We failed to save the world against the grasp of the dark tower. Lingering rot prevailed... The difference between victory and defeat lies on a single turn. It ended right after the adversary emerged. Orphaned Scion and Relic Hunter were helpless. This was our first gritty difficulty game. It was hard! We kinda ignored the existence of shadow wolves til it was too late, they swarmed and pounced on our warriors turn by turn. We wasted turns to regroup and handle the quests. Main Goal: Beseech the God of Light Adversary: Lingering Rot Foes: Shadow Wolves, Clan of Neuri, Striga Heroes: Orphaned Scion & Relic Hunter Difficulty: Gritty Base game. @restorationgames #boardgames #boardgamegeek #returntothedarktower #tabletopgames #restorationgames #juegosdemesa #jogosdetabuleiro #jeuxdesociete #gamenight #darktower #thematic #cooperative