Water Meeple


📍🇵🇹 | 🙋🏻‍♀️Marta A Marine Biologist 🦈 that loves to dive into the world of Boardgames 🎲♟️ 💌 DM for collaborations and reviews
⚔️✨ Unboxing Celtae ✨⚔️ Celtae was designed by @orlandolopesdesa , art by @txemico and published by @pythagoras_games . It's my favourite Portuguese game of 2023, and on my top five of my favourite games of 2023, altogether with other internacional games. And has the most original and beautiful cover of all the games 🤩!!!! If you haven't tried it, please don't miss the chance. #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🇵🇹 Viana do Castelo está repleta de caras simpáticas de boardgamers com os seus jogos de tabuleiro favoritos, no âmbito do Projeto INSIDEOUT "Incluir, Partilhar e Conviver com Jogos de Tabuleiro Modernos", da associação @artmatriz.pt Peço desculpa se me esqueci de tagar alguém!!!! Avisem que eu adiciono-vos 🇬🇧 Viana do Castelo is full of the friendly faces of boardgamers with their favourite board games, as part of the INSIDEOUT Project "Include, Share and Socialise with Modern Board Games", run by the @artmatriz.pt association. I apologise if I forgot to mention anyone!!!! Let me know and I'll add you #artmatriz .pt #vianajogaforte #vianadocastelo #insideoutproject #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro  #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🏭💰 𝔽𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕖 💰🏭 🇬🇧 (🇵🇹 in the comments ⬇️) In Furnace 🏭, a game by @hobbyworldint and @malditogames , we're capitalists growing our industries and producing and exploiting different types of resources in order to accumulate wealth 💰. 🎲 The game is an engine-bulding with various types of mechanics, the first of which is the auction, which is repeated at the start of each turn. In the auction, each player bids with one of their chips, numbered from 1 to 4, in order to try to get the cards they are most interested in from a supply of cards available to all players. If you win the auction, that card will then feed your production engine; if you lose the auction, all is not lost, as the player will win the resources marked on the card multiplied by the number printed on their chip. After the auction is the production phase. And in any order chosen by the player, they can carry out the action on each card, either to produce resources, transform those resources into other resources, earn money or upgrade their cards. And that's basically how a round goes, as the rounds go by the production engine gets more developed and the advantages we get from it are also greater, meaning we get richer and richer 🤑😁 🟢 The game is very interesting and the biggest puzzle is at the point of production when you have to choose the order in which to activate your cards. Since the resources or actions of some cards influence or can improve the actions of other cards, this choice of card activation order is perhaps the most important decision in the game. 🟡 The only thing that made me less happy about the game is the need to manage a dummy player in the auction part, in a two-player game. ✅ But otherwise I really like the game and its elegant mechanics, which are easy to understand but still make you think. It's a game with an excellent balance between length (30/40 minutes) and complexity.
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✨ A Game for every mood - Whimsical ✨ 🇬🇧 Whimsical ✨ is this month #agameforeverymood🔮 (# created by @magicandmeeples ), chosen by @oohboardgames . And what game can be more whimsical than this Flamecraft from @cbalchemy ⁉️ You have human-like artisan dragons that do magic and study new tricks and potions, like pictured on this beautiful card. Or are experts in herbology or many other different crafts. They also bake or cook delicious foods. And have the most beautiful and well decorated whimsical shops. This game is so pretty and charming 😍 🇵🇹 Whimsical ✨ é o tema do #agameforeverymood🔮 (# criado pela @@magicandmeeples ) deste mês, escolhido pelo @oohboardgames . E que jogo pode ser mais "whimsical" do que este Flamecraft de @cbalchemy ⁉️ Este jogo tem dragões artesãos que fazem mágica e estudam novos truques e poções, como retratado nesta bela carta. Ou que são peritos em herbologia ou em muitos outros ofícios diferentes. Também cozinham e fazem comidas deliciosas. E têm as lojas mais bonitas e bem decoradas. Este jogo é tão bonito e encantador 😍 #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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💨🎐 Mystery Monday - Expansions 🎐💨 🇬🇧 Everyone knows the week starts with a good mystery, and today's #mysterymonday🎲 is about Expansions, chosen by @rolldraworplay . #mysterymonday🎲 was created by @justthreemeeple . This very pretty component belongs to an expansion of the first exclusive 2-player game that entered our collection. Although I love this game, it's not one of the most played at home, and I'm not even sure why. Maybe because my husband always beats me 🙃, but it's a very good game!!!! Tip: this game has a Japanese theme and inspiration 🇯🇵!!! 