Hello. In our typical fashion of going quiet again, unfortunately this is for a reason. We’re having to admit defeat and say that we cannot do any shows for the forthcoming future. We will open up more about it soon but we do not want to do it via a social media post. We’re really sorry if you were looking forward to watching us, but we’ll be back as soon as we can. Despite this, we’re still being busy with other things-so you will hear from us very soon 👀 But for now, as we were ❤️
Hope you are all OK, look after yourselves.
Love ya’ll mother fuckers! Take the time you need. Try not to be too hard on yourselves, there is no defeat. You’ve made some amazing music, added original ideas to this world. Literally pulled things that didn’t exist before out of your fucking brains and it’s amazing. Sounds like a win to me.