Kunsthalle Wien


Kunsthalle Wien presents and produces local and international contemporary art and the debates that surround it.
Last Saturday we celebrated together - enjoy the recap of 30 years Kunsthalle Wien. We had a great day & night with different guided tours, performances, discussions, talks, films, music, food, drinks and fun. Thank you for joining us on November 5. Special thanks to all contributors. @michaelludwig_official @veronicakauphasler @whw_what.how.for.whom @kunsthalle3000 @leasusemichel @stefaniesourial @kerosin95 @esrapofficial #RENT @djamila_cou.a #KunsthalleWien #KunsthalleWien30 #Celebration #Anniversary #5November #30year #30anniversary #MQVienna #KarlsplatzVienna #MaríadoMarCastroVarela #QuestionOfArt #DJHauswein #DieterBogner #Hor29Novembar #GeraldMatt #ORFWien #LauridsOrtner #ToniStooss
Yesterday opened “In the meantime, midday comes around” Ausländer invited HORIZONT Kollektiv to show a performance in front of Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz. Afterwards curators Nataša Ilić (WHW) and Andrea Popelka welcomed and introduced the exhibition. During the last words about the exhibition Ausländer took over with their performance “Rebel and Organize”, which presented different styles of music and a sociocultural critique on class, gender, and race privileges within society. Thank you all for coming! Special thanks to Ausländer (Kasho Chualan • Sofia Labropoulou • Marko Marković • Thomas Jirku • Lorena Tabares Salamanca) and HORIZONT Kollektiv for the great opening, as well as all participating artists. @arts_of_the_working_class @auslaender.band @kasho.chualan @sofialabropoulou @marko.markvic @thomasjirku @del_baul_el_betun_ @bareminimumcollective #LindaBilda @evaegermann @laminfofana_ @house.of.platitudes @horizontkollektiv #problemcollective #BassemSaad @sailor.kimchi @tinefetz @mooshtariii @decolonial_killjoy @patuparia #KunsthalleWien #KarlsplatzWien #InTheMeantimeMiddayComesAround #EinstweilenMittag #exhibitonOpening
Works of Heart Last week the solo show “Works of Heart (1974–2022)” by Sanja Iveković opened at Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier. Find out what the red papers on the floor are about. Take some secondhand clothes. Read about Lady Rosa of Luxembourg. Look at sculptures, films, photos and posters. Get to know untold stories of marginalized groups and much more. 📍 Till 12/3/2023 at Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier -- #WorksOfHeart #SanjaIveković #KunsthalleWien #ExhibitionOpening2022 #ContemporaryArtVienna #MuseumsquartierWien
The video “SCUM Manifesto“ (1976) by Carole Roussopoulos and Delphine Seyrig, based on a text by Valerie Solanas of the same name, might be inspired by the urge to pay homage to the humorous and angry voice of someone who was incredibly disempowered. Abused as a child, later becoming homeless, Solanas supported herself through begging and prostitution, writing “SCUM“ in 1967, shooting Andy Warhol in 1968, and subsequently spending much of her remaining life in jail and in psychiatric institutions before dying of pneumonia at age fifty-two, destitute and alone in a hospice. Roussopoulos and Seyrig’s video is essentially a careful act, or an act of care - two women diligently reproducing the words of somebody who was out of print and whose voice needed to be heard. They are attentive to Solanas’s humor, to her rage, but also to the silencing to which she was subjected. You can see the full video in the exhibition "Defiant Muses. Delphine Seyrig and the Feminist Video Collectives of 1970s and 1980s France“ until September 4 at Kunsthalle Wien. --- Credit: Delphine Seyrig and Carole Roussopoulos, Les Insoumnuses (producer), SCUM Manifesto, 1976, film excerpt, Courtesy Centre audiovisual Simone de Beauvoir (@centre2beauvoir ) #defiantmuses #lesinsoumuses #widerständigemusen #kunsthallewien
Führung in Österreichischer Gebärdensprache Eva Böhm und Wolfgang Brunner führen durch die Ausstellung "Widerständige Musen. Delphine Seyrig und die feministischen Videokollektive im Frankreich der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre". Die Schau erforscht die Überschneidung zwischen den Geschichten des Kinos, des Videos und des Feminismus: Sie beleuchtet ein Netzwerk kreativer und politischer Akteurinnen rund um die Schauspielerin, Videomacherin und Aktivistin Delphine Seyrig und entwirft so eine Geschichte des Feminismus als Mediengeschichte. "Widerständige Musen", 7/4 2022 — 4/9 2022, Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier
