Charity Bassett | Hope Dealer 🕊️


❤️‍🩹 Tips to blossom through wounded paths 🥤Heal your gut by drinking the 👇 Viral Mental Wellness Happy Juice here:
I have to tell you something so neat. It’s no secret that things have been a struggle lately. So much so, that it even snuck its way into our yearly family photo shoot. It’s spilled over into nearly every aspect of my life. However, I have made it my quest to lean into it all. To trust the process and know, as surely as the sun rises, if I stay open to receive and never give up hope, the answers, and solutions WILL COME. Oftentimes God sends us comfort, and help literally as Angels in the form of humans. It’s happened to me before, and it has happened to me again. You’ve been along for the ride these last few years as I have shared my health journey. Your support has been incredible! I actually feel physically BETTER than I felt in my 20’s. I’ve also worked very hard to get OFF of all synthetic medications. Finding natural solutions to my body and mind’s ailments has become something that is very very important to me. I’ve battled a Bi-polar diagnosis, ADHD, Severe Anxiety and Depression, and while most of the time I’ve felt like this was all under control, this last month made me realize it wasn’t. There was still a piece missing. There was still a problem. Did you know there is actually a “gut-heart-brain” access? Me either. What I do know is that though I’ve been killing it physically - emotionally and mentally, I’ve still been struggling. Then a dear, truly intuitive woman felt prompted to give me what she called “Happy Juice” to see if it would help. It is an all natural, plant based combination if supplements specifically formulated for mental health. I was a skeptic… I’ve changed my tune. I’m blown away. I’d love to share what happened with you! I’m making it my quest to know and UNDERSTAND this more. Because something like this? It’s unique. I’m posting a link to what I started with and you can poke around the site and explore for yourself. There are so many solutions to so many things within it. It’s funny how, when things seem the darkest, moments of beauty present themselves in the most unexpected places. I think I’ve just been lead to something that’s going to be amazing 💙 Link in comments Sylvia Monsivais
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The waiting. The meantime. The in-between. It all serves a purpose. Trust your process, even the delays and detours. 🫶🏼❤️‍🩹
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Twelve years ago, my heart was full of hope, yet shadowed by the illusion that happiness lay in a destination, a promise from someone who whispered of a life that would complete us. As a single mom, I took a leap of faith, moving my two precious daughters thousands of miles from the warmth of family, into the unknown, believing in the potential of a promise and the magic of what could be. But the journey taught me a profound lesson, one that unfolded through years of compromise, where I lost myself to empty promises, letting the essence of who I am and my values slip through my fingers for a mirage. The photos from those times reflect a chapter of deep sorrow, where I battled with darkness, my spirit nearly extinguished under the weight of depression and despair, my light dimmed. Yet, this story does not end in shadows. The path to reclaiming myself was steep, marked by battles with my physical health, mental wellness, and the quest for spiritual peace. The journey was arduous, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, but here I stand, a beacon of hope. I share my story to tell you, if you’re staring into the abyss, feeling lost beyond recognition, believing that hope is a concept too far to grasp—there is light. Transformation is possible. The road to rediscovery, to healing, and to becoming whole again, though rugged, is within reach. Never compromise your values, your essence, for fleeting promises. Hold tight to what you know is true and good for you, and remember, even in the darkest of times, we have the power to rise, to rebuild, to find joy and fulfillment on our own terms. Let my journey inspire you to believe in the possibility of a new dawn, a reminder that no matter how far we may wander, we can always find our way back to ourselves, stronger and more radiant than ever before. #JourneyToSelfDiscovery #RiseAboveChallenges #UnbreakableSpirit #HealingJourneyContinues #empowermentthroughadversity
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Need an idea for Girls Camp?👇🏼 We LOVE the 2024 LDS Youth Theme: “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” and the accompanying scripture John 14: 5-6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒚, the truth and the life.” This year’s camp was SO FUN to plan! Our 2024 youth Girls Camp Theme lovingly became known as “𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕎𝔸𝕐” There are many out there who claim to be an INFLUENCER, they want your time, your attention, your swipe up, your vote, and your like. BUT, the REAL INFLUENCER is JESUS CHRIST. He is “𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕎𝔸𝕐” back to our Heavenly Father. “Of all possible choices, the one that matters most is the choice to follow Jesus Christ.” (FSOY pg. 34) We created this Journal with prompts that will teach the youth (and adults!) everything they need to help learn HOW to BECOME a Disciple of Jesus Christ even amid all the noise of the world. 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑱𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 them 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐: * Seek to KNOW HIM - What is your favorite “Name” for Jesus? * Strive to BECOME LIKE HIM - “Identify an attribute you would like to learn more about” * How can we know the WAY - “What do you know to be true about Jesus Christ?” * And many other thought-provoking questions.
