The Wonderbutts


Fun and healthy lifestyle for dogs. Featuring Ian🌈, Patrick🦊, Ben🦥 & Lizzie🌪️! ❤️ Dog care tips 🛍 Pet product reviews
Zoomin to Monday because I am BOSS and ready to face everything! Just bring it on!!! #MeetTheWonderbutts
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Meet to Corgisaurus! 🦕 📹 @meet.the.wonderbutts - #barked #dog #doggo #Corgi
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Just like human, dogs have different personalities. Some love the company of other dogs, some don’t. It doesn’t mean that those who don’t aren’t well trained, or aren’t well socialized. Its just who they are. Lizzie isn’t fond of intrusive dogs. When a dog came to her from her front, with manner (slowly, not much jumping, sniffing, barking) she will let them. She will even sniff them back briefly, then leave them and went back sitting next to my left foot. But she will not tolerate butt sniffing, or worse, crotch sniffing 🤣🤣🤣. Ever since she had her first period, male dogs (especially) will go to her behind first before her face, and she will be furious! So when we go to a place that will be packed with dogs, we will put a tutu on her so she won’t notice if a dog get pass through me and take a whiff on her glorious behind! But nevertheless, I will always try my best to make sure she feels safe when she’s with me by making sure that no dogs (and people) approach her without her consent. So here it is, Lizzie wiggling her colourful glorious behind ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #MeetTheWonderbutts #leashyourdog #dogsontutus #thedodo
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When my household was filled with just boys! Oh how I miss Ian with all my being 🤗 #corgi #harrypotter #potterhead
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Short legged girl problem 🤣
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Happy Birthday my most handsome clingy boy!!!! You’re 7 today! Time flies real fast! I hope you’ll stay healthy and happy for the rest of your life, love!
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So last Tuesday mum and dad was invited by @didit_sys , the man behind @iipe.official to attend China International Pet Exhibition & Global Pet Cross Border E-commerce fair in Shenzhen as Indonesian delegation along with @taniasuganda and @ryan_a_saputra (our makan buddies) joining other delegations from Malaysia and Thailand. Before our adventure even begin, dad already start his own by misplacing his passport and got stranded at KL airport where we made a transit. (Remember the movie Terminal?) There was a lot of conference, meetings, dinners, site visits and of course evaluating the exhibition itself! But us being us, we still make time to enjoy various delicacies and the night life by visiting local bar and massage parlour after we finished our duties! Overall it was an eye opening experience where we can see how advance China’s pet industry really is. We also made a lot of new friends and connections all through the journey. I hope we get to meet everyone again soon! @june_six wait for us in June!!
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Buat yg mau baca ajah. Yang males baca di sekip aja gaes drpd malah ngaco info yg di serap. Lizzie di operasi tgl 17 Mei 2022. Jadi sudah setahun lebih hampir 2 tahun ya. Dan sejak di operasi sudsh 3x di usg alat reproduksi (tiap 6 bulan/1 bulan setelah mens). Hasil nya selalu baik, semua dalam batas normal. Tidak ada kelainan jg di semua kelenjar susu nya. Btw apakah kalian setuju dengan konsep hormone sparing?
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AI Ben in Borough Market. What do you think? Did AI do a good job?
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Have a merry little Christmas from our family to yours! Love, The Wonderbutts
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Its almost Christmas y’all!!! Be careful with food that are not safe for dogs, things that can bring harm to them like gift wrappers and all, and don’t buy dogs for Christmas present! Dogs aren’t things!
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Good things that you can get when you shop at @koperasi.iraw.bdg Store: - broaden your knowledge by discussing your pets’ wellbeing with Cindy - meet Wiggle and observing his antics - wide selection of premium pet products ready for you to buy - cozy place! So what are you waiting for? Go give them a visit! PS: mau dong menang lomba fotonya 🤣 #corgi #fluffycorgi #corgipuppy #fluffycorgipuppy #irawgoesoffline
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