Statement by Nicole Fernández Ferrer, director of the Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir (@centresimonedebeauvoir ), in the context of the exhibition "Defiant Muses. Delphine Seyrig and the Feminist Video Collectives of 1970s and 1980s France". The Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir was created in 1982 by Carole Roussopoulos, Delphine Seyrig and Ioana Wieder. The feminist activists, all video practitioners, aimed their cameras at the preservation and creation of audiovisual documents concerning the history of women, their rights, fights and creations. Closed in 1993 for mostly financial reasons, the center was reborn in 2003 with a new team and more general ambitions, including an educational dimension. It´s primary mission continues its creators’ aims: disseminate, preserve and add to the very rich audio-visual documents, mainly composed of videos involving the history of women, their battles and their creations. "Defiant Muses. Delphine Seyrig and the Feminist Video Collectives of 1970s and 1980s France", 7/4 - 4/9 2022, Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier --- #defiantmuses #lesinsoumuses #widerständigemusen #kunsthallewien
Now on view at Kunsthalle Wien: "Handspells. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2021" Thanks to everyone who came to yesterday´s soft opening – and especially to the eight artists Diana Barbosa Gil (@dianabarbosagil ), Cho Beom-Seok, Ani Gurashvili (@ani.gurashvili ), Jojo Gronostay (@jojogronostay ), Lukas Kaufmann (@marilux_k ), Nora Severios (@nora_severios ), Anna Spanlang (@antichristinaa ) with textile works by Sunny Pfalzer (@sunny_pfalzy ) and Chin Tsao (@pope_sangreta ). Curator: Anne Faucheret Display by Julia Hohenwarter (@juliahohenwarter ) A cooperation of Kunsthalle Wien with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (@akbild ) and the University of Applied Arts Vienna (@dieangewandte ). --- Track ID Nicolas Jaar: Vanish #handspells #preisderkunsthallewien2021 #kunsthallewien
How do you approach a contemporary art exhibition? Get inspired to visit "Ines Doujak. Geistervölker", on view until tomorrow, January 23: In the final episode of the web series "Is the emperor naked? Contemporary art for skeptics", Klaus Speidel (@dirtytheory ) speaks about approaching and understanding contemporary art, especially in comparison to old art. --- #geistervölker #inesdoujak #kunsthallewien
Wie schreibt man über Kunst? Klaus Speidel (@dirtytheory ), Autor der Texte des Ausstellungsguides zu „Ines Doujak. Geistervölker", erklärt in der fünften Episode der Webserie „Is the emperor naked? Contemporary art for skeptics" seine Herangehensweise an das Schreiben über Kunst und welche Rolle die Intention der*die Künstler*in dabei spielt. Ines Doujaks Einzelausstellung „Geistervölker" ist nur noch bis zum 23. Januar in der Kunsthalle Wien zu sehen. --- #geistervölker #inesdoujak #kunsthallewien
Is there a meaning behind the choice of material? Klaus Speidel (@dirtytheory ) takes up the sculpture "Bauhütte (Monumental Instability)" (2018) by Ines Doujak to talk about the relationship between material and artwork. --- #geistervölker #inesdoujak #kunsthallewien
Was hat es mit den Preisen auf dem Kunstmarkt auf sich? In der dritten Folge der Webserie "Is the emperor naked? Contemporary art for skeptics" spricht Klaus Speidel (@dirtytheory ) über den Kunstmarkt und wie Preise und Wert von (Kunst-)Werken bestimmt werden. --- #geistervölker #inesdoujak #kunsthallewien
What turns ordinary things into art? In the second episode of the webseries "Is the emperor naked? Contemporary art for skeptics", Klaus Speidel (@dirtytheory ) focusses on Ines Doujak´s work series "Boutique" (2012 - ongoing), and how the textiles and objects on display are more than art pieces pretending to be clothes. --- #geistervölker #inesdoujak #kunsthallewien