Pre-birthday post, more games duh. ... Ok, so I've played some games recently that are totally ruining this list already, but we will talk about that later. Here's the next set of my #top50 games of all time ... 40. Dale of Merchants: Even though this game can feel like a really basic deckbuilder/thinner for you experienced gamers, don't be a fool, just buy this. Honestly, this almost feels like a collection staple. You are merchants in a dale (wow right) and are trying to build stalls to sell your goods. The way you build stalls is by using your cards. Each card has a value so you use these values for your stalls (stall 1 costs 1, stall 2 costs 2, etc.) The trick is, when you build a stall with your card(s) they are now out of your deck. Your deck also has a bunch of junk (literally) that is clogging it up. You can get new cards from market to give your deck more consistency and crazy powers. The best part, there's an insane amount of decks you can combine to make the market, all decks being a different animal. You can use these animals to also make the game as random, lucky, mean, clean as you want. Amazing game. 39. Res Arcana: Another card game? What a shock! No, but really Res Arcana slaps. You have a really small deck of magical items/creatures you use to convert resources to other resources to pay for your additional cards, power locations, and high valued artifacts. You only get one action a turn, but the ways this game can build up to absolutley bonkers turns is great. I forgot to mention you have a mage card that gives you additional special abilities. If you like fast but thinky filler games, I highly recommend this one. Contd in comments
38. Marrakesh: Another Feld, cuz I love him. Marrakesh was my first cube tower game, and I love it. You start with a specific amount of cubes, all of different colors, and each turn you select three of these cubes to be dropped into the tower. All players do this at the same time. You drop them in the tower and whatever comes out, is what all the players now draft from. That pink cube you really wanted to draft this turn didn't pop out? Too bad! Pivot! Whatever you draft lets you activate specific abilities on your player board. But that's just fluf to me. The really game to me is the cube selection and drafting. Maybe you see that Steve is really prioritizing one color and he gets to draft first. You have another color you really want to draft when it pops out so you pick both of those with the idea that if that one cube pops out, Steve is definitely gonna draft it, leaving the cube you want. But surprise, neither cube pops out! Awesome game.
37. Bohnanza: Or as our friend group calls it, BEANS! One of Uwe's earlier designs, but its such a good time. You have a hand of bean cards that you are unable to rearrange (like Scout). On your turn, you have to plant your first bean card in one of your two fields. You may plant a second one if you'd like. Then you draw two cards from the deck that are now in the market. Here you can make deals with other players to buy those beans from you. But if you can't strike a deal, you have to plant those bean cards, which can fully ruin your fields as each field can only hold one type of bean each. Super fun, lots of yelling about beans. Just fantastic.
36. Oranienburger Kanal: Another Uwe and by far my favorite of his games to play solo. You have a resource wheel and money. There's a worker placement board with seven spaces that will give you more resources, build bridges or paths, or let you build building cards. When you buy a building, you place it on one of the opens spaces of your board and all the buidlings have great powers/points. However, you may only activiate each buildings' power twice: once when the building is fully surrounded by paths OR when the building has two bridges built off of it connecting to two other buildings. So the game is about planning in advance and when you want to trigger those abilities. The game has six different decks of buildings to play with and is just an incredible puzzle. Adore this.
What a great set of games. I love each and every one of these. Nice picks Keegan!
Let’s goooooo I love getting educated on güd games from the man himself. I remember you teaching me Dale of merchants!
Just waiting on my Kanal reprint :x