Angelica Lynn


Video artist and video gamer.
I'm not late, you are -- hello hello, happy to share there's a few days left to see this bad boy differently as part of INTO THE NIGHT in Rome?? Wild! As we all know, night time is the right time 😎 My work is up from March 8-18, but there's still more interesting work to see. If you're around, go check it out! Always thankful for different opportunities @loosenart
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If you need someone for a laugh track, let me know. My 2023 had some of my lowest lows and my highest highs. Thank you all for sharing the laughs and spreading the joy!
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Another announcement?! Visit the Sidewalk Video Gallery at @fountainstreetgallery from November 2 to 26 to catch "Insomnia" and more videos from other really cool artists! November's been big for me and I'm so glad I can share it with y'all. Thanks as always!! /the-sidewalk-video-gallery/verdan-feverdreamscape-ulanova-mele-kim-silva-79cg7
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The Server of Flesh is now OPEN! It is a huge honor to be part of this Pavilion in The Wrong Biennale: an independent, art driven, multicultural, decentralized, and collaborative international art biennale. I had the opportunity to recreate my 2D hypertext game "Permanent Transition" in a 3D space. It's a brand-new experience! I'm thankful for the challenge and chance to share this emotional piece in a new way. Come play in Spatial and explore this intersection between new media art and video games! See and celebrate the amazing art by all of the incredible artists! Join the Server of Flesh! Music by Erokia Server of Flesh Pavilion The Wrong Biennale November 1st. 2o23 to March 1st. 2o24. / /ServerOfFlesh /sof-exhibition Curated by Litote by Pierre Chaumont and Marie Chaumont @thewrong.biennale @projetlitote
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My work is a part of Continuous Interlude! So excited to share I'm part of this Pavilion in The Wrong Biennale: an independent, art driven, multicultural, decentralized, and collaborative international art biennale. Always grateful for the opportunity to share my art and celebrate other incredible artists! Come explore this Continuous Interlude - a loopable experience of pauses. Continuous Interlude Pavillion The Wrong Biennale November 1st. 2o23 to March 1st. 2o24. / /ContinuousInterlude Curated by Veronica Laminarca and Ro Ferrarezi @thewrong.biennale @outsidethemind and @roferrarezi
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So thankful to be part of Arte Pubblica e Metaverso! Such a cool project by - you can download the app and experience all the work even if you're not in Venice. Runs from July 17 to Nov 2. / I shared this on my story but never posted it officially, whoops!! This is special to me because it's the first time my piece "Permanent Transition" has been featured in anything. You can play this labor of love for yourself on my!
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Hello long time no post here's some unseen footage from a reel that never lived until now This was from before I went to DG in May! Time really flies hey wtf it's basically August
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Behind the scenes of some projection bombing /digital graffiti with my piece INSOMNIA! I had a new idea and well... we rolled with it. Mark my words: I WILL catch that 3AM freight train or so help me #videoart #projectionart #newmediaart
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VERY EXCITED to announce I'll be a part of Digital Graffiti with my work "INSOMNIA"! A huge projection art festival!! @dgalysbeach This feels so incredible because I've had such a crazy year behind the scenes. To have my return to projection bombing be included in a festival like this? I'm so honored. Thank you, everyone. The festival is the weekend of May 19-20! / Also, I realized I never "officially" announced my newest piece even though I've teased it here WHOOPS! Another time, another post!!
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Shout to the late-night speed gang, your revs are forever recorded in my heart (and documentation) Some BTS of my new piece!
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Wow wow wow exhibition time! Excited to finally announce I'll be a part of MASKED at @cicamuseum !!! Can't believe "To Be Fully Seen" has been SEEN 😎 by such a wide audience. Thankful for the opportunity to share my work and life with y'all! Show is up March 15th to April 2nd. /masked-2023/
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Editing documentation is always fun when you find moments like this that you don't remember from filming projection art at 4AM
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