Destination Wedding Videographer | Mentorship | Workshops


Awarded Wedding Videographer 🏆 Head of @wevsycom | 10 years of experience 🎥 Workshops @yes.workshops | Mentorship 📍Prague | Available Worldwide ✈️
💫Let’s get to know each other and build new connections together!👇 Hello, my name is Stanislav Barachevsky, and I am a 37-year-old professional videographer and video editor based in the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic. Over the past decade, I have dedicated my life to capturing the most precious moments for couples around the globe, specializing in wedding videography. My passion for this craft has taken me to stunning destinations worldwide, allowing me to create unforgettable memories for countless couples. With a career spanning nearly ten years, I have garnered extensive experience and recognition in the field. Currently, I am honored to serve as the President of the Wedding & Event Videographers Society WEVSY.COM @wevsycom , a prestigious organization that brings together the most talented and innovative professionals in the industry. In this role, I strive to promote excellence and set high standards for videography worldwide. My journey has also led me to become a jury member of the top international wedding videography competitions, where I have the privilege of evaluating and celebrating the incredible work of my peers. Being part of this vibrant and ever-evolving industry is incredibly rewarding. Each wedding I film is a unique story, a celebration of love that I am privileged to document. I am incredibly passionate about capturing weddings, showcasing both the grand moments and the small, intricate details that highlight the emotions of the couple and the guests, capturing the overall atmosphere of the wedding. I bring my creative vision as a professional in this field, and my films are Timeless, Heartfelt, and Authentic. In addition to my videography work, I am passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of videographers. I offer courses and conduct workshops across Europe for videographers and photographers. Through these educational initiatives, I aim to share my knowledge and help others succeed in this exciting field. Let’s connect and get to know each other! Thank you for following my journey and supporting my passion for videography ☺️ Photos by @alina_krasieva 📷
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POV: You’re WEDDING VIDEOGRAPHER in Italy🇮🇹 Idea Project: @barachevsky_stanislav @heartfelt_movies @anna_kit_creator ⠀ Planners: @italy.workshops @feel.and.create.italy @heartfelt_movies ⠀ Coordinators: @wedding_venues_in_italy @mega_nastya_ ⠀ Chief video: @heartfelt_movies @dima_vutcairov ⠀ Chief photo: @ersy_photography ⠀ Chief stylist: @katyakalistratova Decor and concept: @alinaolfert @feel.and.create__decor Florist: @floral_art_olla @alinaolfert Artists: @bodro.artists Location: @hotelvillacipressi
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Від юриспруденції до відеозйомки: мій несподіваний шлях…👀 Завжди цікаво спостерігати, як життя приводить нас до поворотних моментів, і як завдяки цьому ми можемо відкрити для себе нові горизонти. Коли я поступив до юридичного факультету, моя мета була чіткою — стати визнаним спеціалістом в сфері права. Університетські роки були наповнені дослідженнями, вивченням казусів та безкінечними практичними заняттями. Паралельно я розвився у творчості. Вільний від навчання час (тобто нічний) я присвячував музиці, ставши ді-джеєм та резидентом найкращих нічних клубів Запоріжжя. А вдень я навчався та працював у юридичній компанії. По закінченню навчання в університеті я відчував, що готовий брати на себе відповідальність, створивши власну юридичну компанію. Моя кар'єра в юриспруденції була на зростанні: відкрив власну юридичну практику, отримав адвокатське свідоцтво, клієнти цінували мою експертизу та підхід. Однак, життя готувало мене до нового етапу. 2014-2015 роки були переломними: корупція та неефективність судової системи спонукали мене до переосмислення своєї ролі. Відеозйомка з'явилася в моєму житті як відповідь на цей виклик. Все почалося з хобі. Це був спосіб розслабитися від стресів і натиску реальності. Спочатку це було просто для задоволення, але пізніше в 2015 році, коли я взяв перші замовлення на відео, я зрозумів, що це може стати чимось більшим. 👀⬆️ Продовження моєї історії читайте в каруселі (листайте фото) ➡️➡️➡️