 President Jeffrey R. Holland teaches, “As we study Jesus’ titles to learn more about who He was and is, we will find ourselves learning more about who we are and 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝔂 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮.” 💖 To download this journal for YOUR GIRLS CAMP YOUR YOUTH ACTIVITY, just comment 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓲𝓹𝓵𝓮 below and I’ll send you a link to the ready-to-go print file, OR click the link in my bio. Then, COME BACK and SHARE your experience with it! Our girl’s testimonies were incredible! #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints  #lds  #sharegoodness  #lighttheworld   #ldsblogger  #followtheprophet  #hearhim  #comefollowme  #ldswriter  #ldsinfluencer  #spiritualgifts  #latterdaysaints  #bookofmormon  #generalconference  #christian #theway #discipleofchrist #ldsyouth #girlscamp
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It’s felt like a series of unexpected detours lately, one after another. Though I’ve listened intently to what I believed was His guidance, each turn has led to heartache, disappointment, and confusion. It’s shaken me, leaving me wondering if the spiritual compass I’ve relied on is broken. But amidst the doubt, there’s a flicker of hope. Nature has always been a source of profound connection for me. Perhaps this summer will be a time of quiet seeking, a chance to rediscover His will for my path. Today, while walking, I yearned to hear His voice again, a voice that seems to have faded. The world’s noise, particularly the whispers of doubt, have been deafening. Intrusive thoughts cloud my judgment, making it a daily battle to discern His guidance. Here are four practices that helped me yesterday, and may resonate with you if you’re facing a similar struggle: * CONFIRMATION: God’s hand guides all things. Is there a persistent message nudging your mind or spirit? Write it down. Perhaps it holds the key. Conversely, if like me, you experience a persistent silence, trust that there’s a reason. * PATIENCE: Patience is often the divine language. If something feels rushed or urgent, it might be the adversary’s attempt to steer you off course with a deceptive shortcut. God’s will unfolds with purpose and wisdom, and His words will bring a sense of calm, steady understanding. * POWER: His voice holds a power unlike any earthly words. He will guide you towards paths that require a strength beyond your own. The ability to navigate these challenges will come not from your own will, but from His unwavering support. * CONVERSATIONS : God’s whispers resonate within the depths of your soul. Seek Him in quiet solitude or in the company of a fellow believer. In these moments of stillness, His words will rise to the surface from the depths of your being.
