🌺 Lyla 🌺


My secret trans account so shhh Trans poly lesbiab Owl House and Unmatched are my lifeblood Pfp: @itsnotnicsalad
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Tomorrow I will show my cosplay. Hope you're ready...
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Yes, everyone has been saying to vote. It is very important to vote. But make sure you study up on the people you're voting for and against. I haven't had time this year, due to college keeping me busy. Adjusting to college AND doing extensive research on political candidates is too much for my Don Quixote-esque dried-out brain. It is important to vote, as long as you know who and what you're voting for.
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You can take my money You can take my rights You can take my life But you can never Ever Take my pride. I am asexual. I am lesbian. I am trans. Stay mad.
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The rival has entered the arena #pride #pridedog
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Wow I haven't posted in over a year. Dang. Hey y'all! I'm still alive lol. A few days ago was my hrthday (hrt anniversary) and it made me think I don't usually think So anyway here's the best straight rep in ancient media Guys I'm lonely
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I don't know how I feel about things right now. It's all muddled up in my brain and I know good things will happen but so many bad things at once, just. Gosh. I'm losing access to some people and some people are moving on with their lives without me, meanwhile I'm still trying to figure out how to do my schoolwork. I'm lagging behind in everything in my life. I just want to catch up. Anyway here's the painting Nighthawk by Edward Hopper because I needed some picture to post. I hope you all are having a great day.
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Happy Trans Awareness Week! I know I missed the beginning but that's because things were a bit busy on the 13th. Mainly I came out to my dad, no big deal. But yes happy Trans Awareness Week to all the guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I love you all!!
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Biden is the predicted president now, which is a huge win. But it doesn't mean we're not still going to have to face hardships. Even if the president is on our side it doesn't mean everything will be okay. Keep fighting for BLM. Keep fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. Keep fighting for POC. Keep fighting for yourself and for all the others who are suffering. We're all in this together.
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Please, please vote. I don't want my rights taken away. I don't want to be bullied by our own president to stay in the closet. I know Biden isn't gonna make a great president but at least he knows trans people are real and deserve to exist. If Trump wins, I don't know if I'm going to be safe in this country anymore. Please, for the love of women, poc, people of religions other than Christianity, and the LGBTQ+ community, vote for Biden. I want this to be the land of the free, not the land of the suppressed minorities. I want to be free to be me out in public without being told I'm a trender or I'm faking it I want people to know who I am. I want to be me.
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Halloween accomplishments: Played Jackbox Party Pack 7. Very good Started Pikmin 3 Deluxe. One of my favorite games. Completed it on the Wii U 3 times before, but now it's on Switch (wish there were still touch controls but hey, we got the port) And finally I GOT THE MOONBERRY IN CELESTE OMGGGGG
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