

Regardless who you are, what you do or say, you still will die someday. What is weak may be broken⚡️let them pass🫸🏻🛡️💙💜❤️ #ihavespoken #tjwnn #sanjuro
@the_vanman_company I believe your popularity in growth and returns is going to bring the mob, the feds and the deep state alphabet gang down on you, again, soon. Recognizing the commentary in your posts to me seems like the zuckbots and vested political interests are attempting to destabilize your brand. #subterfuge #libtardsexposed #ignoranceisbliss #fuckyournarratives #deepstateexposed👹 #ww3incoming
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“Sticks and stones break bones but words will never hurt me.” - something lost on modern libtard democrats, especially the eXpErTs on cLiMaTe cHaNgE aNd sOciAl MeDiA iMaGiNeEriNg If you can’t take what I say seriously, fine. If you can’t take what I say with a grain of salt, fine. If you can’t take pain and turn it into something mArKeTaBLe, into a pRofEssiOn to better sUpPoRt yourself, like the wOnDeRfUL mental health trip that is dramatized in productions like @euphoria or any other fucking corporate media program, despite living the pain, being judged, condemned, alienated and “cOrReCtLy” treated, well then you are either a loser, a red flag, a bad investment, or were just set up to fail, yet be used until you are useless. It sucks even more when you are a tOxiC wHiTe mALe (sarcasm.). Natasha took away my ability to tag her, which is fine. Her weakness is catching up to her, in my view. Or maybe I’m the weak one. #bitchesgetstitches #shadowbanthis🖕 #fuckyourworld #fuzuck #deathiscomingforyou #starwars #DaVeFiLoNifOrPrEsiDeNt #kathleenkennedysucks #ignoranceisbliss
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John Clark Gillam, son of Robert Gillam. Death is coming for you, and for the “coRrECt” conspiracy you told me about, you groomed me to care about, was seen in your eyes as a worthwhile investment opportunity, you must have felt confident dating my fucked up, wounded child older half-sister. Your iNtELLiGeNt investments- now hidden or “stolen” as you told me, were made anticipating the current inflationary cycle, seen in terms of quantifiable gains, I’m the one cursed with my own qualifiers, my own perspective now on the deaths of millions of American civilians. What an ExcELLeNt call, shorting the fiat dollar without actually saying it. Good job bRoThEr. For the sake of your brother Hunter, I will knock the sense out of you when I see you again but I know you well enough that you won’t stay anywhere for long now, and I likely won’t even have to throw a punch when I see you again. You just might be murdered by someone else for being in the wrong place at the wrong time! In the last few years since covid, you have become increasingly ambiguous yet “comfortable” when I have seen you. None of your inheritance, your investments, your “friends” or your fAmiLy will save you now, but the money and financial security you were born into will turn to poison before you die, like your father’s life was leeched out of him by tHe “eXpErT” drug dealers championing the sickcare medical industrial complex. The @cartier knockoff you gave me as a birthday gift years ago after your trip back from China is a microcosm of the parasite, the tormenter of ambiguous entitled lifestyle and “sEcuRiTy” you are. Your life will be over sooner than later, and then your problems will be over too. Don’t be afraid bitch, you’re going to die. The “fRiEnDs” and “fAmiLy” is the money talking. Dumb people like money just as much as rich people, and buying friends is not hard to do in today’s collapsing Biden economy. #ignoranceisbliss #murderistheirweapon #ccpvirus #fuckyournarratives #richguilt #ignoranceisbliss #fuckyoumoney
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@motivationapp But what about pain from abuse? What about pain from harassment, defamation, and discrimination? How does sleep deprivation factor into pain? What about debt? What about pain from knowledge? Or pain from trusting humans who abused your time and attention? What about sociopaths who have no regrets? #influencethis🖕 #tRuStThEsCiEnCe #sYsTeMiCrAciSm #bLaCkLiVeSMaTtEr #cRaCkLiVeSmAtTeR #cRaCkPiPeSmAtTer #alllivesmatter #libtardsexposed #bigpharmaexposed #ccpvirus #fuckyournarratives #euphoriabitch #euphoria #libtards #bitchesgetstitches #diVerSiTyEquiTyaNdiNcLuSiOn #anthonyfauciforprison #gainoffunctionresearch #wuhan #epsteinislandclientlist #pedocrats #ignoranceisbliss
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@streamonmax @a24 @euphoria @disney @starwars I’m not wrong. typo: “business decision* not “business devision.” #fuckyournarratives #sellouts #slutsformoney
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@atlassociety Thanks for highlighting this glaring observation, one I’ve made in my own life with disgustingly entitled soft figureheads who raised me, who groomed me with sickeningly entitled dispositions, indebting, gaslighting, mistreating, even incarcerating and crippling me under their “cOrReCt” judgement, similar in a way to Nancy Pelosi and many DNC political figures, but different… Essentially, it is easy for me now to discriminate between weak, unhealthy people, old people, and strong, healthy people. Sickness is a marketable condition leveraged by politically motivated industrial complexes, heavily lobbied, bribed and manipulated to serve a “sCiEnTifiC” purpose, placating their subjectivity with objective authority, or pOLiTiCaLly cOrReCt buzzwords, or heavily invested PR campaigns. #tRuStThEsCiEnCe #libtardvirus #ignoranceisbliss #fuckyournarratives
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@stuholden Sorry Not sorry, I mean, I don’t believe anything I shared directly targeted you, or anyone close to you but if what I shared is bOtHeRsOmE to you, well, sorry not sorry. I’m not always right but I’m never wrong to speak my mind. #fuckyournarratives #1stamendmentrights #usavstheworld #ww3incoming