 May you find a moment of quiet today to listen for the gentle whisper of God, even in the midst of your deepest valleys or most exhausting climbs. Remember, “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes...” Proverbs 3: 5-7 ♡ Can you relate? 👇
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In Christ ~ your story doesn’t end in ashes, dear friend ♡
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On my way to the gym this morning, a song played that transported me into a deep contemplation, a cherished ritual I uphold during the quiet, early hours—a time I dedicate daily to connect with Christ. As the melody lingered, a wave of sadness briefly washed over me, only to be followed by an overwhelming feeling of gratitude—a curious shift that transformed my perspective. My heart ached, for love and loss have deeply etched their marks upon my soul. Recently, I’ve come to understand that a Celestial Union may not be part of my earthly journey. Yet, instead of mourning this realization, I was enveloped by a profound thankfulness. The words spoken by President Nelson at the April 2024 General Conference have resonated deeply with me: “The SEALING POWER is SUPERNAL EVIDENCE of how much God loves all of His children everywhere and wants each of them to choose to return home to Him.” These words have lingered in my heart and mind, reminding me of the divine love that guides us. It dawned on me that while the sealing power may seem distant for me, it remains a hopeful possibility for my daughters. In a heartfelt conversation, my father reminded me that my current sacred duty is to nurture, teach, and uplift my daughters, enabling them to find joy and purpose in their lives and steer clear of the missteps that once entangled me. In that moment, my heartache transformed into a sense of purpose and peace. #thinkcelestial #godisgood
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Comment a heart to affirm this for yourself. 🖤 Thanks to neuroplasticity it is always possible to recreate your life. 🧠 You can change your identity, habits, and beliefs today. 🪄 It just takes daily conscious choices that align with your dream self. 📈 Learning about your psychology gives you the power to utilize the science of your mind to create your dream life. 🧠 Follow @charitybassett  for more tips.🤍 #dopamine  #brainhealth  #happyhormones  #psychologyfact  #personalgrowth #recoveryjourney #recovery #mentalwellness #mentalhealth
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Ok, if you’re sipping happy juice today, stop what you’re doing and try this combo 🤯 👉🏻Mango🥭 + Grape🍇 + Kids Fundamentals.👈🏻 SERIOUSLY SO GOOD. Tell me if you’re trying it ⬇️and you’re welcome. 😂🙌🏻 . . . . . . . . . 🥤PS. If you’re not sipping on happy juice yet, we need to fix that stat! If you’re: - tired of being tired, - gut issues, - anxious, - not sleeping, - feeling snappy, - need better memory and brain clarity, - want to lower your cortisol Anyone else feel like this sounds like you too? Clinical Research is this 👇🏻 * 60% Decrease in irritability scores * 55% Decrease in anxiousness * 49% Reduction in overall distress * 70% Increase in good bacteria * 211% Increase in positive mood * 105% Decrease in negative mood ❓What do you typically see within the first week of using happy juice? ❤️Increased energy that lasts the entire day ❤️Falling asleep faster and waking up rested ❤️Decreased bloating ❤️Decreased cravings ❓What do you typically see after one month of using happy juice? ❤️Increase in overall mood & happiness ❤️Clearer skin/glowy ❤️Able to manage stress & anxiousness better ❓What do you typically see after 90 days using happy juice? ❤️Less food sensitivities ❤️Less inflamed/face less puffy/& decrease in joint issues ❤️Weight loss/ better metabolism You’re going to love the HAPPIER version of you + your family. Our whole family is sipping on this daily. Drop me a ❤️ if you need one of my discount codes. #cortisolimbalance  #cortisolbelly  #mentalhealth
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What is this Happy Juice you speak of? Great question: Happy Juice is three separate supplements that you add to water. 😃 Don’t overcomplicate it. The supplements work together to repair the gut lining and populate the gut with good bacteria that promote the production of happy hormones, like serotonin and dopamine— So you’ll find yourself actually feeling more happy because of science, man. 🙌🏽 Along with that it helps with your motivation, mental clarity, metabolism, and energy levels— tell me you’re not looking for THAT. I noticed my mental fog disappearing and I wake up more rested with ongoing energy throughout the day! I’ve have less brain fog, less irritability, no bloating, and a month in and I am loving the improvement in my SKIN! Clinically proven to 60% decrease in irritability 55% decrease in anxiety 50% decrease in depression 49% reduction in overall distress 211% increase in positive mood Comment happy and I’ll send you a $10 OFF promo code + FREE affiliate link promo code if you want to make some EXTRA $😘 #mentalhealthawareness  #mentalhealthmatters  #happyjuice  #naturalenergy
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This is my sweet neice. She is just now learning to walk. I listened to her momma say the other day, that she still defaults to crawling but if she really knows where she wants to go, she will be determined and actually walk. How similar this is to life where sometimes we default to the familiar paths, crawling through our comfort zones. Yet, when we set our hearts on a goal, our determination guides us to stand tall and walk toward our dreams. It’s a beautiful reminder that growth comes with its share of stumbles, but it’s our vision and perseverance that truly move us forward. Let’s cherish these small steps, for they are the leaps in our journey of life. #SmallStepsBigDreams #GrowthJourney #FamilyInspiration #recovery
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