Mahawira Singh Dillon


alien campursari
jalan menuju keputusan yang tepat #eh
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walau kampusnya jauh di BSD, menarik jg diundang ngisi kuliah sustainable marketing pake board games #emisi #boardgames #gamesforgood #seriousgames
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thank you for the street food treat, @angelicantillana 🍻
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Baku SCBD Jakarta May 2024 Dry Buta Ramen for 160 K IDR++ Great noodle texture balanced with a mix of savouriness and creaminess due to the egg yolk topped with an amazingly flavoured and beautifully charred cut of pork. The fact that it is dry allows it to remain light and really lets the noodles and pork shine. The price tag is steep, but this is definitely a premium bowl of ramen worth the asking price. Subsequently, their 300 K IDR++ Thai Glazed Pork Ribs which will undoubtedly satiate your palate. Tender but with just enough bite to make you salivate for more while the thai glaze is just the right combination of sweet, savoury, and spicy. Meanwhile, their 280 K IDR++ Korean beef ribs are also enjoyable with its fresh pear and grilled leeks, but if you only have space for one dish then my vote still goes for the pork ribs. For starters, their 135 K IDR++ Bone Marrow Beef Larb is a clear winner. I guess larb should be much spicier and much tangier than their rendition of it, but the bone marrow does add an enjoyable richness to the experience. Meanwhile, their 130 K IDR++ Thai Tuna Crudo might be my least favourite, but not because it's bad - just that perhaps a really fatty blue fin would do it more justice (i fear imagining how much it will cost tho). Their cocktails go for 150 K IDR++ each and although it is a bit on the upper range for cocktails in Jakarta, imho they deliver more than enough value to justify the price. The Kamakura is a very interesting combination of creaminess and fruitiness that i really milked experiencing longer than i would most cocktails just because i didn't want it to end so quickly. However, The Tapestry is what really knocked my socks off. The coconut sphere was such a refreshing experience and contrasts very well with the practically perfect negroni-like combination of the pandan whiskey and nutmeg tincture. I seriously might return just for a glass of this. Last but not least comes their 80 K IDR++ desserts. Their modernized mango sticky rice is good, but their Yuzu Parfait is just stellar. Creamy, tangy, fresh, and just looks amazing. #amazing #food #in #jakarta #so #worth #it
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playing Nin with @athreefa and @dansuwoyo great times with Cryptid and Super Foods as well thanks for the delectable bread and choco honey almond yo
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WARGANET! OBROLAN WARGA HOBBIES EPISODE 4 SUDAH BISA KALIAN TONTON! Di PODCAST keempat ini, WARGA HOBBIES berkesempatan buat ngobrol bareng para praktisi di acara DKV.IP & DEKACON 2024 - yaitu pameran karya kelas boardgame dari temen-temen DKV ITB. Cerita dari mulai bagaimana boardgame menjadi sebuah mata kuliah pilihan di kampus ITB sampai akhirnya terjadinya acara ini, kisah seru dari Sang Dosen Pemrakarsa dan juga Ketua APIBGI [Asosiasi Penggiat Industri Board Gim Indonesia], dan tentunya keinginan & harapan acara ini kedepan. Terima Kasih buat kuliah kilatnya: - Pak Alfa @alvanovmansoor - Mas Wira @mahawirasd KLIK link in bio buat full videonya! #hobbyindonesia  #boardgameindonesia  #bandung  #boardgameindo  #tcgindonesia  #mtg  #wargames  #tokohobby  #tokobandung  #hobbyshop  #tokoboardgame  #toko
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Saking serunya main Super Foods sampai ngemper di lantai euy #kemenparekraf #D4 #industri #boardgame #superfoods
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siapa tahu ada yang lowong dan tertarik #boardgamesforgood #APIBGI #gamesforgood
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Kalau sudah sukses propaganda bikin cult of personality tampaknya jadi semakin ga tahu malu bisa ngapain aja akan dilahap saja sama rakyatnya... semua soal jatah2an aja kayanya, dan ya penduduknya nerima2 aja kapan mau merdekanya kalau gini cara mainnya?
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Sate Jando Gasibu Gedung Sate Bandung, West Java December 2023 Mixed satay platter for 30 K IDR Sometimes the flow of life just whisks you along, life gets busy, sometimes you lose track of time. But sometimes something reminds you of what you like to do, and then you remember to slow down, take a breath, sit down, and write again for a bit. I initially saw the listing for this pop up satay vendor while walking around the area looking for breakfast options through the all seeing eye which says that they open at 9 on Tuesdays through Fridays but 6.30 on other days. I guess they want to be there for those who walk around the area on the weekends and to set people on the best way to start your Mondays - with amazing food. When i came by earlier today there were over 20 people on the line. I was initially reluctant fearing a long queue, luckily my gut instinct to stick it out really paid dividends. They got to me in less than 15 minutes and boy am i a happy camper. Now my penchant to try everything led me to instinctually order the mix platter, but please skip the chicken and just go for jando. Sure the beef is also quite good - it definitely is better than most other beef satays out there. But really, just go for the jando. Now the chicken isn't bad by a long shot, but it really pales in comparison to just how succulent the beef is and just how melt-in-your-mouth the jando is. The sauce is also top tier chunky peanut goodness, but it may be a bit on the sweet side - so do go for the chili sauce as well (which isn't actually hot, but essentially imparts a really good balance to the dish) Really the jando is just well rendered fatty tissue - which i reckon may have come from the mammaries, given the namesake. However, i think that they may have also picked the name to warn people how eating this every day will quickly produce a new widow. It is that good, gang... after devouring two whole servings just an hour earlier, as your boy is writing this review i have already been fighting the urge to walk there and queue up again #amazing #food #in #bandung #indonesia #satay #meatonastick #so #goddamn #worthit
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