‼️Moving Out‼️ Hey guys, Poe here. I've decided to move accounts. I feel unhappy with this account for many reasons... terrible algorithm, terrible people, overall negativity I hate being surrounded by. I'll move to that account and draw for myself. I'll stop caring how much likes I get, I won't be pleasing others, I'll do what makes me comfortable. If you don't like me feeling comfortable you can simply stop interacting with me. Thank you for your time on this account, I hope that if you do care for me regardless of my decisions you'll continue to support me 🤍🤍🤍 I just want to feel as much safe as I can as my irl environment is not the best, so social media is my way to escape that pain. I want pain avoided as much as possible.
Hey I'm very sorry and I hope you find a way to feel better, take all the time you need and if you are comfortable ill follow your new account 💕💕💕
I follow you r new Account
Dude good luck I’m sorry man
i hope the new account will feel super safe and comfy for you!💖💖💖 social media is toxic for art but dont let it stop you from drawing what you really love💖
i’m so sorry you feel this way man :( your art is always a joy that lights up my day and nobody deserves to rid you of that passion, your style is what makes you you and i hope your fresh start gets rid of all of that negativity once and for all 💕💕💕 sending all love
ooh I hope you'll feel better soon ;; and you're right, drawing for yourself is the best !! (btw you can also hide the number of likes of your posts but also of other's people posts, so you can focus only on your art and not stats ! it really helped me I was unmotivated about my art)
I'm sorry to hear your experience hasn't been pleasant, I do hope you can continue to draw and be fulfilled without outside negativity and feel more comfortable to do what you like 🎀🍀
I'll follow where you go, Poe! I love your art and, if moving accounts is what'll make you happy, then do it! I hope you feel comfy with that decision<33