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Quined Games


Quined Games publishes high-quality strategy board games.
🇬🇧🇺🇸 English below in the first comment of this post 👇🏼👇🏼 Non siamo riusciti a portare sul tavolo molti giochi nelle ultime settimane a causa di numerosi impegni di lavoro. Tuttavia abbiamo reperito questo gioco non proprio recente che ci incuriosiva da un po’ di tempo. 🗝️🌸 Keyflower é un gioco della tipologia piazzamento tessere ad asta che si svolge nel corso di quattro round. All’inizio della prima stagione pescheremo in modo nascosto 8 keyple e verranno messe all’asta delle tessere specifiche per ogni stagione. A nostro giudizio spenderemo keyple (lavoratori) per aggiudicarci le tessere o piazzarli momentaneamente per eseguire l’azione indicata, selezionando così il colore e la forza di quella azione. 🎯 L’aspetto sicuramente più innovativo è dettato dalla possibilità di eseguire azioni sulle tessere dei nostri avversari posizionando keyple che a fine round andranno nella loro riserva. 🤯 Il gioco tutto sommato sembra semplice, ma ha le caratteristiche di un vero e proprio brain-burner. E’ stretto e anche se a discrezione del giocatore, il numero di azioni é limitato rispetto a quello che vorresti fare. Necessita di più partite per essere padroneggiato, per questo e per la sua strettezza ci ha un po’ ricordato Cooper Island 🥹 📖 Il regolamento è a tratti poco chiaro e la versione digitale su #boardgamearena ci ha chiarito qualche dubbio, ma serviranno altre partite per chiarire alcuni punti. 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼 Come sempre lo abbiamo provato in due giocatori e la scalabilità è ottima, proprio perché la modalità di gioco non è in alcun modo alterata. L’interazione c’è e può diventare anche cattiva. 🔥 La variabilità nel set-up è ottima dato che le tessere vengono selezionate dal pool specifico di ogni stagione, inoltre negli anni sono state pubblicate molte mini espansioni con nuove tessere e due grandi espansioni che introducono nuove meccaniche. La durata di gioco è comunque contenuta e una volta comprese le icone, si va più spediti. ⚪️ Se lo avete provato, fateci sapere che ne pensate. Per noi è sicuramente promosso e non vediamo l’ora di reperire le due grandi espansioni!
⚖️ We're back home, and one of the first titles that we put on the table was Carnegie, the masterpiece that Xavier Georges published with @quinedgames . We used some of the new donations from the mini-expansion, as well as several departments from that expansion - including some really cool ones that allowed scoring for empty spaces in your office building, and for all markers placed within a region of your choice. Also, some really interesting effects were on tiles that we did not manage to purchase by the end of the game, such as being able to basically "teleport" one worker anywhere in your building at the cost of sending someone on a mission on the board. 🧩The puzzle offered by Carnegie is incredible and holds up really well after multiple plays. The interplay of positioning on the board, acquiring new tiles, deciding on what to focus for final scoring, and multiple other small mechanisms make it such a fascinating game that we always enjoy. 🎊 It's also been the first game when one of us made a lot of points during the game, especially by unlocking the first category of buildings (the ones with the bridges, always forgetting their names). Over 40 points by the end of the game! Unfortunately, that same player lost by more than 50 points lol 😂 ❓Have you played Carnegie? Which is your favorite Xavier Georges title?
How’s your Monday at work? 💕 P/S : This photo was supposed to be yesterday’s post! Oh well, opportunity for more posts 😝
Carnegie 🚂 In Carnegie, players are aiming to be the influential entrepreneurs building an industrial empire. 🏭 There are 20 rounds. Players take turn choosing one of four departments on the timeline and perform the action using the activated workers. Players have to pay attention to the timeline and opponents moves to be able to optimise income collection. There are opportunities to make a donation which helps secure end-game points. Department tiles are limited! There is this race element among players to grab those juicy ones before they ran out! Players also compete to be the first to reach the end of each region track. Our thoughts: We finally tabled our copy of the game, after playing it a while ago! Carnegie is a truly thematic Euro, where every decision hurts 🤕. Donations is an important element of the game. So you will want to be able to always pay for it. If you are able to predict your opponents move, you would be able to take advantage of it by sending your workers to the regions that will likely trigger income collection! This game rewards you if you are able to do a bit of everything. We always feel we could have done/ optimise more after the game ends 😅 We also are so in love with the game inserts and components, which makes the game even neater! 🤩 What’s a Euro game that you have played lately?