🇵🇹 Toda a gente sabe que a semana começa com um bom mistério, e a #mysterymonday🎲 de hoje tem como tema Expansões, escolhido por @rolldraworplay . #mysterymonday🎲 foi criada por @justthreemeeple . Este componente muito bonito pertence a uma expansão do primeiro jogo exclusivo para 2 jogadores que entrou na nossa coleção. Embora goste muito deste jogo, não é um dos mais jogados cá em casa, e na verdade nem sei muito bem porquê. Talvez porque o meu esposo me ganha sempre 🙃, mas no fundo é um jogo muito bom!!!! Dica: este jogo tem temática e inspiração japonesa 🇯🇵!! #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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💎💍 Thematic Thursday - Jewellery 💎💍 🇵🇹 O tema desta 5ª feira é Jewellery, escolhido por @boardhoardscored ✨ Só mesmo nos jogos de tabuleiro é que temos uma caixa cheia de anéis de rubi. Estes são do Instanbul: the Dice game da @pegasusspiele e da @mebogames . Este jogo para além destes bonitos anéis ainda tem uns tantos rubis e diamantes que me esqueci de colocar na fotografia. Diria que sou uma pessoa rica, com tanta jóia guardada em casa. 😁 #thematicthursday é uma hashtag criada por @boardgameoverlord . Junta-te a estes desafios semanais!!!! 🇬🇧 This Thursday's theme is Jewellery, chosen by @boardhoardscored ✨ Only in board games do we have a box full of ruby rings. These are from Instanbul: the Dice game by @pegasusspiele and @mebogames . In addition to these beautiful rings, this game also has many rubies and diamonds that I forgot to put in the photo. I'd say I'm a rich person, with so much jewellery stored at home. 😁 #thematicthursday is a hashtag created by @boardgameoverlord . Join these weekly challenges!!!! #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🧙🏼‍♂️🧹 Mystery Monday - Coven 🧹🧙🏼‍♂️ 🇬🇧 Today's #mysterymonday🎲 theme is "Coven", chosen by @boardom.games.weymouth . And for my interpretation of this theme I used this game which has some worker pieces that represent druids, and which are the grey tokens pictured in the photo. Do you know which game these pieces belong to? Hint: It's one of my favourite games of 2023 🤩!!!! By the way, if you like mysteries and board games, there's nothing better than joining in this #mysterymonday🎲 , created by @justthreemeeple 🇵🇹 O tema da #mysterymonday🎲 de hoje é "Coven", escolhido por @boardom.games.weymouth . E para a minha interpretação deste tema usei este jogo que tem umas peças de trabalhadores que representam druidas, e que são os tokens cinzentos retratados na fotografia. Sabes a que jogo estas peças pertencem? Pista: É um dos meus jogos favoritos de 2023 🤩!!!! Já agora se gostas de mistérios e de jogos de tabuleiro, nada melhor que te juntares a esta #mysterymonday🎲 , criada por @justthreemeeple #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🏕️🪵🔥 Thematic Thursday - Campfires 🔥🪵🏕️ 🇬🇧 For this post I was planning to take a picture enjoying some boardgames around a real campfire, but the weather played us a trick and the camping that we had planned for last weekend got to be postponed. In the meantime, while we wait for better summer days, so we can go camping, we can enjoy a different type of campfire with the help of Meadow from @rebelstudio.eu #thematicthursday has created by @boardgameoverlord , and this week's theme - Campfires - was suggested by no other than @campingmeeple , of course 🏕️!!!! 🇵🇹 Para este post, estava a planear tirar uma fotografia a desfrutar de alguns jogos de tabuleiro à volta de uma fogueira verdadeira, mas o tempo pregou-nos uma partida e o campismo que tínhamos planeado para o fim de semana passado teve de ser adiado. Entretanto, enquanto esperamos por melhores dias de verão para podermos acampar, podemos desfrutar de um tipo diferente de fogueira com a ajuda da Meadow de @rebelstudio.eu #thematicthursday foi criado por @boardgameoverlord , e o tema desta semana - Campfires - foi sugerido por ninguém menos que @campingmeeple , claro 🏕️!!!! #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🛩️🪁🕊️ Mystery Monday - Flight 🕊️🪁🛩️ 🇬🇧 Today's theme for this #mysterymonday🎲 (# created by @justthreemeeple ) is Flight as chosen by @boardgameduck . I don't have any game with planes, at least as I can remember. Then I thought about my birds from Wingspan, but the birds from Wingspan wouldn't be quite a mystery. So I chose this cute titmouse 🐦. Can you solve this mystery, and find to which game this little bird belongs to? 📣 Just a small disclaimer (suggested by my husband), these are not cannabis leafs 😅, they are from my Acer bonsai tree 🍁!!!! 🇵🇹 O tema de hoje para esta #mysterymonday🎲 (# criado por @justthreemeeple ) é Flight, escolhido por @boardgameduck . Não tenho nenhum jogo com aviões, pelo menos que me lembre. Depois pensei nos meus pássaros do Wingspan, mas os pássaros do Wingspan não seriam um grande mistério. Por isso, escolhi este bonito chapim 🐦. Consegues resolver este mistério e descobrir a que jogo pertence este passarinho? 