Some bad news for 2023. As all promoters for gigs we have booked for the rest of the year now know, we sadly will not be able to fulfil any of our live commitments for the remainder of this year. The partner of one of our members is about to undergo the next stage of intensive treatment for cancer. I won't go into detail, but ultimately it means we won't be able to play any live dates until next year. We're an "all-for-one and one-for-all" band and there's no one that could adequately fill his shoes, so this is just how it is. We love to tour and play live, but we will just have to bide our time and come back harder and faster in 2024. As much as our bands can feel like the epicentre of our lives, sometimes "real" life gets in the way, and reminds us that love and commitment to a partner trumps that by some considerable margin. If you're keen to hear the songs that would have filled half our live set this year, we have the new 'East Anglian Hardcore' album out at   Otherwise, stay safe, look after yourselves, and we'll see you in 2024. X #fuckcancer #eastanglianhardcore #seeyouin2024