🐎If you are a board gamer, to the cliched "never meet your heroes", you might want to add "never play the out of print games that you desperately sought for years" - or at least, do not set unrealistic expectations for them. 🤠 Carson City is a game by Xavier Georges, codesigner of Troyes and designer of one of our favorite games, Carnegie. As such, you can see why the reprint of this title was something that we were really looking forward to. Furthermore, reading the rules further increased those expectations. After playing the game, though, we can say that we would have enjoyed this one so much more had we not set those really high expectations for it. 🌾 There's almost nothing wrong with Carson City - in fact, it is a unique blending of worker placement and tile laying where players can fight each other for action spots, can place cowboys in order to steal money from the buildings of other players, and can contest land plots claimed by other players. With 2 players, you have to play on the river side of the map, as it increases competition on the board for those high-reward land plots. Sure, some of the actions spaces could have been more interesting (many are variations on gain money / gain VPs), but there is enough going on to qualify this as a medium weight eurogame that has the advantage to accommodate 2 to 6 players. ♟️The select-a-character tile part of the game, which is essentially a construct-asymmetry-throughout-the-4-rounds of the game is also really cool. Some of the characters do seem to have better effects than others, but we have to play more in order to truly master how they should be used. ❓Have you played Carson City? What OOP title were you looking for and did not really raise to your (admittedly ridiculously high) expectations? Let us know in the comments!
🧩Not much to report today, just a sneak peek at one of our shelves. What is your favorite game from here and which one would you like to try? Let us know! 🏷️#archonagames #magnaroma #obsessionboardgame #forestshuffle #lookoutgames #carnegieboardgame #quinedgames #woodcraftboardgame #deliciousgames #fliptownboardgame #fliptown #cascadia #cascadiaboardgame #parksboardgame #shelfie #shelfiesofinstagram #boardgameshelfie #boardgameshelf
🌟 so here‘s the solution! how do we determine the final winner? - guessing right AND messaging me - if there are multiple people in for the win, we have to draw for the lucky one - in case no one guessed correctly, we go to next closest one, again no message, no win! ➡️ so check your guess and solution and message me, if you were close! 😉 • • #boardgames #brettspiele #gamenight
🤩 24 hours left! Do you ❤️ Castles? 🏰 If you do embark on a strategic journey in Stupor Mundi set in the reign of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor. Summon allies, upgrade your castle 🏰 and navigate alliances in a dynamic deckbuilding game. Choose actions wisely to impact the game's landscape and claim victory 🙌 ⚓ Love travelling around the circular board to obtain certain cards and actions. Also using specialists to get powerful advantages! Also the card action system rocks; by choosing whether to place your card face up for card benefit or down (with card art spears pointing to actions you can take) Building up your castle is extremely fun too and allows you to issue edicts 📜 and gain more benefits! So much to love here check it out now on Gamefound ⭐ . . . #stupormundi #frederickii #strategygames #gamefound #crowdfundinggames #quinedgames #bgg #bggcommunity #boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #boardgamesrule #iloveboardgames #jeuxsociete #brettspiele
