The Board Game Doctor


A gregarious professional with some fancy letters behind his name, a penchant for board games, and a modest disposable income. What's on your table?
This morning I had some buddies over for games and friendship. We played #istanbul with expansions, #incangold , and #lasvegas (not pictured) #bgg
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Today we have a special Edition. Unfortunately my buddy ended up hospitalized on Christmas with a nasty infection. Decided to spread some holiday cheer and visit him with a bag of board games to lift his spirit. We played #Steampark , #StoneAge , and #Keyholt . #boardgames #bgg #tistheseason
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Chess: Super Mario- Swipe to Open . Grab your mushrooms and conquer your enemy in this classic war strategy game, with excellent cameos from your favorite Italian stereotype and his turtle foes. Run Time: 60 mins BGG Rating: 7.1 2 players, Ages 6+ . Likes: The figures are amazing, detailed, hand painted, and great sculpts of our favorite Super Mario characters. . Dislikes: As stressful as Chess can be, the figures are going to take a few trys to get used to. I played the first half of the game thinking my opponent’s peach figure was his Queen. It’s not. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #boardgamedoctor #chess #supermariobrothers #supermario #mario #boardgamedesign #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #limitededition #nintendo
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Codenames family portrait! 🌟 📷 🌟 so excited to grab these for the collection. We love to share codenames with guests and bring it where ever we go! . #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameart #boardgamedesign #marvel #unboxing #boardgamehaul #tabletop #codenames #disney #partygames
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What’s in the box 📦? — Swipe to open . Small World! Area control game with ever changing races and direct conflict. Think risk with way less luck and way less broken families. Got to bring this to the table last Monday. Super replay-able since the different races are randomized and different every time. Glad it’s in our collection. . #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameart #boardgamedesign #smallworld #unboxing #boardgamehaul #tabletop
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Splendor –Swipe to Open . New Addition: The name of the game is wealth [actually no, it’s Splendor, but whatever] and how much of it can you get? Act as a merchant in the renaissance buying up as many gem mines as you can to build up your prestige, all in hopes of having the grace of a noble placed upon you. Run Time: 30 mins BGG Rating: 7.5 2-4 players, Ages 10+ . Likes: Scheming! I love to scheme, and it feels like Splendor will be played with a lot of scheming. Trying to plan out your next moves while silently wishing to not be thwarted by your opponents. . Dislikes: The gameplay could be dry with two players, at least I anticipate it could. I think that with the resource aspect of Splendor this would be best suited for three players. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #unboxing #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #cardgame #gamecollection #gamedesign #boardgamedesign #splendor #newaddition
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Sheriff of Nottingham and Merry Men expansion –Swipe to Open . New Addition: Prince John is coming, and as a merchant sell your goods in the city that is now bustling with life. But watch out for the Sheriff, who can catch you selling illegal goods and will confiscate your bounty for himself. Play as a merchant and the Sheriff in the base game, and thwart away the Sheriff’s Deputies in the Merry Men expansion. Run Time: 60 mins BGG Rating: 7.3 3-5 players, Ages 13+ . Likes: This is an advanced game of BS with bribing and haggling involved. While Doc has played this a lot, I have not, but from the looks of it, I will sink my teeth into this game. . Dislikes: As with all games that have expansions, I wonder how the gameplay will favor with the Merry Men. I bring this game to the table with both gameplays so I can see which one is more fun. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #unboxing #bartergame #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #cardgame #gamecollection #gamedesign #boardgamedesign #sheriffofnottingham #newaddition
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Monopoly: Bob’s Burgers - Swipe to Open . Buy, sell, trade, and ruin your friendships with your favorite burger flipping family. Run Time: 120 mins BGG Rating: 5.2 2-6 players, Ages 8+ (BGG stats based on Simpson’s version of Monopoly) . Likes: While I prefer to forget my frustrated days playing monopoly, playing themed games brings new life to old favorites. Mostly, I love that I can have a version of a game everyone knows how to play with a cute theme we can can whip out whenever. . Dislikes: The figures are so cute but the broke! The heads are so large and the necks are weak so almost all of my figures are headless. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #boardgamedoctor #monopoly #bobsburgers #foxtv #fox #boardgamedesign #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #limitededition
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Love Letter: Kanai Factory Limited Edition–Swipe to Open . Ensure your love letter reaches the princess while thwarting the advances of the other suitors in this quick and clever deduction game. Run Time: 20 mins BGG Rating: 7.3 2-4 players, Ages 10+ . Likes: Quick and easy. Easy to learn and to teach. There’s hardly any downtime and it’s a fast filler for 30 mins. At a job I had earlier this year, several of the actors would play a very competitive game during the show and that was an exciting game to watch. . Dislikes: This game is excellent. I only wish we had the tempest version of the game. I’m more partial to that art. This game sometimes relies on luck which can be a bummer if you’re having an unlucky night; but I wouldn’t let that deter you from enjoying this game. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #loveletter #boardgamedoctor #deductiongame #kanaifactory #cardgame #cards #boardgamedesign #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #limitededition
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Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Board Game –Swipe to Open . New Addition: The Labyrinth board game. Fight your way through the labyrinth and then through Jareth’s castle without falling into the oubliette. Sarah must win the way into the castle and say the magic words to save her little brother and win the game. Run Time: 60-120 mins BGG Rating: 5.3 1-5 players, Ages 6+ . Likes: What can I say? Jim Henson is a huge part of my life and I needed to at least try this game out. I love the art and the figures, maybe it will be enough for this game to not completely flop on the table.  Jim Henson is reason enough to try anything. I mean we purchased Dice Forge for the only reason that the box art is a exact rip off of the Dark Crystal movie poster. . Dislikes: Reading the rule book and reviews for this game does not leave me confident that we will enjoy it. I do think painting the minis will be great, I just hope it’s not the only redeeming factor of this game. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedr #jimhenson #Labyrinth   #unboxing #davidbowie #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek #thelabyrinth #gamecollection #gamedesign #boardgamedesign
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221B Baker St: The Master Detective Game –Swipe to Open . Step into the shoes of Sherlock Holmes in this classic mystery game as he travels around London collecting clues to over 20 scenarios. We’ve played this and it’s sister game, 221B Baker St: Sherlock Holmes the Time Machine, a couple times and with the simple mechanics, difficult puzzles, and a Clue like competitiveness to solve the mystery first; this game will be one we keep reaching for. Run Time: 90 mins BGG Rating: 6.0 2-6 players, Ages 10+ . Likes: I’m a huge Clue fan, so themes of solving a mystery or riddles always attract me. This game specifically has a similar and simple way of moving and getting clues. It incredibly simple to learn how to play, but very hard to win. While this game is not as difficult as some of the Sherlock Holmes games I have played before, it still makes you use a lot of Holmesian deduction. Overall this game is light in complexity and can easily be played on a whim after dinner with gamers and non alike. . Dislikes: I wish more of the scenarios were included in this base game. While there are over 100 cases in expansions, only 20 come in the box. There is an option to play in cooperative mode, and to us it fell flat. It is much more enjoyable to play against each other. It can get a bit monotonous if you are playing a 2-person game and you both are rolling poorly. Some of the components are cheap like the Scotland Yard cards are printed on hard cardstock, and aren’t cut out beautifully. . Since we keep looking to be very critical of our collection and hone in on our favorite games to play at home or with friends, I think this one has a place in our collection. It’s more complex than Clue, but still has the pieces I love about games like this. . #boardgames #boardgamereview #gamenight #boardgamedoctor #sherlockholmes #221bbakerst #mysterygame #deductiongame #boardgameart #toycollector #collection #boardgamegeek
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