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Work-Life Balance of a Destination Wedding Videographer ⚖️ As a videographer, I’m constantly on the move, traveling to different corners of the world. In the past month alone, I’ve visited the Netherlands, Montenegro, and Palma de Mallorca, and before that, I was in France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy, and Spain. Traveling and working in so many different countries is incredibly enriching, but it also requires the ability to balance work and personal life. Here are a few things that help me maintain this balance: 1. Planning and Scheduling I strive to plan my trips in advance and allocate separate days for work and leisure. This helps me avoid burnout and enjoy new places. For example, in the Netherlands, I dedicated a day solely to exploring Amsterdam, and in Montenegro, I found time to relax on the coast. 2. Personal Moments During my travels, I always try to find time for myself. This might be a trip to interesting places or a dinner at a small restaurant in Rome. These moments help me recharge and stay productive. 3. Staying Connected with family and friends Constant traveling can distance you from family and friends, but I make an effort to maintain regular contact through calls and messages. 4. Health Care Traveling and working on shoots can be exhausting, so I always try to pay attention to my health (although it doesn’t always work out). Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep are essential companions on any trip. For instance, in Palma de Mallorca, I found time for morning runs and paddleboarding, which helped me stay fit. 5. Personal Development and Inspiration Every journey is not only work but also an opportunity for personal growth and inspiration. Visiting new places, and getting to know different cultures and people helps me develop both as an individual and as a professional. Each new project and trip is an opportunity not only for professional growth but also for personal enrichment. I try not to forget that despite all the challenges and workload, it’s important to find time for myself and my loved ones. This makes my work not only successful but also meaningful and joyful.☺️
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One more “Behind the Scenes” of Our Wedding Photography and Videography Workshop in Como😎 One of the most memorable aspects of our recent workshop in Como was how we handled the unexpected weather. The forecast had predicted rain, and it did indeed rain. However, we pride ourselves on our thorough preparation and commitment to our participants’ comfort. On the morning of the workshop, despite the grey skies, our team was ready. We had anticipated the weather conditions and prepared raincoats for everyone in advance. This proactive approach ensured that none of our participants got wet, and the rainy weather didn’t dampen our spirits. The raincoats not only kept everyone dry but also added a unique touch to the day. Seeing everyone in matching rain gear created a sense of unity and camaraderie among participants. It was a beautiful sight and a testament to our dedication to making every detail perfect, no matter the circumstances. The workshop, aimed at photographers and videographers specializing in wedding shoots, proceeded smoothly. The participants were able to fully engage in the activities and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Como, even with the rain. Our preparation paid off, and the event was a great success, with everyone leaving with wonderful memories and a sense of fulfillment. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes insights and key moments from our workshops☺️
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🎬 Behind the Scenes of Our Amazing Workshop in Italy, Como🎬 ✨ This May, we had an incredible time at our workshop in Italy! The energy was electric, the scale was grand, and the couples and locations were absolutely stunning. This is what our workshops are all about - unforgettable experiences and top-notch creativity. 👥 The team was fantastic, and the entire event was a massive success. But that’s not all! I’m thrilled to announce that we have some exciting new workshops coming up this October. 🌟 We’ve transformed our concept! These aren’t just workshops anymore; they’re complete experiences combining photography, videography and relaxation retreats. 😎 📍 Join us in the breathtaking locations of Mallorca, Spain, and Lake Como, Italy. ✨ Stay tuned for updates. This is going to be unforgettable! #workshop #retreat #Mallorca #LakeComo #photography #videography #behindthescenes
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POV: You’re a drone pilot at Mallorca 😎 Amazing location for your weddings & events: @sontogores Wedding planner: @sunshineweddingspain Floristry & decoration: @megawedding.mallorca
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👇👇👇 «My bipolar self» 🫣 I wanted to share something fun and a bit unique about music tastes—my bipolar playlist. As someone who loves a variety of music genres, my playlist for a run can be quite an eclectic mix. At the top of my list, you’ll often find metal and rock. There’s nothing like the energy of a heavy riff or a powerful drum beat to keep me moving. Bands like Bad Omens, Falling in Reverse, Electric Callboy or even Nirvana are staples for those moments when I need that extra push.🤘 But my musical taste doesn’t stop there. I also have a soft spot for classics from the ‘80s and ‘90s. These tracks bring a nostalgic vibe and can be surprisingly motivating. 🪩 Then there’s electronic music. I spent some time as a DJ, and my love for electronic beats has never faded. My playlist includes trance, melodic techno, and other electronic genres. Artists like Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, and Stephan Bodzin often make an appearance. Their rhythms and melodies keep my pace steady and my spirits high. 🎧 So, my running playlist is a bit bipolar, jumping from heavy metal to ‘80s pop to electronic beats. It keeps my runs interesting and reflects my diverse musical interests. How about you? Is your playlist as bipolar as mine, or do you stick to one genre? Share your thoughts and tracklists in the comments!😉 Looking forward to hearing your favorites.👇
