VVV Global is excited to welcome Jordan Kimball as our Co-Director and VP of Social Media Relations. We are eager for our state directors and national titleholders to collaborate with this dynamic addition to our team. Jordan Kimball brings a wealth of experience and creativity to the VVV Global team, and we are thrilled to have him on board as our Co-Director and VP of Social Media Relations. His expertise and vision will undoubtedly elevate our organization’s presence and engagement across various platforms. With Jordan leading our social media efforts, we are confident that our state directors and national titleholders will benefit from his innovative ideas and strategic approach. Together, we look forward to achieving new heights and making a positive impact in the pageant industry. Welcome, Jordan, to the VVV Global family! #missusa #announcement #newjob #pageants #pageantlife #pageantnews #pageantry #missusaorganization
@jordan__kimball mate your best option would be to walk away. Set a message you don’t accept toxicity in the workplace. If you stay, truly good luck. The amount of damage control to save this pageants name, will be such a mountain to climb, is it worth it? I’m sure you have potential - just not in the position and that’s ok! Focus your energy elsewhere. Working for someone like @laylahrosecouture @laylahrose is not the vibe for 2024.
Noelia and UmaSofias mom along with two previous directors are at ABC News now, let their be light!! Look for the news articles soon. CW the major broadcasting sponsor for Miss USA is also considering cutting their ties with the organization. Multiple previous and current title holders are also speaking out about the organization. Change must happen or else this pageant can kiss its future goodbye!
Jordan, you might wanna look for another Shahab. Because yours just turned to shit with the resignations and the truth that will come out completely. So if you’re going to keep this job, let me give you the only peaceful advice you need… Do not lie or cover up anymore crap.have the organization own their shit and fix it plain and simple cut and dry.
So when is the @laylahrosecouture stepping down and or when will @annejkn.official finally do something right and fire her. The silence is deafing
Stop parading these young women in ultra sexy dresses and swimsuits. The swimsuits are more in line with porn stars and do not represent a more modest representation of USA values.
Does anyone know when tickets go on sale for Miss USA?