

klodianamillona & yuanchunliu tirana~taipei~rotterdam @janvaneyckacademie 2023/24
“Qyteti që s’duhej të ishte në hartë” ka shfaqjen e tij në Dokufest në datë 8 gusht në orën 20.30, në kinemanë KinoLumi në Prizren. Përkundër epistemës gjeografike që qëndron gjithnjë kundër banorit të qytetit të Kamzës, si harta, territori, kufiri, ky film e lexon Kamzën - një qytet i bërë vetë nga banorët e tij pas viteve 90 - si ushtrimin më radikal të njerëzores dhe të drejtësisë hapësinore. Prodhuar si rezultat i punës së angazhuar në terren përgjatë shkollës trajnuese Writing Urban Places, në lagjen e Bathores dhe Paskuqanit, filmi lëviz nga ulëset e furgonit, shoferi i të cilit me shpoti refuzon të navigojë nëpër qytetin që ia përmohon ekzistencën, e deri te ura me dërrasa e Paskuqanit, ndërtuar nga duart e të ardhurit për të lidhur skajet e Kamzës me Tiranën. I jemi falenderues Klodiana Millonës për kontributin e veçantë në përgatitjen e këtij filmi, si dhe gjithë grupit që ka kontribuar në punën në terren, në kamera dhe editim: Nebi Bardhoshi, Elsa Paja, Antonela Pepkolaj, Busra Dilaveroglu, Holly Dale, Klodian Gjonpalaj, Lorin Niculae. *Mirënjohje: Artistit Killua për huazimin e tingujve të “Magjistari OZ” Familjeve pritëse të Kamzës Dorina Pllumbi, Willie Vogel, Writing Urban Places Shihemi në Prizren!
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days of intense beauty and heaps of contradictions in Sardinia, an island as much stunning as it is cursed, between preservation and its implicit destruction, stories of invisibilized violence told in whispers amid loud tourism and the twisted interrelation between militarization and preservation part of our research on the Mediterranean territories with A Natural Oasis? @bjcem_aisbl hosted greatly by @sardegnafilmcommission with @simone.frangi & @castiglioni.ale & fellows @evanezis @s.mudu @marienourh @marieanneherve & joachim friis suported by @stimuleringsfonds
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REAL STATE A *real estate* window display proposing (an)other view on the *real state* of things outside the commodifying gaze of the housing market. The work revisits the disputed informal expansions in Taipei, Taiwan, visibilizing other forms of living beyond property regime and that are in the first place a result of ownership hegemony. Part of “Politics of Space” @sodas2123 curated by @gabriele_cern on view @atletika_gallery Pic 2,4&10 by Laurynas Skeisgiela Pic 3 by Vitalis Vitaleus
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For the last two years we have been part of ARCUS Residency Project working with the insanely nice people of @arcusproject and many others brought our way. We are extremely indebted to @arumakt , @yumikofujimotoinu , @makikaoru , Kei, Kanoko, Tatsushi Fujihara and Yoichiro Sato among many. We present our long research through ‘Sticky Entanglements’《ねばねばした絡み合い》—two-channel video, 11’25”, available on the link in bio until 27/03– on entangled readings of the Japanese Empire rice engineering project in colonial Taiwan (1895-1945) and obsessing with the very sticky threads drawn by this scientifically improved seed and which are rendered invisible under dominant and flattening readings of agriculture and nature. Many thanks to the dearest @rae_gsvi for the sound composition Pictures by Hajime Kato #vibrantmatter #archives #soil #seeds #arcusproject #research #undoingnature #cartography
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Airing today at @radioalhara the launch of the aural publication ‘In Defence of the Ear’ 7 pm Bethlehem time / 6 pm CET Wave Function Collapse is a collaborative project that started during a lockdown relatively synchronized around the world, including our own locations; Kamza- Tirana- Rotterdam- Belgrade- Berlin -L’Aquila. Each work focuses on what by looking has been collapsed into a state that disables a present possibility, what is and remains unseen but which is entangled with what is visible and which stands inaudible. More about the work(s) at . In quantum mechanics, the collapse of the wave function describes the change from a system that can be seen as having many possible states to its being found in only one of those possible states. The collapse is thought to be caused as a result of measurement; to resist it means restraining the architecture of the eye from fixing a measurement, thus enabling entangled states to resist collapse. To do so we return to the ear. . Spoken language and sounds include: albanian, serbian, romani, the tired voice of law, crickets, earthmovers, automated voice machines, wind, hydropower turbine and river. *Who Bowed the Head? - Diana Malaj w/ ATA @diana_malaj *Crossways: Wind, Crickets, Drops - Giulia Francavilla @rae_gsvi *Doorkeepers, Timekeepers - Klodiana Millona w/Yuan Chun Liu *Kafe e Dynja / I tell ‘em it’s for my soul - Tijana Cvetkovic w/Vahida Ramujkić (minipogon) @tijanacvetkovicugursuz @vahidaramujkic *Time is chemical weapon, unleashed - Endi Tupja @rendepra . Cassette manufacturing @headlessduplicatedtapes
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showing our work ‘earthmovers’ at Kyiv Biennial 2021 — Allied — curated by East Europe Biennial Alliance
 with @rendepra . unfolding authoritarianism, (de)colonialism and the politics of memory in the conditions of post-socialist capitalism in Europe’s East; the biennial questions the notion of (semi-)periphery and its traditional geopolitical and cultural divisions with metropoles from the perspective of the transnational history of Eastern Europe. This year’s edition seeks to map the authoritarian landscape of the region, tracing its political genealogy, shaped by the extensive extractivism of natural resources, new data colonialism and surveillance capitalism. Part of Room to Bloom Curated by Marta Cillero, Marcela Caldas and Ségolène Pruvot (European Alternatives and Studio Rizoma)
 October 16 – November 14 The House of Cinema, Small Hall #kyivbiennial2021 #easteuropebiennialalliance
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同質化 該裝置是創作者於鹿特丹家中工作站的複製品;兩個同時存在於遙遠彼端的相同配置。 透過追朔配置中物件的來源與流通網路,講述全球化的相互聯結及其在我們的生活環境所帶來的同質化現象。討論在全球化市場和集團企業壓力之下的資源壓榨以及在地文化不斷被同化所帶來的城市單一化。 • Carbon Copy On interconnectedness and sameness. 