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The Art of Tattoos: A Personal Journey🫶 Recently, while going through my archives, I found a video from several years ago where I was getting my second tattoo, covering up an old one. This discovery has inspired me to share my thoughts on tattoos and what they mean to me. Tattoos are more than just ink on skin; they are expressions of our identity, experiences, and creativity. For centuries, tattoos have been used across cultures to tell stories, symbolize beliefs, and mark significant life events. Today, they remain a powerful form of personal expression and artistry. Several years ago, I embarked on an ambitious project: a tattoo sleeve on my arm. It all began with a small, rather regrettable tattoo that I decided to cover up. What started as a simple cover-up turned into an extensive piece of art, transforming nearly half of my arm. From the moment I covered that small tattoo, I envisioned something much grander. I dreamed of a sleeve that would reflect my inner moments and have deep meaning specifically for me. However, life has its way of altering our plans. Due to circumstances beyond my control, this project was put on hold for quite some time. But dreams, like tattoos, are not easily erased. They remain with us, waiting for the right moment to be realized. I’m excited to share that the time has come to continue my tattoo journey. The pause is over, and the needle will soon be back in action. In the near future, I’ll be adding new chapters to the story etched on my skin, and I can’t wait to share the progress with you all. Tattoos are a deeply personal experience, and each one holds unique significance for the person wearing it. They can be a person’s story or vision, holding meanings that are understandable primarily to them. Do you have any tattoos? What inspired you to get them? Or, if you don’t have any, have you ever considered getting one? Share your thoughts and stories with us!
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After my trip to Palma de Mallorca, I’ve added a new favorite to my list of cocktails – Spanish Sangria. It’s become one of my favorites. Each time, Sangria is made with different components, but one of my absolute favorites is made with sparkling wine and brandy. Which cocktails do you love? Let me know in the comments!🫶
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Ever felt like you’re swimming with sharks in life? Here’s why I’m not afraid. 🦈🌊» 🌊 Sitting here, surrounded by these mesmerizing creatures, I can’t help but think about how they mirror our world. Just like these sharks circling around me, our lives are filled with individuals and situations that can feel predatory, constantly trying to take a bite out of us, exploit us, or simply drag us down. 🦈 These sharks remind me of those moments when we feel the pressure of competition, the sting of betrayal, or the overwhelming challenges that threaten to engulf us. In this vast ocean of life, it’s easy to focus on the predators, the dangers that lurk just beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to strike. But here’s the truth: our world isn’t just filled with sharks. For every one of these fierce creatures, there are countless others who bring light, support, and positivity into our lives. These are the people I am incredibly grateful to know, to work with, and to call friends. ✨ It’s because of you—the supportive colleagues, the true friends—that I can sit here, fearless, even as the sharks circle. You’ve shown me that no matter how many challenges come my way, I am stronger and more resilient because of the amazing people I have around me. So here’s to you, the incredible individuals who turn this ocean from a place of fear into a place of growth and possibility. The sharks can circle all they want, but with you by my side, I know they’ll never take me down. In fact, they might just find that I’m not so easy to swallow.😎
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Captured a beautiful moment today in Amsterdam😍 Gorgeous florals, an amazing venue, and a fantastic team made everything perfect.✨ Planner: @myrtheregelthet_wedding Floral: @nomadfloralstudio Location: @huize_frankendael Photo: @alina_krasieva
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