

20 (b. Jan 05)​ TH🇹🇭 Amateur​ artist,​ mainly​ draw​ MLP/Cookie​ Run, DTIYS​ challenge​s Discord: Flashapples Twitter/X: @/theflashapples
Here​ it​ is! I​ am​ joining​ Art​ Fight​ 2024! Wil​ be​ joining​ Team​ Stardust!! 🌟🌠✨ This​ is​ also​ my​ second​ year​ here!​ I​ will​ try​ to​ attack​ as​ many​ people​ as​ possible!! #artfight #artfight2024 #teamstardust
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- 300th post​ and DTIYS challenge open! - Thank you again for 600 followers! I appreciate you all!! 💖💖 For​ this​ occasion, I will be hosting a DTIYS challenge, featuring my new​ OC​ Sara​ Lycan! Sara​ really​ love​ exploring​ cities​ and​ always​ likes​ to​ walk​ around​ there​ when​ she​ have​ free​ time! She​ often​ loves​ to​ visit​ ice​ cream​ and​ coffee​ shops around​ the​ city​ as​ well! Her​ favourite​ ice​ cream​ flavour is​ vanilla! She​ is​ also​ known​ to​ be​ attentive and​ often​ know​ when​ people​ around​ her​ need​ help.​ She​ is​ also​ known​ to​ smile a​ lot​ to​ people, especially​ to​ everyone​ she​ knows 💜Rules - Draw Sara in your own style! Feel free to change her pose and design, just make sure that she is recognizable! - When posting, tag me and use the hashtag #flashdtiys600 - Absolutely NO NSFW/ tracing/copying other entries/AI art - Feel​ free​ to​ DM​ me​ if​ I​ couldn't​ see​ your​ entry! -No​ deadline, just​ for​ fun!! All​ entries​ will​ be​ added​ to​ my​ story​ and​ highlights! #dtiys​#dtiysoff #hostingdtiys #drawingchallenge​ #oc​ #originalcharacter​
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🌟MEET​ THE​ ARTIST​🌟 Finally​ its​ here! Its​ now​ time​ for​ me​ to​ create​ my​ own "Meet​ the​ Artist" ​ post! This​ is​ my​ first​ time​ creating​ anything​ like​ this​ (and​ also​ a​nother chance​ to​ draw​ myself) Btw​ I​ drawing​ red​ shoes because​ I​ mainly​ wear​ red shoes irl​ right​ now! I​ hope​ that​ you​ like​ it 💖💚💚 Abbreviation​s: MLTR: Michael​ Learns to​ Rock, Danish​ soft​ rock​ band EDM: Electronic​ dance music #meettheartist #introduction​ #artist​ #theflashapples
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Some​ more​ POP​ DUOs​ artwork!!! Also​ giving​ them​ a​ little​ logo!! If​ you​ cannot​ remember​ the​ members​' names, they​ are​ Shortbread​ Cookie​ and​ Sour​ Cream​ Cookie!! (I​ have​ posted​ them​ earlier​ on​ my​ stories) Also​ since​ Art​ Fight​ is​ beginning​ really​ soon, I​ will​ also​ tell​ you​ that​ these​ two​ cookies​ are​ also​ present​ on​ my​ Art​ Fight​ page! Try​ to​ attack​ them​ if​ you​ can! (These​ cookies​ descriptions are​ also​ on​ the​ir​ Art​ Fight​ character​ profile​ as​ well!) #cookierun​ #cookierunfanart​ #cookierunoc​ #popstars
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Designed​ a​ new​ fanmade​ costume​ for​ Strawberry​ Stick​ Cookie!! Its​ name​ is​ Seaside​ Dreams!! 🌊🥁✨ #cookierun​ #cookierunfanart​ #cookierunovenbreak​ #cookiecostume​ #strawberrystickcookie
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Emoji OC collab!! For this collab, we are assigned to design an OC based on three emojis!! My OC's name is Gordon Cheeseman btw, he is a chef who specializes in dishes containing cheese. The dish he is holding right now is Khachapuri, a Georgian 🇬🇪 (country) dish containing egg, cheese, and bread that is shaped like a boat Participants: @cincelestar (host) - 💩🧁🎉 @krystal_shanell_jw - 🎤🩰🎪 @nathaninazuma11 - 🐢🦞🍳 @tropicalstar17 - 🌈🖍🎨 @nurals.colorful.art - 🦄👛🌷 @pixellangel - 💘🪽🌸 @jnennyuki_art - 🌻🌞🍋 @theflashapples - 🧀🐭👑 @kawaiialex2k - 🍯🐝👘 sao.exe - 😍💝💌 @milmarnia - 🐷🎀⚔️ @zivimations - 🏳️‍⚧️🎃⛏️ @jemibuni - 🦄🍦🌈 @htp.mayo - 🐰🎀 @sillym3ll - 🌀🦈⭐️ @lilysartjourney_ - 👻🕊💙 @princessmangostea - 🌸🍓🧚‍♀️ @rinniewow - 🌼🐧🍬 #emoji #emojicollab #occollab #ocart #collab
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🎨🛡️Art​ Fight​ 2024​ be​ like: 🌊🌌 #artfight​ #artfight2024​ #teamstardust​ #teamseafoam
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Soo​ excited​ for​ the​ new​ Cookie​ Run​ update!! Love​ the​ new​ characters​ so​ much​ that​ I​ decided​ to​ draw​ both​ of​ them!! !! ✨🥁 Their​ names​ are​ Strawberry​ Stick​ Cookie​ and​ Mint​ Wafer Cookie​ btw #cookierun​ #cookierunfanart​ #cookierunovenbreak
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Wind​ Archer​ Cookie​ and​ Lilybell​ Cookie​ as​ Gem​ Mermaids!! 💎🧜 Gemstones: Wind​ Archer​ Cookie​: Jade Lilybell​ Cookie: Peridot #cookierun​ #cookierunfanart​ #windarchercookie
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Happy​ 15th​ birthday​ to​ the​ bravest cookie​ in​ the​ world! You​ have​ come​ a​ very​ long​ way!! ​ Wishing​ you​ a​ great​ journey ahead :)​ 🎂🥳🎉 #happybraveday #gingerbrave #15thbirthday #gingerbright​ #art #artwork
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