🏰 STUPOR MUNDI is the next release by Nestore Mangone (Darwin‘s Journey, Newton) what‘s good 🔸interactive scoring element 🔹clever card play 🔸different strategies will lead to victory based on variable setup of specialists‘ tracks 🔹more opportunities to be exploited by changing available action cards 🔸overall great modern eurogame design 💭 i was able to play it 1️⃣1️⃣ times already and it still ranks between 8.5 and 9 / 10 for me! can‘t wait to play the actual deluxe copy with double layer player boards and final castle pieces! ‼️ the gamefound campaign is running for 2️⃣ more days and backers get 2 extra expansion modules for more replayability! also, it‘s most likely the only opportunity to get your hands on the deluxified versions of STUPOR MUNDI! check out @quinedgames for more information 🙃 • • ➡️ previous post: my GOTM May 2024 • • #boardgames #brettspiele #gamenight
🚨 Final Days to Back Stupor Mundi on Gamefound! 🚨 Time is running out to back Stupor Mundi on Gamefound! Here are five great reasons why you shouldn’t miss out: 🎯 Solid Eurogame with Simple Rules - It’s packed with deep strategy and classic gameplay that really gets you thinking. Plus, the ruleset is quite straightforward and intuitive, making it quick to grasp. 🤝 More Interaction, Not Solitaire - This isn’t just another quiet Eurogame; you’ll actively interact with others. Players control Frederick II’s possessions through issuing edicts, thus manipulating the objectives of some of the allies. It’s definitely not multiplayer solitaire! 🎨 Beautiful Components with Options - The game looks amazing. Everything from the cards to the pieces is beautifully made, and you can choose between wooden or plastic castle pieces. 🏆 Experienced Creator - It’s from Nestore Mangone, who also created Newton and Darwin’s Journey. Plus, it’s published by @quinedgames , who have a great track record for quality games. 🔄 Always Different - Every game plays out differently. You’ll find new strategies and challenges every time you play. If this sounds like your kind of game, give it a look before the campaign ends! #Tabletopping #StuporMundi #Gamefound #BoardGames #TabletopGames #BoardGameNight #BoardGame #QuinedGames #BoardGameGeek #Eurogames
⭐️ La sélect de sa semaine - 20 au 31 Mai A noter surtout une très grosse 2e semaine avec du très beau côté boutique 😊 Les 🏆 boutique: 🪚 Charpentiers de la mer du nord - 2nd édition 🇳🇴 👥1-5 🎂12+ / initié ⏳60 💡Shem Philipps 🎨 The Mico ⚙️ Viking, placement d’ouvriers, draft fermé, sélection d’action simultané ✅Un de mes + grands regrets actuels: ne pas avoir découvert + tôt ces séries. Je démarre donc (legacy of yu, paladins, architects) donc ce n’est que pour découvrir ces 1e que je repousse cet achat 😢 🧙‍♂️Evenfall 🧙‍♀️ 👥1-4 🎂14+ / familial ⏳60-120 💡 Stefano Di Silvio 🎨 Martin Mottet ⚙️ fantasy, magie, placement d’ouvriers, gestion de main, chaînage, 🃏multi usage ✅ il y a des jeux comme celui-là où je veux y aller les yeux fermés: tant de bons retours par des passionnés ❤️ 🌳Mythwind 👩‍🌾 👥1-4 🎂14+ / initié ⏳30-60 💡 Nathan Lige, Brendan McCaskell 🎨 Amanda Kadatz ⚙️ aventure, ferme, fantasy, Coop, énorme asymétrie ✅ Avec déjà 2 campagnes, le côté aventure coop cosy avec des mécaniques de jeu propres à chaque joueur à l’image de la baie des marchands en fait un des jeux dont je rêve 😍 Côté Campagne participative Les 🏆: 🏰Stupor Mundi 🏰 👥 1-4 🎂12+ ⏳90-150 💡Nestore Mangone 🎨 Maciej Janik ⚙️medieval, gestion de main, action, arbre tech ✅ Quined games a souvent proposé des jeux qui m’ont illuminé mes parties (City of the big shoulders, Carnegie…). En plus associé à N. Mangone 👍 ⚔️Ironwood 🪵 👥 1-2 🎂12+ ⏳30-60 💡 Maël Brunet, Julien Chaput 🎨 Maciej Janik ⚙️fantasy, Wargame, gestion de main, mouvement de zone, cartes multi usage de commande avec résolution de conflit ✅ jeu de card driven avec duel à pleine asymétrie tant dans le style de jeu, deck, condition de victoire qui fait penser à pagan ❤️ 🥃Micro Moonshine🧢 👥 1-4 🎂12+ ⏳45-90 💡 Michał Jagodziński, Kamil Langie 🎨 Jarosław Wajs ⚙️Économie, Mafia, placement d’ouvriers, contrats, draft fermé ✅ j’ai adoré Micro Cosmos du même editeur-auteur, j’aime ce petit format, prix raisonnable, à la tiny epic bigrement rempli. Donc je pense pledger celui-ci 😊 #jeudesociete #actualitejeux #jds #boardgamepassion #boardgames #j2s #jeuxdesociete #boardgamelover #boardgaming