MSI Reproductive Choices


We’re one of the world's leading providers of sexual and reproductive healthcare, working across 36 countries to support reproductive choice.
Your body. Your education. Your future. They should be yours to choose. But without reproductive choice, for millions worldwide, they're not. Globally, 257 million women want to be using contraception but have no access, and 40% of women live in countries where abortion is banned, restricted, or inaccessible. MSI fights for a future where everyone has the reproductive choice to determine their own future, on their terms. Join us in that fight. Choose Choice. 🎥 by @uncommon_ldn #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveJustice #AbortionRights
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“The word vagina gets attention and it’s what we’re trying to protect.” We certainly did get attention with the Vagina Privacy Network billboards we put up in Indianapolis last week 📺👀 Last week, Whitney Chinogwenya, MSI Global Marketing Manager, spoke to ABC Indianapolis about why we chose to put the billboards up in Indiana (a state with a near total abortion ban) on the anniversary of #RoevWade being overturned. “We are making sure that reproductive rights are preserved. The Vagina Privacy Network is a step-by-step guide for people looking for information online, so they can surf the internet safely.” Indiana was the first state to bring in tighter abortion restrictions after the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022, removing the constitutional right to abortion in the US. But the impact of Roe v. Wade isn’t limited to the United States - it has led to a rise in anti-choice activity globally. These billboards - one of which is situated directly opposite the site of the last abortion clinic in Indiana - build awareness of the tools available on the VPN, but are also symbolic of the damaging impact of Roe v Wade in the US and globally. 🔗 Visit or click the link in our bio to see a step-by-step protocol for staying anonymous online — so your private parts, stay private. #VaginaPrivacyNetwork #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights #AbortionIsHealthcare
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In the UK, 96 years ago today, women won the right to vote on the same terms as men. Women make up 51% of the UK population; their votes are critical in deciding the election outcome. The UK General Election takes place on the 4th July (this Thursday) and choice is on the ballot for women once again. In line with the election, we're calling on the next UK government and incoming MPs from all parties to commit to the policy changes outlined in our manifesto. There's a huge opportunity for progression on reproductive rights. We've broken down the key areas of our policy recommendations through a series of blogs, which you can read via the link in our bio 🔗 #SheVotes24 #MyBodyMyChoice #GE2024 #ChoiceontheBallot
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❤️ This powerful story is from one of our clients in the UK, who wanted to share her abortion experience so that others know it's ok to have complicated feelings about accessing abortion care. Abortion is a safe and common form of healthcare, but it is often shrouded in stigma. By sharing our abortion stories, we can change this and make sure no one feels alone. 💌 If you would like to share your own story, anonymously if you'd prefer, you can DM us or use the 'share your abortion story' form linked in our bio. 💌 #ShareYourStory #AbortionStories #SmashAbortionStigma #MyAbortionStory
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Monday 24th June marked two years since the US Supreme Court overturned #RoeVsWade , starting a global attack on reproductive rights. As a global abortion provider, we've seen the impact of this decision around the world, from the UK to Ethiopia. Emboldened by their 'victories' at home, US-based anti-abortion groups have set their sights on the rest of the world, and are becoming more organised and sophisticated. In this post we highlight 3 ways that the global anti-rights movement has intensified in the last two years. If Trump is re-elected in November, this will not only have a detrimental effect on the rights of women in the US, but the rights of women all around the world. Check the link in our bio to learn more about the overturning of Roe vs Wade, and how you can protect reproductive choice. #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #Dobbs #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRights
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This week, we’ve launched our UK manifesto. It outlines policies and recommendations for the incoming government following next week’s election. Read the manifesto in full on our UK website (link in bio) 🔗 #MSIUKManifesto #UKGeneralElection #shevotes24
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👀 Private parts deserve private networks. Check out these tips to learn how you can use protection when seeking information on your reproductive health. For the full toolkit, follow the link in bio or visit ❤️ Save this post and share with your trusted circle. Note: This resource was developed following the rise in anti-choice attacks after Roe Vs. Wade was overturned in the United States, so the relevance will depend on your setting and personal circumstance. For example, in the UK, abortion care is funded by the NHS, so privacy tips on making payments won't apply. #VaginaPrivacyNetwork #ReproductiveRights
