Spencer Smith


Celebrating the diversity of Kingdom Funga (and a bit of Protista) SW England
Chicken of the Woods - Laetiporus sulphureus Swipe to zoom in ➡️ It’s been a good year for these so far This young tender one was growing just above head height on a veteran oak tree. When soft and fresh like this they are in the perfect stage for eating. I took a couple of brackets of this specimen to try in a Thai curry What’s the nicest dish you’ve tried with COTW? #laetiporussulphureus #chickenofthewoods #foraging #fungi
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Poplar Fieldcaps - Cyclocybe cylindracea These were growing amongst ivy on the end of a felled poplar tree in the local park. I had to climb in a holly hedge to get the shot 😆 Aka Pioppini mushrooms, they are edible with a slightly sweet, floral and nutty flavour profile. Great in risottos and pasta dishes #pioppini #pioppino #poplarfieldcap #fungi #foraging
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My first bolete find of 2024 Summer Cep - Boletus reticulatus #boletusreticulatus #summercep #foraging #bolete
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Bog Beacons - Mitrula paludosa Found yesterday with @allthingsfungi in the New Forest #bogbeacons #aquaticfungi #mitrulapaludosa #fungi
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Great to see my first Morchella esculenta of the season yesterday. They had gone from zero to hero in just a few days since I last checked #yellowmorel #morchella #morel #morchellaesculenta #springfungi #gourmetmushrooms
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Dune Morel - Morchella dunensis First one I’ve found in a younger state, resembling M. vulgaris at this stage, just starting to develop its characteristic brick-red hue #dunemorel #morchelladunensis #morchella #springfungi #morel
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Some tiny Scutellinia sp. I found fruiting on ash wood yesterday. Swipe for scale (gross fingernail, soz) #scutellinia #eyelashcup #fungi #mushroomhunting #foraging
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Importuna season’s starting nicely. Haven’t spotted any of the wild morel species yet #morchella #morchellaimportuna #springmushrooms #fungi #morels #foraging #gourmetmushrooms
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Always nice to find one’s first morels of the year These are Morchella importuna (‘black morels’ in the Elata clade of Morchella) and can be found in imported woodchip/bark mulch; the kind often chucked down around new build homes and supermarket carparks etc. Not the most romantic of settings to forage for delicious mushrooms, usually more of a smash and grab affair, but a must-do spring past time (for me at least 😆) This time I got lucky and found these in a communal area so didn’t get those knock-knock-ginger vibes today, nor did I have to ask anyone present if I can pick their weird mushrooms from their garden and persuade them “they’re not magic, honest” #morels #morelseason #morchella #gourmetmushrooms #foraging #fungi #morchellaimportuna
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Cedar Cup - Geopora sumneriana A harbinger of spring and quite a rare find, it was nice to find this today back on the same mossy bank under the cedar tree I found it last year. Not long for the morels now! #cedarcup #geopora #mushrooms #fungi #spring
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Stropharia aeruginosa I found the biggest patch of Stropharia I’ve ever seen on Saturday (swipe to the end to see a little video) There’s at least 3 species of these striking blue Stropharia but I did microscopy on this one and it seems to match S. aeruginosa which I don’t think I’ve spotted before. Under the scope I saw narrowly clavate (club shaped) cheilocystidia (structures with unknown purpose on the gill edge) and mucronate (condom shaped?) pleurocystidia (mystery structures on the gill face). These microscopic features separate S. auruginosa from the other 2 blue ones I don’t know if all the Stropharia in the patch were this one though and if you look carefully you can briefly glimpse some burgundy mushrooms which in hindsight could be Stropharia inuncta but I didn’t pick any so who knows for sure I used Geoffrey Kibby’s Agarics Vol 3. part 2 for the info
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Wrinkled Peach - Rhodotus palmatus Sadly lacking the characteristic amber guttation (droplets) but otherwise a pristine cluster of rare, wrinkly, elm loving fungal fruits
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