📣 Só um pequeno aviso (sugerido pelo meu marido), estas não são folhas de canábis 😅, são do meu Acer bonsai 🍁!!!! #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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🌊💙 Celebrating World Ocean Day 🌊💙 🇬🇧 (🇵🇹 nos comentários ⬇️) Yesterday was the World Ocean Day 🌊, and we decided to celebrate it in our favourite boardgame cafe @ajogarviladoconde . And of course the games chosen had to be Ocean related. We started with Reef, from @next_move_games , that we always happy to came back to. And finally had the chance to play for the first time this very pretty Sea, Salt and Paper, from @bombyx_edition . After indulging on the some of the amazing food of the @ajogarviladoconde , we ended the afternoon with Underwater Cities, from @deliciousgamesboard and @arrakisgames . Just to remind you that the Ocean plays an important role in our lives and the life of our Planet 🌍. Even if we live far away from the Ocean, it will impacts our everyday life in more ways than most of us can imagine (just to give you a small example, the Ocean is responsible for more than 50% of the oxygen that we breathe). Protecting the Ocean is fundamental for our wellbeing and for the wellbeing of our Planet Earth 🌍💙. Sometimes we don't know what actions to take to protect the Ocean and our Planet and I would like to remember my European counterparts that today is a day when you can choose a way to protect it. Choose the voices and the actions of those who are ready to advocate for a sustainable future on our common European Parliament. Don't forget to vote!!!! 🗳️ #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple #worldoceanday #protectourocean
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🏰🏰 Castles - Thematic Thursday 🏰🏰 🇬🇧 So it's Thursday again, and today I absolutely love this theme. I am a big fan of Castles. If I am visiting a place, and if happens to have a Castle is always the first thing that I go to. I still have an objective of visiting all the Castles in Portugal. Still some to go, but a lot of them already check out of the list ✅. For this theme I've combined two games, Castles of Burgundy by Alea (@ravensburgerglobal ) and Queendomino by @blueorangenews and @mebogames . Today's theme 🏰 was chosen by @spaghettiandmeeples and #thematicthursday was created by @boardgameoverlord 🇵🇹 É quinta-feira outra vez, e hoje adoro este tema. Sou uma grande fã de castelos. Se estou de visita a um sítio, e se por acaso houver um castelo, é sempre a primeira coisa a que vou. Tenho ainda o objetivo de visitar todos os Castelos de Portugal. Ainda faltam alguns, mas muitos deles já estão fora da lista ✅. Para este tema juntei dois jogos, o Castles of Burgundy da Alea (@ravensburgerglobal ) e o Queendomino da @blueorangenews e @mebogames . O tema de hoje 🏰 foi escolhido por @spaghettiandmeeples e a #thematicthursday foi criada por @boardgameoverlord #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple #castles
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🏺🐟🦀🦑🏺 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕞 🏺🐟🦀🦑🏺 🇬🇧 (🇵🇹 in comments ⬇️) Last weekend was time for Braga Romana @braga_romana , a festival that takes the city of Braga back in time, to when the city was called Bracara Augusta (swipe to the last photo). The Roman fair immediately reminded me of Garum, the game by @pythagoras_games , which I curiously tried out for the first time also in Braga during @legiaodosjogos_ !!re!!_039;s anniversary, last February. Garum 🏺 was a fermented fish and shellfish sauce used as a condiment in ancient Rome. Its production and export in those days was of great economic importance in the coastal areas of Lusitania. 🎲 Garum is a game of allocating pieces, which have various colors according to the different raw materials used to produce Garum 🐟🦀🦑 and which also correspond to the different players. So each player must place a piece on the game board in turn, in order to maximize its color in the different rows and columns of the board. Each player also has a small number of meeples that they can allocate to the rows or columns of the board, in order to score according to their color in that row or column where they have placed the meeple. ✅ This is a very easy and relatively quick game to play. Although the mechanics are quite simple, the choices we make when allocating the pieces or meeples on the board are quite interesting, since our number of meeples is small, so we have to be as efficient as possible on a board that is shared by everyone. The interaction between players is therefore also quite interesting to explore. 🎨 Graphically, the game is also very appealing and as you fill up the game board, it gets more and more colorful and interesting. It also has a historical theme, which is something I really like. I really enjoyed trying out this Garum and I'd love to have the chance to play it again. Although it's not exactly a recent game, it's quite interesting. #boardgames #boardgamelove #bgg #tabbletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #bggcommunity #boardgameofinstagram #boardgamepassion #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgamephotography #spiel #jeuxdesociete #juegosdemesa #watermeeple
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