Sorry for another Dune post... Dune Imperium ~ Uprising Session Report (3-players game with CHOAM Module) May 24 2024.  Players: Me (Red) as Feyd Rautha Harkonnen; Adhit (Yellow) as Gurney Halleck (first player); and Ricky (Green) as Muad’dib  The game starts slow, one player knows nothing about deck building (played Agricola and Evenfall once) but went quite well understanding the rules in an acceptable manner). I was late to access the house of Fremen (Adhit blocked the observation post with his spy) and got quite late to have access to Sietch Tabr. But I got early on Spacing Guild and Bene Gesserit influence, this led me to have quite some Prepare the Way cards. Adhit did a good job with the Spy maneuver turn in the Swordmaster, forcing me to either pay 8 (more expensive) Solaris or forfeit the chance to get it this turn for a cheaper one, as either way he still got the access for it because of his spy ability on that space. I decided to delay unlocking my swordmaster for a turn so that Adhit would have to pay 8 Solaris for it. Ricky on the other hand acquired cards that give a lot of strengths in their reveal bonus. He would be a dangerous opponent in the conflicts later on. Adhit would be the first one to gain maker hooks and soon followed by Ricky. Later on the game, Adhit forced my hand to give away my Spacing Guild Alliance by advance the influence two times and then indirectly negate me to gain the effect of my latest acquisition card that allows me to convert 2 spices into one point if I have the alliance token (so much for 6 persuasion pts spent for nothing). Good job for being a pain on my ass!
But of course, I just didn’t sit and cry, I returned the favor by winning the next conflict overwhelmingly with 2 sand worms against little to nothing resistance (so I suspect that the sand worms were menacing enough). This allows me to gain a pair of battle icons. And then I could convert 6 Solaris for 1 point (lucky me to have that Solaris lying around). Ricky on the other hand managed to summon sand worms too, his Muad’dib gains benefit from sand worms in the form of intrigue cards. While Ricky and Adhit got their hands on intrigue cards at an early stage of the game, I did not and only got them later in the game.  In one conflict, it was a battle of Spice Refinery where I had a control in, me and Adhit had a tie for first place, but luckily it turned out I was forgetting one strength defender bonus, this made me win the conflict. Such a good one! The last 2 rounds were intense. We were left amazed by Ricky's sudden increase of Strength in reveal turn (well let say we had seen this coming rounds before). He managed to accumulate up to 7 additional Strengths by the reveal alone.  My plan to seize the final conflict was ruined by the sheer amount of strengths from Ricky and had to accept second place. Luckily I got some plot cards from before that allowed me to gain some spice (14 in total) and got into 9 pts in the VP track. Adhit got into 7 pts while Ricky boosted himself up to 9 pts same as me. This led me and Ricky with a tie for first place and my plan came to fruition with all those stash of Spice came in handy after all! I won the game! Dune Imperium (Uprising or not) always delivers good and satisfying moments of player interactions. Such a good game and I think Uprising improves the original greatly. And here I am still want to play more of Uprising!