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It's launch day. Introducing MSI's 2024 Manifesto for the UK! We're calling on the next UK government and incoming MPs from all parties to commit to the policy changes outlined in our manifesto, following the General Election on 4th July. Against a global backdrop of geopolitical instability, and a rising anti-gender equality movement, reproductive rights underpin so much that is critical for the future. Our 2024 manifesto focuses on five key areas: 🏥 Improving access to sexual and reproductive healthcare ⚖️ Abortion law and criminal justice 🌍 International development and gender equality ⬆️ Fighting the weaponisation of women's choices 🎓 Education, reproductive rights, and rising anti-abortion extremism There is huge opportunity in the next Parliament for progression on reproductive rights. In the meantime, as the campaigning period continues, we encourage all candidates to reject misinformation and base their policies on facts and evidence. Read the manifesto in full via the link in our bio. #MSIManifesto #GE2024 #SheVotes
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Introducing: the Vagina Privacy Network 👀 A new kind of 'VPN' with a step-by-step protocol for those who want to stay anonymous online — so your private parts, stay private. After the right to abortion was removed in the United States two years ago, we’ve seen a rise in attacks on our reproductive rights worldwide – including the right to access information on our health and rights. As a global sexual and reproductive healthcare provider, we know that for many people, searching online is their only source of information on abortion and contraception. And there are many reasons why people might want to keep this search history private - e.g. keeping your data private from anti-choice groups, or abusive partners monitoring phone use. Visit the Vagina Privacy Network website via the link in our bio 🔗 📢 Like, comment & share to help spread the word - you never know who these privacy tips could help. Note: This resource was developed following the rise in anti-choice attacks after Roe Vs. Wade was overturned in the United States, so the relevance will depend on your setting and personal circumstance. For example, in the UK, abortion care is funded by the NHS, so privacy tips on making payments won't apply. #VaginaPrivacyNetwork #ReproductiveRights #RoevWade #AbortionisHealthcare
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📆 Tomorrow will mark two years since the US Supreme Court overturned #RoeVsWade , removing the constitutional right to abortion in the US. Abortion is now banned in 16 US states and restricted in a further 12. Emboldened by these 'wins', anti-choice groups are also attacking essential abortion medication, emergency healthcare for women, contraception, and IVF - and we know they won't stop there. As a global abortion provider, we've seen how decisions in the US reverberate around the world - from the Global Gag Rule to US-funded anti-choice groups who harass those accessing and providing abortion outside our clinics, and lobby governments to restrict access. 👉 If you stand for choice, please share this post to help us spread the word. Abortion is healthcare and we will continue to fight for access to safe, legal care everywhere. #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #Dobbs #AbortionIsHealthcare #ReproductiveRights
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📢 Reducing access to abortion doesn't prevent abortions, it just makes them less safe. If Trump is re-elected this year, he is expected to reinstate the Global Gag Rule. This policy is designed to reduce global abortion access by blocking US Government funding for any organisations that deliver, provide information on, advocate for, or even refer people to abortion care. The Global Gag Rule (GGR) was first introduced in 1984, and has been reinstated by every Republican President since. When Trump reinstated and expanded the GGR during his presidency, we lost our US funding, and we estimate this meant that 8 million women lost access to MSI sexual and reproductive health services. This resulted in an estimated: ❌ 6 million unintended pregnancies ❌ 1.8 million unsafe abortions ❌ 20,000 maternal deaths Those of us who believe in the right to choose will need to raise our voice in this critical year for reproductive rights. Follow the link in our bio and click 'Choice on the Ballot' to learn more about how you can stand up for reproductive rights. #abortionishealthcare #abortionrights #reprodutiverights #prochoice #roevwade
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Reproductive rights under attack around the world 🌍 Those of us who believe in the right to choose need to take a stand. Follow the link in our bio and click 'Choice on the Ballot' to learn more about how you can stand up for reproductive rights. #abortionishealthcare #abortionrights #reproductiverights #prochoice #roevwade
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