, what can I do to prevent IT band knee pain? Heel feels bruised after a run but only on 1 side? 2nd & 3rd toe go numb when running. Not painful, just uncomfortable
Can you share what time it talks about hip pain? Attempted to find it but was unable to. Thanks!
If anyone is coming to this to hear about the question on your foot going numb, it happens when there’s about 35 min 45 seconds left