The installation is a replica of our own home working desk in Rotterdam, cloned in Taipei as part of the exhibition ‘Who Builds the City’ at Taiwan Contemporary Cultural Lab curated by Yu-Chin Ku @yuuuuu_cku , I-Chieh Liu @ichieh6822 , Huai-Chih Liang Tracing the origins and networks of circulation of these objects that exist simultaneously in the same arrangement in distanced places the work tries to address the pressure of global markets and corporations under which cities are becoming more homogenous, local cultures being assimilated and resources exploited. @wbtc_thinktank some of the pic by @thejamesteng #architecture #exhausted #globalecologies #resourceexplotation #domestics #research #whobuildsthecity
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scraps of recipes from video calls far away from home, smuggling grandma’s secret, walnuts picked from public trees from the streets of Prague by lovely teta Drita; making a traditional Albanian bakllava, (remanence of Ottoman empire) with 90 layers of dough and hours of labour has been the two most relaxing days of 2020, reconnecting with home and honouring our mothers and grandmothers #albanianbakllava
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We had the pleasure to talk about our research at @arcusproject on cross breeding rice in Taiwan with the brilliant environmental historian Tatsushi Fujihara, Associate Professor at Kyoto University. It was inspiring to share with him our findings and discuss his amazing research “Colonial Seeds, Imperialist Genes: Hōrai Rice and Agricultural Development ” part of the book “Engineering Asia: Technology, Colonial Development, and the Cold War Order”. The talk centred around ‘ecological imperialism’ and what Japanese colonial agricultural development shared with the Cold War development project, soil as a bio social archive, colonial engineered seeds as a symbol of the arrival of modernity, politics of name behind “Horai” rice, practice of native forms of agricultural knowledge as resistance and rice as an instrument for social engineering. Many thanks to @arumakt for tirelessly interpreting eng/japanese #ecology #rice #research #arcusproject #transgenicplants #geneticallymodifiedcrops #archives #soil #vibrantmatter
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Taichung 65: ‘Miracle Rice’ Hybridized seeds as a biosocial archive . We are excited to start our residency at ARCUS Project Japan @arcusproject where we will be exploring the critical materiality and hidden narratives of cross breeding rice. Our research traces the history of the production of new types of rice grains, which are known as horai, able to grow on Taiwanese soil as a result of the crossbreeding of Japanese varieties with others, during their colonization of Taiwan. We will focus on how genetically modified plants have exercised a firm agency over the environment, both physically and socially, understanding varying layers of power, knowledge, science and ecologies. Supported by @amartefonds
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WHAT DO WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT COMMONS? ⁣An attempt at exhausting our own home ! ⁣ .⁣ ⁣ This publication is the result of a long term self initiated research that investigates shared living spaces and everyday life in it. It focuses on home as the primary setting of everyday life, bringing to the center of attention ‘the infra-ordinary’.⁣ ⁣ Drawing on the idea of ‘the personal is political’ through this book we argue that it is important to visibilize the personal, the private, the intimate, in order to offer complex socio political insights that unpack the definition of home and a series of derivates encapsulated within it. ⁣ Within the pages of this publication we dramatically squeeze our lens into the everyday and its architecture. ⁣ ⁣ .⁣ ⁣ This research and publication was made possible with the kind support of the Creative Industries Fund NL. @stimuleringsfonds #architecture #commons #independentpublishing #research
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"LEAVE US ALONE" A MIRRORED FESTIVAL⁣ Project developed during the artist residency "WE ARE NEVER ALONE" ⁣in collaboration with workers of Primprylad Factory, Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine 10 Jun - 14 Jul 2019⁣ ⁣ Research on factories left behind in Ukraine after social change, and by holding a festival in collaboration with workers, it highlighted the social aspect of factories whereby an isolated community is formed while times moves on and work is absent. ⁣ Curated by METASITU @eduardocassina & @creaturbia within the context of the second City Scanning Sessions urban festival, MANUFUTURING, in Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine, hosted by Metalab @metalab.if #weareneveraloneresidency #urbanparticipatory #metasitu
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