All galleries at the MCA are open! Explore hundreds of pieces of art, sculpture, and video at one of the best contemporary art museums in the Midwest. On view: "Arthur Jafa: Works from the MCA Collection" “Chicago Works: Maryam Taghavi” "Descending the Staircase" "Nicole Eisenman: What Happened" “Atrium Project: Do Ho Suh” "Virginia Jaramillo: Principle of Equivalence" “Trade Windings: De-Lineating the American Tropics”
📸 Installation view. “Arthur Jafa: Works from the MCA Collection” MCA Chicago. June 2024. Work pictured: “LeRage” 2017. Photo by Rainn Thomas, © MCA Chicago. Installation view: “Chicago Works: Maryam Taghavi,” MCA Chicago. December 16, 2023 – July 14, 2024. Photo: Ricardo Adame. Installation view: “Descending the Staircase,” MCA Chicago. December 16, 2023 - August 25, 2024. Photo: Shelby Ragsdale, © MCA Chicago. Circle and Members’ Preview Reception for “Nicole Eisenman: What Happened.” Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. April 5, 2024. Photos: Jeremy Lawson Photography. Installation view, “Atrium Project: Do Ho Suh”, MCA Chicago. February 24, 2024 – February 02, 2025. Photo: Shelby Ragsdale, © MCA Chicago. Installation view, “Virginia Jaramillo: Principle of Equivalence,” MCA Chicago. May 4, 2024 – January 5, 2025. Photo: Shelby Ragsdale, © MCA Chicago. Installation view. “Trade Windings: De-Lineating the American Tropics” MCA Chicago. Photo by Rainn Thomas, © MCA Chicago.
@mcachicago - is the talk with Arthur Jafa and Theaster Gates available for viewing online? Thank you.