Amanda Ferreira


I help women get Strong AF through training, nutrition and mindset coaching. I can do all things through Him Book your FREE transformation call👇🏽
That’s the final package! I’ve been off stages for 2 years, not by choice, but by life circumstances. But I didn’t just waste that time…I used it to grow and to adapt my body! Transitioning from fitness to wellness category has been an amazing ride and I’m so happy to be a Wellness again! That’s the category I started at back in Brazil 🥰 Fullness, strength, healthy, femininity and sass 😏 That’s how I see it and that’s what I brought to the stage! I couldn’t be prouder of this package! All athletes go through stuff in life and nobody necessarily has is easy, but only I know the demons and enemies I had to overcome to be here! And with the help and favor of God, I did it!! I’m already a winner, cause I won myself back! ❤️‍🔥🥰 Stay tuned for the night show and awards ceremony! 💎
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Growth takes time! 9 years later, I’m still here at the @wbffentertainment stage (and backstage too 😜) growing, learning, getting better, making friends, extending my family, maturing! It’s just a beautiful process!! Some people ask me why I do this, spend all that time, go through all that deprivation, invest all that money…and there are many reasons, but one of them is just because I am a better woman when I do it! Feels like everything in my life falls into place! Discipline gives you freedom! 💎❤️‍🔥 Love to see how far I’ve come in these almost 10 years and can’t wait to see where the next 10 will take me! 🫶🏽⭐️👸🏼
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I’m not special! I’m persistent! And I guarantee that if you were too, you could get the body you wanted! I start my Project 98 tomorrow! What about you? 👊🏼👙 Click the link on the bio for more information!
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There’s an inner power that comes after you achieve something so hard as mastering yourself. Can’t wait to do it again! @fmgshows_california in 11 weeks 👊🏼🤩 @fmgshows Incredible bikini by @renatamassaccesi_fabcostumes Pic by @dstnctartmedia Beauty by Team @dynastytraining
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Tired of feeling only quads on your squat? I got you! I introduce t you...the booty squat! No, it’s not a new thing, you just didn’t know about it. Now, your legs will still have a major role in the squat, but let me teach you how also to invite your booty to the game! 1 - position your feet wider than feet width apart 2 - point your toes out - like a 45º should do 3 - when you squat, think as pushing your butt back, rather than just going down 4 - do that while also pushing your knees out - they should always point towards your feet 5 - let your torso bend forward a little bit - otherwise you will just fall lol 6 - go only as low as you can still keep a neutral spine curvature - aka don’t bend your back! 7 - on the way up, lead the movement with your behind 😏 remember hips don’t lie from Shakira? that’s the vibe. They go up first. And as for the vast majority of exercises, if you’re trying to grow your muscles, don’t rest don speed it up control the easy part of the movement Don’t stop when it hurts, stop when you’re done. and enjoy the pain! Thanks for watching! 😎
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Wanna know how to progress weight in an exercise? Watch the video here 😎
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Sunday Meal Prep 👩‍🍳
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How about you? Let me know 😎
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This is what 12.6 lbs loss looks like in me. That’s in the course of 11 weeks. That’s roughly 1.1 lbs average loss per week. Do you still think that’s too little? Some of you lose “only 1 lb” a week and get so upset, because you think it’s not enough! It is enough! The problem is you lose 1lb and gain 2lb. Or you aim to lose 3lb but then manage to put 5 lb back in. You know why? Because what you do to get into that is UNSUSTAINABLE! And I’m a big fan of pushing harder for certain occasions, but you need to be able to hold that! You can starve yourself and then binge all weekend! I teach all my clients to find balance! And no, it’s not easy! And I lose my own now and then. But I know how to find it again, over and over again! And every time I lose it, it’s a conscious decision to relax a little, not a reckless YOLO binge! Let me teach you how to find what that looks like for you And let me help you keep every single lb you lose off for good! I got you!
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Eager for more! I love this sport! 11.5 weeks until I debut on the @fmgshows stage at the @fmgshows_california 👸 Really can't wait! Bikini by @renatamassaccesi_fabcostumes
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Swipe! ➤➣➤ 10 years ago I said yes to a scary thing! I decided to do my first-ever bodybuilding show. Zero experience, Had no idea what I was doing. But I did it! I didn't overthink. I didn't expect to win. I didn't worry about what others were gonna say about it. I just did it! And I guess the smile shows how happy I was!! Did I win? Absolutely not! Quite the contrary. I was told by some of the “experts” That my body wasn't really fit for bodybuilding 🤔 And to that, I quote @thelesbrown “Don't let others' opinions of you become your reality”. 10 years later, the loser is here! Living in another country. A Pro Champion. Making fitness my full time job! While the winners…with all due respect. I'm not sure anybody remembers their names 🤷🏻‍♀️ Never quit friends!!
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To all the women who refuse to be less! 🍾🥂 And no, being more doesn't mean being more masculine Or more aggressive Or acting more like men. I Dont believe that! I believe men have their space And men should be all they can be (and we love when they are!) But I also believe we women have been Playing it low for the sake of being too much We are too much! We are intense We are more emotional We are an explosion of beauty and strength! So be all that my ladies! Be exactly who God created you to be! And not what others expect from you Here’s to feminine and strong and sexy women! May we be them! May we raise them! Tag a bad ass woman you know and love! 😍🤩
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