Last year I shared with you “Piqui’s Law,” a brave effort by my friend Ana Estevez – whose five-year-old son, Piqui, was murdered – to pass a law in California to help keep children safe from family violence. The bill is coming before the California State Assembly for its final vote. If passed, new training will ensure that judges and authorities don’t ignore the signs of abuse that cause harm and even death to many children in our country. I’m sending Ana my love.  #PiquisLaw #SB331
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Isn’t it interesting for a woman that is all about kids u certainly kept the focus away from Palestinian kids for decades! Who do u work for?
Ammazza che pupina mammamiaaaa👽💔
Credo che non debba essere consentito a tutti di diventare genitori. Che ci dovrebbe essere una preparazione seria alla genitorialietà e che a chi non ha equilibrio non debba essere concesso farne e averne. Vale per le donne come per gli uomini . I bambini non sono giocattoli da rompere o usare a proprio piacimento . Basta