Entering the spotlight for this month’s selection of drawings from our European and American division is Franz Kobell, a German artist whose most notable works feature landscapes from his travels around the countryside. From the meticulous specificity of the first drawing, “Classical Landscape,” to the amorphous shapes of “River with Mountains in the Background,” reminiscent of an impressionist landscape, Kobell’s versatility is impressive. If the first drawing is indicative of fastidious precision and the second is emblematic of spontaneity, then the third drawing, “High Mountain Landscape with Rocks” showcases Kobell’s ability to sketch landscapes that fall between detail and impression. The spectrum of Kobell’s landscapes was likely a product of his keen observation and extemporaneous wanderings. His work highlights the wonders of approaching landscapes as a serendipitous journey of discovery rather than a fixed scene to be transposed onto paper with absolute fidelity. When it comes to the beauty of the natural world, it sometimes pays not to look before you walk, but most certainly to look while you are walking! These drawings, together with a wider selection of Kobell’s works, are on view in Gallery 2220 through September 15. ✍️This is the second installment of a new series focusing on our drawings collection. This post was contributed by undergraduate research assistant Joseph Foo. #NewOnView #CollectionsInMotion #FranzKobell #Drawing #HarvardArtMuseums Franz Kobell “River with Mountains in the Background,” 18th-19th century. 1898.107 Franz Kobell “Classical Landscape,” 18th-19th century. 1985.58 Franz Kobell “High Mountain Landscape with Rocks” 18th-19th century. 1898.595