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@therealdianaleeinosanto Ignorance is bliss. I am not targeting any one of you, I am not trying to be any one of your friends. I respect your work, but I know there’s much more to this world, this language, this history than simply “respecting” whatever conditions are levied against you by an abusive relationship. Hurt people hurt people. I understand pain and abuse in my own world, not your world. You understand pain and abuse in your own world just as well. But you will never know the depth of pain knowing what I’ve known since 2015: money and currency are not the same. Ignorance is bliss, enjoy keeping yOuR JoB, yOuR fRiEnDs, yOuR fAmiLy, yOur hEaLth, until it is gone. Death doesn’t discriminate, it catches us all, even Dave Filoni’s characters will die, his world will not last, his legacy will not last. The world doesn’t revolve around what you think it is, and sure as shit not what Kathleen Kennedy thinks. Call me a fool, discriminate, alienate, ostracize, plagiarize, judge me from your own perspective for all I care, and feel “good” about it, be enabled to pass judgement because yOu cAn, and are likely trained well enough to placate politically correct speech at the same time. For the record, little people like Bruce Lee are easily broken like little people are handled by superior “handlers”, just as Quentin Tarantino made clear in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Many healthy, able, dedicated and honorable soldiers of the same stature of Bruce Lee were butchered by American GI’s who were simply superior in size, and hit harder. But they all were not as well connected or financially secure as Bruce Lee or the established generals (of either war party) who effectively led able-bodied men, boys even, to their deaths. Total War is not a drama, let Dave Filoni know this. The “new” Starwars cast are born and raised by sick, entitled conditions, and are tasked with surviving. Desperate people will do desperate things to keep their job… as the saying goes, “money talks but bullshit walks.” But be your own judge, money and currency are not the same (see my links for referencing to the 1971 Nixon shock if you care, but “ignorance is bliss 💊☠️”)
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@sotuwithalexi #askalexi I wanted to clarify I don’t care who these “gOvErNiNg” bodies of international soccer can say was in charge or who chose to put that referee on that match and why it was done. Ultimately, I see politically correct responses and statements from internally managed, self-serving, overruling and particularly wealthy organizations acting- coincidentally it may seem- for their own bottom lines (no surprises there) but the result of this is sadistic, and recognizes value in the market for the games, and not the sporting contest itself. I’m tired of seeing politically correct officials calling games that are subjectively made, yet objectively defended by FIFA- establishment mouthpieces after the results. Call me a lunatic, fine, but I see why COMNEBOL, UEFA, and non-USA CONCACAF nations wouldn’t want the USA to have any years of consistent gameplay, but coincidental matchups, games called that happen to normalize prejudices and practices against USMNT players, where inconsistency is the primary objective of anti-USA soccer markets likely looking to damage the developing USA soccer market. Like an abuser grooms a captive with sleep deprivation, ruining their brain chemistry and forcing their attention, and eventual psychological terrorism from the abuse, I see consistentes in gamesmanship normalized by prejudice against the USA, where a “bad” call is as much bait to trigger the opponent and the team to further penalize with subjective authority. I don’t buy the “blame the ref” call, not when the option to blame the ref is so easily called out in the mediation of the spectacle. I have to believe “blaming the ref” was all part of the plan. Of course the USMNT had the chance to win, and they could have, but stacking a deck is a bet that you likely won’t get caught in your cheat, and that- more importantly- your opponent will be burdened, and tasked to compete all the while. My angle is hypercritical of COMNEBOL, and the greater FIFA governing body itself, because of how much money is in international tournament play, not limited to massive payouts and residuals their own nations get from engaging international matches and tournaments
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Obviously I’m wasting my time, my life and values here on Instagram. But for my own conscience, @anyataylorjoy if you saw my comment to your club vip scene in your story, and it bothered you as I could imagine, well, I’m sorry, but I cannot try to relate to such a privileged world anymore. I mUsT bE bRoKeN and tOxiC (sarcasm). How’s this for transparency, zuck? #fuckyournarratives #libtards
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@joebiden Fuck your narratives, death doesn’t discriminate, it catches us all. Could you send this to your intel community for me?: “Death is coming for you, guaranteed, you better TrUsT tHe sCiEnCe!” #ccpvirus #obamunismsucks #fuckyournarratives #hightreason #lifeinprison #merrickgarland #brennan #clapper #mayorkas #murderistheirweapon #peaceofmindismine
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I’m not here to be your friend. Instagram is not for friends, only self projections and sharing, at least to me. It’s profound how many project for “themselves” yet broadcast someone else’s viewpoint. Intellectual property is as dead as ever, thanks to the gReAt sOciAL sCiEnCe eXpErT MaRk ZucKeRbErG, darling ivy league child of deep state manipulation and gaslighters around the world! His death will be my privilege to experience, but his mistakes will never be exposed, mostly due to his psychological state of mind, combined with his wealth enabling forgiveness of crimes, where his “option” to care is as much his liberal investments, “dOnAtiOnS,” expenditures, and this is why he is dead already, to me at least. Subhuman, despite all his cOrReCt iNvEsTmEnTs and pOLiTiCaLly cOnNeCteD mEdiA fRiEnDs around the world. Death will find him, possibly in the dark of night. And the next day will be brighter.
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