In a shocking Secret Lives of Sydney, a mother reveals she’s faking a terminal illness to keep her son on the straight and narrow. Hear the full secret on your @listnrau app now!
I had to tell my 10 year old that l had i curable cancer. Its not easy.. and you do it with small information. He is 16 now. You can't hide the world away from them. When l was younger cancer was never discussed. You have to look at it as no disease is curable. Not even asthma or diabetes. You have to manage cancer like any disease. And pray that treatments prolong your life.
Absolutely disgusting! My husband passed away 8 weeks ago after battling terminal cancer! We lived with this god awful disease for 12 months! I would give absolutely anything to have my husband alive! My husband was 41 and was a good man, he was kind, he was helpful and would always go out of his way to help others, he loved life and everything about life! The heartbreak my 3 children and I have suffered from loosing their father is unbearable. I can’t believe this person and their gutless act of faking an illness it’s just sickening. I am extremely disappointed that a national radio station would entertain such a cruel act. I maybe only one listener, however if you feel this is entertainment, you have lost me for life! Faking a terminal illness is not entertainment and faking a terminal illness should not be tolerated.
How sick
Your son is probably messed up in the head and battling addictions because he has a mother who is clearly messed up in the head and passed it on.
That’s fkkkk horrible