🩷🥚Community Day Chansey🍀🩷 Hoy es el dia de la comunidad de febrero y es turno de un pokemon Rosita y es Chansey 🩷🍀 entonces esta vez tocó dibujar a chansey con su regalo y ya hacia falta un pokemon de este tipo para un Community, pensaba que Chansey me hiba a salir mal a la hora de dibujarla, pero no, me sorprendio mucho el resultado y se ve adorable 😊 espero que tambien a ustedes les guste, que tengan un bonito dia de la comunidad y suerte con los Shinys ✨🩷🍀 . Today is the Community Day of February and it's the turn of a pink pokemon and it's Chansey 🩷🍀 so this time it was time to draw Chansey with her gift and a pokemon of this type was already needed for a Community, I thought Chansey was going to come out bad when drawing it, but no, I was very surprised by the result and it looks adorable 😊 I hope you like it too, have a nice community day and good luck with the Shinies ✨🩷🍀 . . #pokemon #chansey #pokemongo #pokemongocommunityday #diadelacomunidaddepokemongo #chanseycommunityday